Mildly Dipped

Ok, my country can rest now, Martin Torrijos Espino has been invested as our rightfully elected president. Even though Martin is the son of late General Omar Torrijos (aka the man who negotiated the canal with the USA) and is a reminder of the 20 years of Dictatorship that occurred from 1969 to 1989, he is the president that has won an election with the largest public acceptance percentile in the history of my country: ~56%. This shows that the people still love Omar Torrijos and the ideals he stood for: a socialdemocracy that was independent yet not a threat to the USA.
Looks like the so touted "democracy" that the oligarchy sold to the people as the ideal form of government hasn't had the results that were expected (for the people, the rich got the shit they wanted in EVERY government). Let me make a recap for those how don't know what happened in the last 15 years after Noriega was taken out of the country (even though you killed more than your official figure of 3000 people, we are still grateful that Noriega is rotting in a cell (you know rotting being a figurative verb since he has internet, air conditioning and other commodities voided to normal inmates) thanks to your intervention US, thank you.) by the intervention of the USA.
The story starts with the government of Guillermo Endara Galimany (the rightful candidate that defeated Noriega's candidate in the election who still lost and got clubbed by thugs when his party protested). Endara, a very intelligent and capable man (who for his brutal honesty and total lack of malice earned the nicknames: Pichulo, Cuchungo, Ñoño, etc (taken as synonyms of idiot in normalspeak) led the reconstruction of the country with US help. The country seemed to have a good balance between the payment of the National Debt (one of the many unfortunate legacies of the military Dictatorships from the 70s (a ND of $7 Billion, unheard of in a country of our size)) and progress. Without somebody to keep them in line the Legislators began to screw around with the constitution giving themselves privileges like salaries of more than $7000.00 (plus bennies ) and parlamental impunity. Even though the country had some minor scrapes with blatant corruption, we pulled through fine and the outcome was doubleplus good.
Then came Ernesto Perez Balladares. El toro as he is nicknamed, came from a populist-oriented party (the one founded by Torrijos in the 80s), so he would look after the people who were pretty neglected in the previous goverment, right? Of course, he watched for the people: the oligarchy and himself. His first shady deal was the negotiation of the utilities, which were under state control (a great move by Torrijos that gave us cheap electricity and telephone services) up to that time. The BID (or the rotten soul of Iblis as it's known in Hell) demanded that the conditions for more loans were the following: the Panamanian government would sell its utilities to international companies and that the Work Code was revised because it was outdated and anachronical (I know thats a redundancy but its an exaggeration to show a fact that wasn't true: the code worked VERY well for the people....not for the rich who didn't have enough tools to FUCK the working class over.). Against the desire of the majority but with a strong backing of a few deluded ones that felt that the IRHEE and the INTEL (the electric and phone services respectively) could use some good ole' fashioned neo-colonialist, capitalistic and globalized updating. The conditions that the deals were struck at didn't cause much scorn until we found about some of the worst ones: we couldn't sue either company for bad service for 10 years while they had monopoly and free reign of the pricing. Why would a sane president accept such unfavorable conditions for the Panamanian people? Easy: he was paid A LOT of money. He also screwed up when he tried to get a plesbicit (I don't know the English word, sorry guys) to modify the constitution to open the possibilities of re-electing himself. That initiative fizzled and when his term ended, Panama had a plusminus outcome: we had a Billion dollars in the bank as a Social Emergency Fund BUT we got fucked over by the Edemet-Edechi (the Spanish company that won the bid for the electrical services) and Cable & Wireless (the British company that won the bid for the telephone services.
