New version of Thompson...?

yeah, I see all of your points(except from the one that made you want to cry..?) I'm thinking not all is going to be metal. It's supposed to be some plastic and no wood. I'll make a more detailed picture not seen directly from the side next time..I'll even tuch it up in photoshop :wink:

yeah, you PM me some of yer work :ok:
Meh, a plastic grip and stocking will successfully take it out of a steampunk setting.
The stocks and grips can be wood, they just need to have them cut down to reasonable sizes.

Here's a good example of a fairly minimalistic wooden stock:


I wouldnt' say copy that exactly (since your magazine doesn't go through the grip) but that's a good example. There are full stocks for rifles called thumbhole stocks, usually, that seem like they would break the first time you fired them but they work. They're not as sturdy as normal stocks, of course, but good enough.

Forgot to add, the stock is for an IMI Uzi submachine gun. - Colt
yeah, I would never say that wood is a bad material, I know that because I work a lot with wood, and I know lots of ways to make wood stronger and more durable and stuff like that. I just wanted to make it more modern-like...I experimented a bit with the thompson at school yesterday(on paper, I'm much better at that :P )and I found that with shades, more detail and some modifications it can look pretty good. I'm gonna try doing it on the PC sometime soon...