NMA: Fallout 3 Compendium mod and others

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Two smaller mods, remove bobblehead effects and PipWare UI were added, as well as the larger Fallout 3 Compendium mod.<blockquote> Below is a list of features currently present in this pre-release of F3C.

*Changes to camera behavior/restrictions
*Changes to bonuses/penalties involved with VATS
*Changes to damage & weapon behavior while inside VATS
2. Action Points
*Run & Gun mode enabled
*Various AP formulas modified
3. Experience Points
*Player acquires XP more slowly
*Maximum level is now 25
*XP required for each level is different now.
4. Skill Points
*Player receives 5+Intelligence skill points per level
*Tagged skills do not receive +15 points
*Tagged skills gain two points for each skill point allocated, instead of one.
5. Perks
*Many, many changes
6. Radiation
*Water usage & immersion more dangerous
*Sickness from exposure more serious
*Rads no longer decay over time
7. Injuries
*Crippled legs are more serious
8. Gun Mechanics
*Gun condition more serious
*Guns in poor condition can also jam or lockup during firing
9. Game Mechanics
*Health formulas rebalanced for player & NPCs
*Carry Weight formulas rebalanced
*Damage from being ON FIRE has increased slightly
10. Weapons
*Various Pistols are slightly more powerful
*Automatic Rifles are more accurate, but not as accurate as single-shot rifles
*10mm SMG is slightly more accurate, but not as much as automatic rifles
*Gatling Laser uses Energy Weapons instead of Big Guns
*Laser pistol/rifle extremely accurate and effective at great distances
*Plasma weapons less accurate, more powerful, and fire more quickly
*Plasma weapons exclusively use micro fusion cells, laser weapons exclusively use small energy cells
11. Restoratives
*Food heals more health, and incurs greater rad intake
*The food sanitizer improves healing from food by 50%
12. Ammunition
*Ammo prices changed slightly
13. Armor & Clothing
*Power Armor gives more str, carries itself when worn, and provides better resistances
14. NPC Classes
*Children not immortal, requires typing "bat kids.txt" in console (only once)
15. Bobbleheads
*No longer give the player benefits WHEN picked up; but only if bonuses are NOT already present</blockquote>Also added not too long ago is the Polish Fallout 3 patch, which for some reason wasn't released along with the others earlier.

As usual, check Fallout 3 Nexus for a variety of mods large and small. The killable children patch has been getting a lot of interest.
Eh, the lack of rads decaying over time should be changed back, albeit set to a much slower rate over days to weeks.
Meh I'll wait for the super-radioactive uranium diamond edition mod compilation that consolidates the various mods into one handy download.

Still, I'm quite impressed with what people have accomplished without the official mod/construction tools. It fares well for the future when Bethesduh does release them (if they do)...
I hope there will be an option to retain the bobblehead bonuses, otherwise there won't be much point to hunting them all down. :P

5 skill points per skill bobblehead would be a good idea, IMO. The characteristic bobbleheads were never that good anyway. Still, the 5 extra levels and Tagged Skills that function properly would more than make up for the 130 lost skill points (158 or so if you include the various SPECIAL bonuses from the other 7 bobbleheads).
couldnt bring myself to finnish this game .. going to start fresh now with this mod - looks like a solid list of changes - i'm sure a lot of people will appreciate it :)
Oh, good.

Just as I was happy with my mod loadout - a sizeable 21 active ESPs, not counting the "Ultimate Fallout Music Mod v2" plus a few texture mods.

It looks like I already have most of the mods included, or at least the same functions. I don't think I want to try a new setup right now.
Brother None said:
*Maximum level is now 25

Has it been tested for the alignment bug that has plagued the other max-level mods?
The modders (and mod-users) on Fallout 3 Nexus discovered that when a PC of evil alignment leveled up past 20, it crashed the game. The same thing also happened if the PC ever became evil while at a level higher than 20. If the PC was of good alignment (perhaps also of neutral alignment, can't remember), the game didn't crash, but reputation was reset and Three Dog's radio news started acting as if the player had not completed any quests worth mentioning yet.
As far as I know, no solution has been found yet, and no one really knows what's causing it (other than it probably being karma-related) :(

Edit: It might not be game related, but rather a problem with the early plugins, not sure. One of them gave me some short error messages when examining the data value in the iMaxCharacterLevel section (pretty much the only section in the esp file, and it was not even ordered in groups or anything) using FO3Edit.
The mod looks great but i think iam gonna wait another few updates before playing it again, somewhere around end of 2009.
marko2te said:
The mod looks great but i think iam gonna wait another few updates before playing it again, somewhere around end of 2009.

Same here. I'm waiting for the turn-based combat and iso view mod, if it's gonna exist one day.

Untill 2009, I might get a better laptop too.
Thanks for doing this.

Very cool mod and I hope after Bethesda releases the CS the modders fix FO3 for good.
PaladinHeart said:
It's probably the "non-VATS" mode, meaning real time gunplay without using VATS at all? Could be mistaken tho. :P

Probably refers to the fact that you now use APs to fire when not in VATS, werided me out at first when I first tried it, but I'm getting to likeing the "uses APs in normal combat" really makes you think about combat, rather than running around guns blazing.

Also stimpacks and Rad-away now have weight, so carrying around 100 radaway suddenly becomes an issue.

Not throughly play tested this overhaul, but F3C looks like its going to be the MUST install patch, much like OOO was for Oblivion.
I have to say i am waiting for this mod, patch, compendium, whatever you'll call it since fallout 3 was released. I was hoping that in place like NMA someone would make this thing and i'm waiting for its final version just like i was waiting for game itself. Obviously Fallout 3 isn't fallout game anymore, is awfuly easy, and after visiting couple locations i was 20lvl, almost godly stats, fully loaded with mini nukes, hundreds and thousands of ammo, walking in unrepairable best armor in the game and shooting with plasma rifle to anybody, killing enclave soldiers and super mutants with ease. The funny thing is that giant radscorpions were more challenging enemies than muties or enclave. So i left 2/3 locations unvisited because i have no motivation to check them. And i would really like to explore a little more this addicting, sim-like, non-fallout, oblivionish world a little more but it's simply getting boring.

And, if i can throw my 5 cents about what should be removed from player's house: brand new, shiny robot with free water, infirmary and chemical lab, these things are just insult for fallout

mm85 said:
I have to say i am waiting for this mod, patch, compendium, whatever you'll call it since fallout 3 was released. I was hoping that in place like NMA someone would make this thing and i'm waiting for its final version just like i was waiting for game itself. Obviously Fallout 3 isn't fallout game anymore, is awfuly easy, and after visiting couple locations i was 20lvl, almost godly stats, fully loaded with mini nukes, hundreds and thousands of ammo, walking in unrepairable best armor in the game and shooting with plasma rifle to anybody, killing enclave soldiers and super mutants with ease. The funny thing is that giant radscorpions were more challenging enemies than muties or enclave. So i left 2/3 locations unvisited because i have no motivation to check them. And i would really like to explore a little more this addicting, sim-like, non-fallout, oblivionish world a little more but it's simply getting boring.

I feel exactly the same.

As for the topic, keep the good work Brother None :) You make, more or less the Fallout i wanted to play. One day i'll install such mod and enjoy the game, finally.

Also i hope that the Run & Gun mode can be disabled? I never use VATS cause it's too easy but i won't accept any 'weirdness' in the FPP style of play.