Now enters Mireya Moscoso like the Sandman, handing smackdown. An interior design graduate, her only merit was that at one time she was the cock-sheath of Arnulfo Arias Madrid (another Nationalist and Populist president of Panama gone dictator and deposed with the approval of the USA). Arnulfo made lots of good work like instituting female vote, making our first system of Social Security. These were the most notorious good deeds. Now for the bad: Arnulfo was a Harvard graduated doctor with serious affinity with the Axis. He was convinced that the Aryans would win the WW2 and Panama, a potential ally to the Third Reich, had to be purged of impurities (Chinese, Jewish, African and Middle Eastern influences). To further that racist agenda he instituted two main initiatives: he started expropiating the businesses of those of "dubious" origins (you know, kind of like the USA is persecuting people of "dubious" (don't give me that melting pot rubbish, the US is still a very racist country, always was and will always be (you call us latinos, buchis (bush shit) and many other cute names and treat us as such)) origins) and also he gave orders to the doctors at the Social Security Health Services to sterilize people of African origin when they came in for surgery. Arnulfo was deposed 3 times (all of them with help from the USA) but kept being re-elected by the people. His last work was supporting Endara on the "elections" against Noriega. Now, I'll close the historical parenthesis. Ok, we were with Mireya Moscoso, former cock-sheath of Arnulfo (or Fufo as we who know him and love/hate him call him). This puffed-up hag bitch was elected just because people hated El toro and the PRD (the toro's former party). She kept a low profile, until she announced one of her "modern" and "brilliant" initiatives: to take the SEF that I mentioned above (the 1 Billion bucks in the bank) and invest it in socially needed works. Those needed works can be summarized in one thing: the centennial bridge (yes, other than the Thatcher-Ferry bridge, we know have another bridge to cross over the canal...uh, kind of). I said kind of because the stupid bitch innaugurated the bridge while it still was missing the necessary road structures that would enable the people to USE it, an evident and pathetic attempt to make a good name for herself which fizzled because we now hate her for that. The other works of social need are still to be seen other than some hospitals' (no more than 10) refurbishing. The rest of the money has apparently vanished. Mireya's government has been plagued with corruption scandals with the favorites being: the HP-1430 (the presidential helicopter which was apparently sunk to cash the insurance), the CEMIS (while we still don't know what the FUCK was the CEMIS we do know that it was approved by the Legislator's who supported Mireya (along with the buying out of some of the opposition, most notably Carlos "Tito" Afu), and also the Legislators that confessed receiving bribes got away scot free because Mireya elected her acolytes as the Supreme Court Magistrates), the house from Punta Barco (a mansion that the cock-sheath misteriously received from her misterious grandfather (who misteriously isn't of wealthy origin)), the Cerro Punta-Boquete road (a road would pass THROUGH A FUCKING NATIONAL, ECOLOGICAL RESERVE and that CASUALLY passed next to her and her friends' houses in the area (the Boquete area is a paradise-like area, considered by many in the world's third best place to retire) while it ignored the native communities in the area, instead of making a longer and more beneficial loop which would avoid the reserve and benefit the indigenous Embera-Wounan tribes in the area) and finally, the most recent one: the liberation of the TERRORISTS that where captured with explosives that would have been used to attempt against Fidel Castro's life while he delivered a speech in the National University (where he is loved by the left branded majority). We now have a recording from the Cuban Intelligence Services that shows Mireya's rotten neck breath, telling Simon Ferro (former Panamanian ambassador in the United States) that the agreed men had already been liberated. Luis Posada Carriles (the supposed leader of the terrorist cell) was allowed to leave the country even though he was being asked for extradition by the Cuban and Venezuelan governments. Venezuela had an extra reason to want that man in her hands. The terrorist cell led by Carriles is responsible for the bombing of a Cuban airplane in Venezuela that killed more than 40 people. That the Cuban exile in Miami is behind this move is crystal clear and also the US government involvement in this sordid affair is EVIDENT. Not even that stupid bitch would have released 4 people with the amount of HEAT that these trematodes have on them. Somebody paid A LOT of money which bought many people something: Carriles and his cronies have their freedom; the Cuban exile has four thugs to kill innocents with; Mireya is still deciding what to buy and us, the Panamanian people, got something too....Now, we have the delight of being perceived as a country that condones and sponsors terrorism! People cried when 3K+ US citizens died in the Twin Towers attack. We branded those responsible as terrorists and went after them. Forty Cuban citizens died and nobody gave a shit. So what if that terrorist cell was trying to kill a dictator? That still doesn't make it right.
US' doublemorals sickened me in the past but now, I don't know how I feel...anger, disgust and those unhealthy emotions have abandoned me and now I just have apathy left.
Going back to Martin Torrijos, I just want to say that the man has his work cut for him in more ways than one. He still has to deal with Cuba's and Venezuela's cysm (sp?) with us (yes, in response to the Carriles' incident, Cuba and Venezuela broke diplomatic relations with my country). Martin is the son of a great redentor but is getting contaminated by the politicians in the party. I still have hope for him because I don't think I could live in a country completely sold to the foreigners where us, the rightful owners, are just the employees and beggars. Good luck, Mr. Torrijos, you have a legacy to live up to. Don't misuse or discard it, your father is watching you, wherever he is now.
