NMA Caption Contest.

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
To “celebrate” the release of Fallout 3, the staff of No Mutants Allowed is proud to announce our "Caption Contest". Since every site seems to be running Bethesda funded contests, we needed to keep up! The goal is that you come up with a clever and witty caption for a screenshot of your choice from Fallout 3. The screenshot may either be taken by yourself, or found on the web, but may not be edited in any way. The slogan however needs to be your own (in case of doubt, you'll be disqualified). A maximum of three (3) entries will be allowed per participant, only members (new and old alike) are eligible. The winner will be selected by our highly qualified staff after meticulous scrutiny of all entries (gauged by how much their jaw hurts from laughing out loud). The entries have to be mailed to contest@nma-fallout.com or posted in this news thread before the 14th of November. The winner's entry (and the most meritorious runners-up) will be published a few days later in the following weekend.

But what will the winner get in return you ask? This lovely sky blue article of clothing has been used to demonstrate the exact feelings that NMA, and the many loyal fans have towards the newest spawn of the already much abused Fallout franchise.

This Vault 101 shirt is an authentic Fallout 3 shirt as provided by Bethesda (though not for the purpose of this contest) to one of our reporters during the sneak-preview at the Games Convention in Leipzig last year, and has been lovingly stored up til now. Today however, it has been ventilated in a random pattern by a Colt 10mm Auto by said reporter, expending 13 rounds in memory of Fallout 1, and another 13 rounds for Fallout 2. No Bethesda staff were hurt during this incident (as NMA staff harbors no ill will towards them) and the reporter in question let us know that he felt a certain feeling of release and closure as he riddled the Vault attire with bullets.

The winner of the contest will receive this tastefully and expertfully customized item, personally autographed by as many members of the NMA team as we can muster!

Here are some shots (pun intended) of the prize.
<center> </center>
So get those creative juices flowing!

<h3>This contest is now closed</h3>
Oh my god.


Also, first post for me on these forums. I'll probably lose my soul trying to "fix" FO3 if/when the CS comes out for it.
I reserve the right for the Quaffer Shot or anything Quaffer related that may come out of The Order.
After lurking for many years I had to register and post, on this momentous day, when the sequel I have been waiting for 10 years has finally been released.

Fallout 3 is upon us. And I couldn't be less interested.

All the posts I've read on NMA convinced me not to buy F3 much less than buying Oblivion did. To top it off, I have seen gameplay videos for F3, and they showed me everything I ever imagined Fallout was not. Except the dirt; they replicated the dirty dirt well.

:clap: Well done Bethesda.

This shirt is fantastic. I hope no one here has a good sense of humor, so that I can win it.
lulz at the gun shots as a release-day release!

Von Drunky said:
I reserve the right for the Quaffer Shot or anything Quaffer related that may come out of The Order.

yeah, sure. you're up for recipient of an Order bukkake then. you deserve nothing less, really.
I already lost my soul in the Vault Contest, so what the hell, why not, i try to post some shots... mmm better ask my friends, im not going to buy it :P
Been lurking around here for ages. Time to register.
Here's an entry... heard the song on the radio randomly and thought it befitting for a dialogue..


A question:

When we submit our entries does it need to be like those presented already, with the text in the picture using the fallout 3 style font/color? I only ask because I suck at photo editing and if I could just submit the photo and my caption underneath it I'd be happy.
golfmade said:
A question:
When we submit our entries does it need to be like those presented already, with the text in the picture using the fallout 3 style font/color? I only ask because I suck at photo editing and if I could just submit the photo and my caption underneath it I'd be happy.
no one is forcing you to photoshop the caption into the picture, but i think that it's more convincing if you do. it just looks better.

though the quality of the caption is obviously more important than your editing skills.
SuAside said:
no one is forcing you to photoshop the caption into the picture, but i think that it's more convincing if you do. it just looks better.

though the quality of the caption is obviously more important than your editing skills.

Thanks for the clarification. Seeing as how the deadline is aways away I'll wait for more pictures to come out and try my best to think of something funny, and try my hand at photoshopping it into the photo and looking decent.