Next gen consoles

Rein feels that things may change for the better with Vista as Microsoft

Mmmmm, may be M$ is giving some bucks to Mr Rein?. Vista EATS Megatons of resources only forr the system, that's not good for games... really, that's not good for anything. A SO is made to make that the aplications works fine, not for selling hardware.

When I can see games like Fallout, System Shock 2, Arcanum, Simulators and so in a console, may be I think to buy one of them.

But the worst issue about consoles, are the fanboys of every model. "My console is better, your sucks". It's like saying "My pennis is bigggggggger than yours".
slamelov said:
But the worst issue about consoles, are the fanboys of every model. "My console is better, your sucks"

yes fanboys are lame, but they dont make consoles better or worse in any way...
Milo said:
slamelov said:
But the worst issue about consoles, are the fanboys of every model. "My console is better, your sucks"

yes fanboys are lame, but they dont make consoles better or worse in any way...

No, only the forums where to talk about console games.
Milo said:
yes fanboys are lame, but they dont make consoles better or worse in any way...

I could list off a few dozen Oblivious reviews, written by absolute idiots, that I think that should be sufficient evidence of why fanboys are dangerous. Most don't care to learn what they are talking about, only that they'll buy the hype and most likely act fanboyish in denial about having fallen for the hype - in turn increasing hype for the next piece of shit with the same name.

Don't believe me? Then how did all these morons suddenly forget all the gripes about Morrowind to suck off the shitty AI in Oblivion, when Oblivion is simply a bit more passable form of the same crap in Morrowind? :D
Milo said:
duckman said:
Publishers and developers know that people will buy console games, somewhat, over PC games, as they can plug in and play. And not worry about anything.

Interesting how the PS3 developers have been caught saying they want their console to "replace the household PC"
Xbox has really been trying to push that as much as they can as well.

I guess they are trying to pull PC gamers onto their consoles, but that kinda goes against the plug and play idea.

Yeah, I know, and that was going to be my next point.

Well, I am not sure if they want to replace it compltely as it is very difficult to replace an enire PC with a console, but they sure want to believe they can.

All that free shit on the online content is sure helping them think that they can replace the "humble" PC.
Well i have a 360 and a wide range of games available for it is lacking.I was really hoping that they would test the limits and be innovative with the games for the new console.Instead the vast majority are FPS clones of one another,sports sequels,or action titles.

The likelyhood of an original,or imaginative,title coming to it are slim since they have a minimum set for how many games a title has to sell or the developer has to buy back the unsold copies.

I guess thats why i'm back to playing my old games on the PC.
That's why I'm hesitant to buy a 360.

When I visit my local Games Wizards to check out cheap shit Xbox (1) games, the walls are full of 360 games. BUT there are only 4 or so games on display, but there are about 20 copies of each on display...
Interesting how the PS3 developers have been caught saying they want their console to "replace the household PC"
Xbox has really been trying to push that as much as they can as well.

Sony was not saying the Ps3 will replace PCs but they where refering to the 360 media extender and saying that the ps3 does not need a pc because it is the media center.
ok please see below

People are taking his quote about the PS3 not needing a computer completely out of context. He was responding to LiveAnywhere saying that the PS3 wouldn’t need to interact with a computer to do certain tasks because it is a computer. Hence, “The PlayStation 3 is a computer. We do not need the PC.“ That’s completely different than saying that the PS3 will completely replace your computer
yes someone left that comment, but if there was more to the quote why didn't he post that too. His argument is totally ungrounded. I think I smell a fanboy...
Why on earth would sony say the ps3 will replace pc's it make no sense at all. They where just taking a stab at microsoft.
Serifan said:
Why on earth would sony say the ps3 will replace pc's it make no sense at all. They where just taking a stab at microsoft.

It helps to read the entire article and not just the sound bites you care to read/believe, unless you're going to continue to pontificate what little you care to learn about without a source. "Revolutionize" puts it very clearly. The article also clearly states the intended capabilities.

And if this is a stab at Microsoft, it's to the heart. Not only does the XBox require a PC to do much of its functionality, but it requires an active shared folder (insecure as shit), but if you want to do more than play a few tunes or watch a slideshow, you need to buy extra software for the PC.
duckman said:
That's why I'm hesitant to buy a 360.

When I visit my local Games Wizards to check out cheap shit Xbox (1) games, the walls are full of 360 games. BUT there are only 4 or so games on display, but there are about 20 copies of each on display...

I think you are being a bit unfair...there are at least twenty copies of five different titles in most stores.

My belief is that things are not going to be too much different for the PS3.They are going to take a soaking on each console sold,and if they want to make up for the loss on each system,that they will have to concentrate on a few mass appeal big name games for sure sales on the system.

Which leaves the Wii.Nintendo doesn't seem to mind being the console for niche games and off the wall titles.My bet is on them being the guys who don't just release the same old proven formula games.

Right now though Microsoft can afford to be picky on the titles for their system and not having a very large selection of games and sticking to only certain genres,since their the only game in town.Hopefully once competition kicks in things will change a bit.
Wii all the way.

I wouldnt mind having a 360, but I look at it like my gamecube, I bought it to play Metroid Prime, and only bought 3 other games because there werent any others that REALLY interested me. Wii on the otherhand, I will be buying 4 games on launch day.

They always try to back technicaly superior proprietary medium that they control and own and so forth and so on, and they always failed. The fact that they have a version of it without the HDMI is ludicrous, citing 'cost' as the main factor. I really want this console to fail horribly and run Sony into the ground forever!
docholyday said:
I really want this console to fail horribly and run Sony into the ground forever!
even if you hate Sony, there is no reason to wish them to die if you're a console lover, doc. more diversity = bigger battle over the consumers = better development (although coupled with more hype too, but you'll have to live with it).

i on the other hand hate consoles & i hope they ALL die, but that's just me.
SuAside said:
docholyday said:
I really want this console to fail horribly and run Sony into the ground forever!
even if you hate Sony, there is no reason to wish them to die if you're a console lover, doc. more diversity = bigger battle over the consumers = better development (although coupled with more hype too, but you'll have to live with it).

i on the other hand hate consoles & i hope they ALL die, but that's just me.

I agree with your above assesment,well except for consoles dying :shock:

The more viable players there are in the market means better things for consumers.Competition is good,and the menage a trois of pain that will take effect once the other two players step up can only mean good things for the consumer.Sony going ass up will only mean bad things in the long run.