New Weapons


First time out of the vault
Ok I know it's not really fallout. I usually dislike it when people put one weapon from one game into another.(well besides "Ash's Chainsaw") But if some one could make a working Proton Pack with full random plasma streams I'd be the first in line to download it.

Why? Because I think it would be funny. Then again that's me.

Well that's my request. What would some of the rest of you like to see?
How about any gun from Fallout 1?

Then again, Beth added some of them. Sorta. In a seriously mangled way.
Proton pack? Streams?

Streams are extremely difficult to make properly in games, and they're very computation & resource intensive. That's because the stream must consist of lots of little blobs following each other very closely.

This is being done for the Mk II Flamethrowers in F3C (v0.6).

I have also figured out how to make a weapon ignore animation and rate of fire, so it literally releases a new projectile every frame - which I believe is the absolute limit per weapon. I did it to a copy of the little alien blaster, then setup a row of 30 something ferals, and cut loose. The "stream" acts like some sort of blue energy whip, melting them as it passes through them...
Dubby said:
The "stream" acts like some sort of blue energy whip, melting them as it passes through them...

i don't know why but the thought of this was hilarious to me, wow that just cracked me up.
Dubby said:
Proton pack? Streams?........

I have also figured out how to make a weapon ignore animation and rate of fire, so it literally releases a new projectile every frame - which I believe is the absolute limit per weapon. I did it to a copy of the little alien blaster, then setup a row of 30 something ferals, and cut loose. The "stream" acts like some sort of blue energy whip, melting them as it passes through them...

Yeah Proton pack. From the movie Ghostbusters. and yes I realize there is a game coming out of it's own.

How satisfying was using the modified alien blaster to melt your away your foes?

I wouldn't want the proton pack as an actual weapon in game I don't think just something to play with.
Aside the fact that it was bugged and listed 0 damage, but still instantly killed (and melted!) anything it touches?

Suprisingly satisfying. However the rate of fire on that thing is tied to your frame rate, and not the global time scale. Turn the time scale up, the weapon fires "slower". Turn the timescale down, and it forms almost a solid arc of energy that quickly lags the game to pieces. So, yes. Pretty entertaining. I'll keep it in the release, just for the sheer amusement factor. Lol

I'll upload the toy-alien-thing to nexus for you.

Edit: Done. Here you go:
Public said:
I want the old lazer and plasma weapons' design, and a bozar!

Didn't you see the plasma pistol model? There's folks working on the old weapons. Just be patient, and give us all time.
Dubby said:
Public said:
I want the old lazer and plasma weapons' design, and a bozar!

Didn't you see the plasma pistol model? There's folks working on the old weapons. Just be patient, and give us all time.

Sure, I was just...y' my 5 cents.

I'm not requesting anything or forcing anyone to do what I want to see to be modded.

Just don't be stressed man, take it easy, take it cool.
I'm trying to do music like that, and it works :P