P.S. sorry guys for the monolithic paragraph format but its the only way I know how to write in.
P.S.S. I just had to get that out of the system.
Looks like the so touted "democracy" that the oligarchy sold to the people as the ideal form of government hasn't had the results that were expected (for the people, the rich got the shit they wanted in EVERY government). Let me make a recap for those how don't know what happened in the last 15 years after Noriega was taken out of the country (even though you killed more than your official figure of 3000 people, we are still grateful that Noriega is rotting in a cell (you know rotting being a figurative verb since he has internet, air conditioning and other commodities voided to normal inmates) thanks to your intervention US, thank you.) by the intervention of the USA.
The story starts with the government of Guillermo Endara Galimany (the rightful candidate that defeated Noriega's candidate in the election who still lost and got clubbed by thugs when his party protested). Endara, a very intelligent and capable man (who for his brutal honesty and total lack of malice earned the nicknames: Pichulo, Cuchungo, Ñoño, etc (taken as synonyms of idiot in normalspeak) led the reconstruction of the country with US help. The country seemed to have a good balance between the payment of the National Debt (one of the many unfortunate legacies of the military Dictatorships from the 70s (a ND of $7 Billion, unheard of in a country of our size)) and progress. Without somebody to keep them in line the Legislators began to screw around with the constitution giving themselves privileges like salaries of more than $7000.00 (plus bennies ) and parlamental impunity. Even though the country had some minor scrapes with blatant corruption, we pulled through fine and the outcome was doubleplus good.
Then came Ernesto Perez Balladares. El toro as he is nicknamed, came from a populist-oriented party (the one founded by Torrijos in the 80s), so he would look after the people who were pretty neglected in the previous goverment, right? Of course, he watched for the people: the oligarchy and himself. His first shady deal was the negotiation of the utilities, which were under state control (a great move by Torrijos that gave us cheap electricity and telephone services) up to that time. The BID (or the rotten soul of Iblis as it's known in Hell) demanded that the conditions for more loans were the following: the Panamanian government would sell its utilities to international companies and that the Work Code was revised because it was outdated and anachronical (I know thats a redundancy but its an exaggeration to show a fact that wasn't true: the code worked VERY well for the people....not for the rich who didn't have enough tools to FUCK the working class over.). Against the desire of the majority but with a strong backing of a few deluded ones that felt that the IRHEE and the INTEL (the electric and phone services respectively) could use some good ole' fashioned neo-colonialist, capitalistic and globalized updating. The conditions that the deals were struck at didn't cause much scorn until we found about some of the worst ones: we couldn't sue either company for bad service for 10 years while they had monopoly and free reign of the pricing. Why would a sane president accept such unfavorable conditions for the Panamanian people? Easy: he was paid A LOT of money. He also screwed up when he tried to get a plesbicit (I don't know the English word, sorry guys) to modify the constitution to open the possibilities of re-electing himself. That initiative fizzled and when his term ended, Panama had a plusminus outcome: we had a Billion dollars in the bank as a Social Emergency Fund BUT we got fucked over by the Edemet-Edechi (the Spanish company that won the bid for the electrical services) and Cable & Wireless (the British company that won the bid for the telephone services.
