NMA: Fallout 3 weapons, maps and more

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
These pages are a little more rough around the edges than I normally like 'em to be, but they should be of help to those of you out there struggling on certain points:

Fallout 3 weapons details stats of all Fallout 3 weapons and gives locations of rare and unique ones
The Fallout 3 world map gives all 85 locations in Fallout 3 with description and quest references for a number of them
Bobblehead/follower locations provides you with the location of all followers and all bobbleheads.
There's probably quite a few lil' things I overlooked in those pages, please post if you spot 'em
I found the bobblehead for perception in (I think it was perception) on a table in Eulogy Jones' pad in Paradise Falls.

There's a bobblehead for medicine on your dad's desk in vault 101.

EDIT: See you got the medicine already..
Excellent job. Add to the medicine one that it is also available [spoiler:042eaa48e4]after you do the "waters of life" quest if you pass by 101 and hear the distress call and re-enter you can get it again (still in medical bay, this time sititng in the window as if saying "Hello dumb @ss! Get me!" if you missed it earlier[/spoiler:042eaa48e4] I was very pleased to see I could get it later as the lvl cap is 20 and rather limits you to scrounging for bobble heads and books.

@ Ausir - that map is even easier to read than the one that came with the Prima Guide!

EDIT EDIT:I ran across Colonel Autumn's 10mm Pistol [spoiler:042eaa48e4]When I was escaping from the Enclave's base. I think it was in his quarters locked up tight... not 100% though. My save game files with that character were corrupted a long while back and I haven't revisited them with my new char.[/spoiler:042eaa48e4]
Just say it's licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license and credit the guy who made it, Novemparodius.

If you come across other special locations like Rockopolis or Alien Crash Site that should be added, report them in this thread or on Novemparodius's talk page.
Ausir said:
Just say it's licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial license and credit the guy who made it, Novemparodius.

If you come across other special locations like Rockopolis or Alien Crash Site that should be added, report them in this thread or on Novemparodius's talk page.

I believe just east of Fort Bannister there is a crater where I found a overturned military truck with lots of ammo for the Alien Blaster in the back, a footlocker and safe near by also, low rad count on it, in a BIG freaking crater with a trench leading to it... there was a file on it in the Pentagon about them getting there and nothing being there becaulse of cloaking or they repaired their craft prior to their arrival.

Other than that I think the other Alien things are random encounters.