NMA Fantasy Football

It's eom. I've already sent him a PM, though, and he didn't respond.

Also, BN (from the US right now) notes that you hadn't been invited because he didn't know that co-managers didn't get an invite through Yahoo!'s auto-inviter.

You're welcome to join if you find one more player, BN will postpone the draft for you, but if you don't find someone by the third preseason game I'm afraid you're out of luck.
After it's too late to make any changes. We're autodrafting no less, so there's going to be plenty of house cleaning to do too.

I guess Kharn got jacked in the Big Easy.
TwinkieStabllis said:
so when are we drafting ferfucksake?
After the third preseason game, to give Herr Mike some time to find someone.
not much? what? what could possibly be similar? anyway, no dude. this ain't a game for n00bs who've not done extensive homework.
Wait what?

Dang. No sry, nothing, just thought I was lurking tAOF for a second.

ps. losers
DammitBoy said:
Cimmerian Nights said:
I guess Kharn got jacked in the Big Easy.

Kharn is in Seattle, ya tard, and they have teh internets there...
I thought he went to Nawlins. Seattle. Whatever. Anything south of the Mason-Dixon and west of the Mississippi is the same lop of shit to me.