Fallout 2 mod New voice for Cassidy

What do you think of joey's first attempt at a Cassidy voice?

  • Perfect

    Votes: 25 73.5%
  • Decent

    Votes: 9 26.5%
  • It fucking stinks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Needs work, but getting there

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If the sound files don't match up exactly, one delivery might be longer or shorter, then the lip files will have to be done again to match the new sound files. Fun times.
Hey guys.
1) It's indeed a very good Clint-Eastwoodish sound, as far as I'm concerned. Good recording, too. (My voice is at its roughest when I'm actually hangover, so maybe you could try that :)).
2) I'm not specifically looking to "enhance" RP. So far, I have my hands full just figuring out its bugs.
3) Everyone is able and welcome to submit pull requests at https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project.
4) There's plenty of people who are able to convert the voicing into FO2 format and submit a pull request. I trust that if there's demand, there will be supply.
5) Every (already) voiced line has a sound id it it - Cas0103, Cas0104 here:
{102}{}{You see an elderly man with deep wrinkles along his face. He nods at you.}
{103}{Cas0103}{Well, now. I ain't seen you around before, stranger. Name's Cassidy. I run this place. What can I do for you?}
{104}{Cas0104}{Well now, if it ain't the mysterious stranger. What can I do for you today?}
{105}{}{Ug Nog?}
Not every Cassidy's line has it, but these would be a good start. Anyway, the whole file is not that large.

Burn. You are a legend. Thanks so much. Huge help. I seem to have all the tools I need to get .wavs working in the format FO likes, just need to do a bit more reading. I've recorded all of ol' Cass's lines, now, so that' next as soon as I got time.

FYI, I was just planning to release this as a standalone add-on in case folks preferred my take over Adam Dravean's. Not looking to rpelace. If you ever did want to add the option to choose, tho, I'd be thrilled to help you implement that. :)

If the sound files don't match up exactly, one delivery might be longer or shorter, then the lip files will have to be done again to match the new sound files. Fun times.

Lip syncs definitely will not match up. I'm going to need to run the tool that generates new ones (which I haven't tried that, but I've been told it's a, er ... pain!)
@slick liquid
as I said earlier.. bug @Cubik2k about the nessecary tools for the job. Tell him it's from the old archives from His long-gone modding site. He has a backup of all the tools there. I remember while plowing through that site way back. I've found sweet tools to make complete voice overs for Fallout 1/2 engine the one You seek is called lip2sync.exe as far as I remember. With a little luck it will have an english version too. what lip2sync.exe does it syncs .lip files generated previously, with Fallout vioce files in order to be fully compatible with them.

Unfortuneatly at that time i was still an internet rookie/noob and did not foresaw the fall of Cubik2k's modding site. neigther did web.archives.org. There are some bits of the site present there, unfortuneatly download section is off the table.
The voice sounds like a true Texan wastelander, I like this alternative version.

But seriously, great job, slick. I was just considering doing a re-record now that I'm older (oh god, so much older), but it looks like there's not much need. I might still do it just for fun though.
heyyy @Dargoon I guess I got totally distracted and forgot ... and never finished this! I'm perfectly comfortable with audio files but think I couldn't get some of the tools needed to get this working in game to work as intended.

If anyone is able to give me a hand in converting my .wavs and packaging them up to work in FO2, I'm game to get this done
Sorry, I have no idea how exactly the lip file stuff is working. What I remember about it from many years ago is that making lip files is very tedious.

The new recordings are pretty good, by the way.
Oh damn @Dravean replied! Hey man – you should TOTALLY record again, but I'd be glad to still offer mine up as an alternative for anyone who wants it :)

Just had a go at recording a couple Cass lines again as I can't seem to find my original files (:?).

