Nightkin wont let me pass


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Alright, I have both this purple robe aswell as the COC badge from lecher.
Im trying to get to Morpheus but the Nightkin always attack me. I even thrown out my party members, but the problem remains.

Isnt the robe and/or the badge suppossed to ensure that I can pass the nightkins without fighting?
The badge just opens the doors. The robes should get you past them if you are wearing them. Have you done any fighting in the cathedral? Maybe try Per's guide. I usually just blast my way through anyways. It's more fun.
Nope no fighting in the cathedral.
I even loaded an earlier savegame when I was still in Boneyard, to get rid of my teammates there and put on the robe so when I arrive at the cathedral im already disguisted.

Didn't help at all unfortunatly.
I would rather not like to fight my way trough, because my charakter is not suited for this, and because i play a diplomatic character and I would like to make use of this solution the game seems to offer - only that I cant use it because of a bug or some game mechanic i dont understand.
That pisses me off pretty much.

Advise anyone´?
Man, this is so frustrating.
I pretty much tried everything, it just won't work.
Isn't there anone else who experienced this bug and knows how to solve it?

Oh, and can someone tell me why those retardet follower scouts attack their own people when a fight goes on? Is this some spoiler relevant story issue or is this just retarted AI? (talk about oblivion lol)
Per's guide said:
On the first floor you'll encounter Dane and a couple of ethereal-looking Nightkin. You can talk to Dane until he calms down and then you'll get some less-than-completely-calm info from him. If any of the Nightkin sees you, they'll attack if you have any company (NPCs or the Followers); if you're alone, you must be wearing Robes or carrying a COC Badge to be safe. Fighting on one floor will not turn people elsewhere in the Cathedral hostile. This also means that if you leave combat by moving to another floor, critters will not necessarily attack when you return.
Do you still have dogmeat with you or the followers? If so, get rid of them.

As for the Followers, I have no clue. It isn't relevant to the story in any case.
Sander said:
Per's guide said:
On the first floor you'll encounter Dane and a couple of ethereal-looking Nightkin. You can talk to Dane until he calms down and then you'll get some less-than-completely-calm info from him. If any of the Nightkin sees you, they'll attack if you have any company (NPCs or the Followers); if you're alone, you must be wearing Robes or carrying a COC Badge to be safe. Fighting on one floor will not turn people elsewhere in the Cathedral hostile. This also means that if you leave combat by moving to another floor, critters will not necessarily attack when you return.
Do you still have dogmeat with you or the followers? If so, get rid of them.

As for the Followers, I have no clue. It isn't relevant to the story in any case.

Thanks Sander, as usual youre very helpful. I looked up Per's guide, but honestly I'm a bit afraid watching into walktroughs because before until I figure out where exactly my problem is described i already get 1 or 2 major or minor spoilers.

("NPCs or the Followers")
So by Followers those striding Follower Scouts are meant?
Ill have to check this out, since I have the fealing that they are already there when I go up.

Thanks for the help so far!
Oh damnit, now I finnaly realized what going on.
Those followers are support troops from the Followers of the apocalypse.

I just didnt realize this, I thought these guys belong to the friggin church.
WoW, that explains so much.

Is there a way to get rid of them? I think they are there because I asked Nicole if she could help me to destroy the Master, but I don't want to have these guys here right now.
Ok nvm, when I leave the church and return to boneyard and then return to the church the guys are gone.

Thanks so much for the help.

EDIT: @Silencer: I apologize, I will restrain from making to many new posts in the future.
Thanks for the hint.
You've written three posts under each other in 15 minutes. Don't do that, there's an edit button.
