Next Generation Five That Fell editorial

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Next Gen has an editorial about great studios that have been dissolved or otherwise tumbled. One bit is about Black Isle Studios, proudly displaying a Fallout Boy as the BIS logo for some inexplicable reason:<blockquote>In the late '80s, Interplay came out from under EA's wing and began publishing for itself; soon after, it started to publish for other developers. Then in 1997, Interplay released a pseudo-sequel to its 1988 post-apocalyptic RPG Wasteland; since EA retained the rights to Wasteland, the follow-up was set in an alternate world and renamed "Fallout". Fallout proved such an enormous success for Interplay – so great was its effect that it spurred a whole new generation of computer RPGs, just as it seemed the genre had petered out – that Interplay chose to spin off the internal division – led by Feargus Urquhart – responsible for the game.

The resulting studio, Black Isle, became soon renowned as the leading force in computer RPG design – both internally and as a host for the young BioWare. The two studios began to build on each other's achievements: Baldur's Gate essentially infused Fallout with the 2nd Edition AD&D rule set, while Planescape: Torment – often cited alongside Fallout as one of the best computer games of all time – built on the Baldur's Gate rules and technology, to produce a sort of anti-RPG.</blockquote>Link: Next Generation Five that Fell editorial
Link: Next Generation editorial; Black Isle Studios page

Spotted at DaC
Kharn said:
Baldur's Gate essentially infused Fallout with the 2nd Edition AD&D rule set
Uhhhhh... what?

I don't see that. At all.

Baldur's Gate was fairly decent in some regards, but ultimately a failure. It can in no way be compared to Fallout, not even as its horribly malformed bastard child.
Yeah, that BG / Fallout comparison is kind of dim. I liked Baldur's Gate (2 more than 1), but they had little similarity beyond isometric perspective.
Kharn said:
The resulting studio, Black Isle, became soon renowned as the leading force in computer RPG design – both internally and as a host for the young BioWare. The two studios began to build on each other's achievements: Baldur's Gate essentially infused Fallout with the 2nd Edition AD&D rule set,
Fallout was built on GURPS. When the deal fell through, they created a GURPS-like system which has *nothing* in common with AD&D.
What the fuck have these people been smoking?

Kharn said:
while Planescape: Torment – often cited alongside Fallout as one of the best computer games of all time – built on the Baldur's Gate rules and technology, to produce a sort of anti-RPG.
Planescape: Torment, the thing that comes closest to a real roleplaying game of all Black Isle's games, an anti-roleplaying game?
These guys are stupid. Really, really stupid.
Methinks they wanted to use a clever word to say "BG combined FO's isometric perspective and AD&D 2nd edition".
They do have quite a point about where the industry is going. Hell, I think it's hilarious that the Japanese are more business-orientated, yet still have a clue that it's a bad idea to stifle creativity through corporate politics or hype.

No; for all its burps, the Japanese game industry is doing pretty okay. At least they know what they're doing. It's the Western industry that concerns me. We've lost all our old guard. Over here it's like you can't do anything right, you can't innovate, you can't change the world without someone steering you over a cliff or absorbing you into the great corporate sponge. Where are our Capcoms, our Nintendos, our Namcos, our Konamis? Where are our Enixes, our Segas? We don't got none. They're all dead. No leaders here.

All we have are men in ties, and a truck full of tiny developers fighting the clock, hoping they won't get shut down because their publisher got out of bed on the wrong side. And that's scary – not just for the little guys; it's scary for everyone. For the whole industry. Without a leader, without history, where on Earth are we headed to?

EDIT: I looked more on Next-Gen, and guess what I noticed? The two-bit industry attention whore John Romero has started up another studio (which he will likely lose as well once his core project sucks ass and the other divisions are found to be far more worthwhile and playable), called Shitgate Ironworks. Well, close enough. Guess what the focus is on? The same focus as nearly every other industry has-been, a MMOG.
John Romero's newly founded and funded MMO game company in the Bay Area is developing a Super Secret Mystery Project that will be revealed to only the most qualified candidates!

Not really. Please anyone tell me that this is a fake. :shock:
No, I'm afraid, it's serious...
Here's my Unword of 2006: Gen. I can't hear it anymore. Recently I saw some Vid I-View (I ar teh kreative) with some Dev-dude who kept talking about Next-Gen and then even referred to the current Gen. I forgot what the interview was about, he just seemed to be talking about Gens all the time.
So their domain name reads "slipg8" rather than slipgate because slipgate was taken?

Good god. Maybe they'll finally create a game using moron speak in pre-written dialogues.

Can you imagine the possibilities?

Total immersion, I say!
Ashmo said:
So their domain name reads "slipg8" rather than slipgate because slipgate was taken?

Good god. Maybe they'll finally create a game using moron speak in pre-written dialogues.

Can you imagine the possibilities?

Total immersion, I say!

I have a feeling their internal memos read like script kiddy chatlogs...