My problem is that I don't seem able to get the "wav2lip" converter thing that @burn helpfully linked to to work :( I wonder if @Lexx could weigh in?
Hey slick.
You can't seem to run it because it is a command line application ( like in pre windows MS-DOS times, but it's 32-bit a.k.a an application without Genuine User Interface a.k.a no GUI). when you famillarize yourself with the usage of wav2lip.exe you'll certainly notice that .lip file it creates ain't perfectly synchronised with cassidy's mouth moovement. for that you must bug @Cubik2k to give you stuff from his long gone modding site called lip2sync.exe it takes a .lip file and adjusts it so that it is synchronised in game with Cassidy's lips moovement on his talking head during the time he speaks. Russians probably don't have this application as I assume Cubik2k ain't a Russian and was not associated with TeamX. currently it's gone from the internet as "Fallout Modding Center" a site which held well known fallout tools from all around the world, plus some stuff from Polish Fallout-fan programers, which was virtually unknown to the rest of the wold. lip2sync.exe was treated as a sort of local add-on to Russian/TeamX made wav2lip.exe. I Highly doubt it's on TeamX's site and probably the reason why Russian mods don't include voice acting in talking heads, because wav2lip output ain't well synchronised with talking head lip moovement. lip2sync.exe was a cure for that, but it's no longer present on the internet. Fortuneatly Cubik2k has a backup of stuff from that site. So try to reach him. For the time beeing, familarize yourself with command prompt usage, and learn wav2lip.exe's commands, and command input order.
Best of Luck
Thank you v much for your response and the extra detail @gustarballs1983,

I'm comfortable enough with command line executables. Thing is, wav2lip does not open a command line when I try to run it. It's like it's immediately closing. I've tried it in every available compatability mode and it's not opening at all.

@Cubik2k would love if you could hop in here and offer some guidance, I'm starting to feel a bit lost here :(
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And not to derail the conversation from this debugging nightmare I'm having, but I've had a lovely message from Chris Avellone who I bugged on LinkedIn for some feedback on my Cassidy performance!

Thing is, wav2lip does not open a command line when I try to run it. It's like it's immediately closing.

I'm not familiar with this program but it probably because it expects terminal input. It might spit out some general use info when you run it and then exit. And since the program is finished it will also close the window.

Open a cmd prompt and go to the directory where the executable is and start it from there and it wont close.
cd <path to exe folder>
<name of exe>

If you get no output try add adding /?, -h or --help
I'm not familiar with this program but it probably because it expects terminal input. It might spit out some general use info when you run it and then exit. And since the program is finished it will also close the window.

Open a cmd prompt and go to the directory where the executable is and start it from there and it wont close.
cd <path to exe folder>
<name of exe>

If you get no output try add adding /?, -h or --help

holy shit i got it to work.

thank you so much [USER=122031]@Lirk[/USER]. now to re-record all of cassidy's lines and convert them
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to test, I straight up replaced the existing .lip .acm and .txt files that were in \mods\rpu_cassidy_voice.dat with my own. this was the result:

the lipsync to the talking head actually looks good, it's just that it's playing at 2-3x speed (and pitch!!) and now I'm lost. lol.
Well that's progress at least! I have no idea about that speed up issue though but the readme in the archive mentions that the suggested wav format is PCM 22050Hz, 16-bit Stereo and that the exe snd2acm converts the audio.

A quick googling for that gave this site: https://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=29759.0
which has the help output from snd2acm:

Sound to ACM converter v1.0 beta (c) 2000-2001 ABel [TeamX]
Usage: snd2acm [-snd_type] snd_file_name acm_file_name [-q0 | -q percents]
snd_type can be used to specify the sound file format:
-8 8-bit raw PCM sound
-16 16-bit raw PCM file
-ACM ACM file
-WAV WAV file
-q percents limits the output file length by this percent of input
length, sould be between 1 and 100 (default is 50%).
-q0 unconstrained output file length.

The -q option seems a bit suspicious were default is 50% file length, but it might have no relation to the issue. You could try manually converting the audio with snd2acm with different -q options and see if there is one which does not give the speed up.

Edit: An easier option might be to simply slow down your input files to match the speed up from the output. :D
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thanks @Lirk (and thanks so much for signing up here just to help me)

one thing I did notice is that I did match the wav format ... except I've been using mono and not stereo. I guess I missed that.

Let me try wav2lip once more with that change!