Now enters Mireya Moscoso like the Sandman, handing smackdown. An interior design graduate, her only merit was that at one time she was the cock-sheath of Arnulfo Arias Madrid (another Nationalist and Populist president of Panama gone dictator and deposed with the approval of the USA). Arnulfo made lots of good work like instituting female vote, making our first system of Social Security. These were the most notorious good deeds. Now for the bad: Arnulfo was a Harvard graduated doctor with serious affinity with the Axis. He was convinced that the Aryans would win the WW2 and Panama, a potential ally to the Third Reich, had to be purged of impurities (Chinese, Jewish, African and Middle Eastern influences). To further that racist agenda he instituted two main initiatives: he started expropiating the businesses of those of "dubious" origins (you know, kind of like the USA is persecuting people of "dubious" (don't give me that melting pot rubbish, the US is still a very racist country, always was and will always be (you call us latinos, buchis (bush shit) and many other cute names and treat us as such)) origins) and also he gave orders to the doctors at the Social Security Health Services to sterilize people of African origin when they came in for surgery. Arnulfo was deposed 3 times (all of them with help from the USA) but kept being re-elected by the people. His last work was supporting Endara on the "elections" against Noriega. Now, I'll close the historical parenthesis. Ok, we were with Mireya Moscoso, former cock-sheath of Arnulfo (or Fufo as we who know him and love/hate him call him). This puffed-up hag bitch was elected just because people hated El toro and the PRD (the toro's former party). She kept a low profile, until she announced one of her "modern" and "brilliant" initiatives: to take the SEF that I mentioned above (the 1 Billion bucks in the bank) and invest it in socially needed works. Those needed works can be summarized in one thing: the centennial bridge (yes, other than the Thatcher-Ferry bridge, we know have another bridge to cross over the canal...uh, kind of). I said kind of because the stupid bitch innaugurated the bridge while it still was missing the necessary road structures that would enable the people to USE it, an evident and pathetic attempt to make a good name for herself which fizzled because we now hate her for that. The other works of social need are still to be seen other than some hospitals' (no more than 10) refurbishing. The rest of the money has apparently vanished. Mireya's government has been plagued with corruption scandals with the favorites being: the HP-1430 (the presidential helicopter which was apparently sunk to cash the insurance), the CEMIS (while we still don't know what the FUCK was the CEMIS we do know that it was approved by the Legislator's who supported Mireya (along with the buying out of some of the opposition, most notably Carlos "Tito" Afu), and also the Legislators that confessed receiving bribes got away scot free because Mireya elected her acolytes as the Supreme Court Magistrates), the house from Punta Barco (a mansion that the cock-sheath misteriously received from her misterious grandfather (who misteriously isn't of wealthy origin)), the Cerro Punta-Boquete road (a road would pass THROUGH A FUCKING NATIONAL, ECOLOGICAL RESERVE and that CASUALLY passed next to her and her friends' houses in the area (the Boquete area is a paradise-like area, considered by many in the world's third best place to retire) while it ignored the native communities in the area, instead of making a longer and more beneficial loop which would avoid the reserve and benefit the indigenous Embera-Wounan tribes in the area) and finally, the most recent one: the liberation of the TERRORISTS that where captured with explosives that would have been used to attempt against Fidel Castro's life while he delivered a speech in the National University (where he is loved by the left branded majority). We now have a recording from the Cuban Intelligence Services that shows Mireya's rotten neck breath, telling Simon Ferro (former Panamanian ambassador in the United States) that the agreed men had already been liberated. Luis Posada Carriles (the supposed leader of the terrorist cell) was allowed to leave the country even though he was being asked for extradition by the Cuban and Venezuelan governments. Venezuela had an extra reason to want that man in her hands. The terrorist cell led by Carriles is responsible for the bombing of a Cuban airplane in Venezuela that killed more than 40 people. That the Cuban exile in Miami is behind this move is crystal clear and also the US government involvement in this sordid affair is EVIDENT. Not even that stupid bitch would have released 4 people with the amount of HEAT that these trematodes have on them. Somebody paid A LOT of money which bought many people something: Carriles and his cronies have their freedom; the Cuban exile has four thugs to kill innocents with; Mireya is still deciding what to buy and us, the Panamanian people, got something too....Now, we have the delight of being perceived as a country that condones and sponsors terrorism! People cried when 3K+ US citizens died in the Twin Towers attack. We branded those responsible as terrorists and went after them. Forty Cuban citizens died and nobody gave a shit. So what if that terrorist cell was trying to kill a dictator? That still doesn't make it right.
US' doublemorals sickened me in the past but now, I don't know how I feel...anger, disgust and those unhealthy emotions have abandoned me and now I just have apathy left.
Going back to Martin Torrijos, I just want to say that the man has his work cut for him in more ways than one. He still has to deal with Cuba's and Venezuela's cysm (sp?) with us (yes, in response to the Carriles' incident, Cuba and Venezuela broke diplomatic relations with my country). Martin is the son of a great redentor but is getting contaminated by the politicians in the party. I still have hope for him because I don't think I could live in a country completely sold to the foreigners where us, the rightful owners, are just the employees and beggars. Good luck, Mr. Torrijos, you have a legacy to live up to. Don't misuse or discard it, your father is watching you, wherever he is now.
P.S. sorry guys for the monolithic paragraph format but its the only way I know how to write in.
P.S.S. I just had to get that out of the system.