NMA has threatened my computer!!!

Why do you even need an anti-virus, grandpa? There are no virii on the mid-'90ies Internet.
Lazy Lizard said:
Avast? Avira? Avocado?
  • Avast: For a computer running Windows® 95/98/Me:
    486 Processor, 32MB RAM and 100MB of free hard disk space.

    Avira: doesn't support Win98.

    Avocado: no idea whatsover (is it free?)
Avast it is then, even though I only have <s>16</s> 256 MB of RAM. Thanks!

A rat said:
There are no virii on the mid-'90ies Internet.

Have you never heard of retrovirii?
Avast's site said:
Note: The operating systems Windows 95/98/Me/NT4 will be supported until the end of 2009.

Not sure if this just means product upgrades or virus definitions (or both), but just wanted to throw this out there.
Per said:
Have you never heard of retrovirii?
Damn you, lizard, you always have the perfect response ready! I wonder, are you that slick in real life? For example, if a cashier lady catches you staring at her cleavage and asks "wtf r u doing, perv?", are you immediately like "oh, i'm just checking out, lol"?
Really? They usually don't say that to me. They just smile/and wink.

And then the whole street starts dancing to the tune that goes "hmmn hmmh mnnnhmmm", you know the one, and then everything becomes liquid sex.
For any of you who regularly get infected here are some links for checking downloaded files, installs etc.


CCleaner is not bad for getting rid of rubbish in the registry, cookies etc. (Watch out for the default toolbar install though). There is also ATF Cleaner:

But if you really want to sort out the registry RegCleaner is an easy to use tool:

Nearly all AV's offer at best a false sense of security IMO.
I run XP and haven't used a realtime AV or AS scanner in the past 4 years. I've had precisely zero infections in that time thanks to learning how to use ProcessGuard from DiamondCS (free version) in conjunction with a 2-way software firewall.

And no I'm not much of a safe surfer.
Have fun...

Simple test to see if you have Conficker on board:

Little USB firewall (yup, free):
Just tried Avira to see what the hype was about, and it repeatedly caused explorer.exe to hang on right clicks.

Googled it, and it's known issue.

Back to avast.
now you have had a virus.

it probably infected your system from one of a few sources.

1) browser exploit

most common browsers today are IE 6, IE7, FireFox, Safari. if you use one of these browsers, they are very popular for a website of questionable intent to create pages that exploit this. MS fixes more problems than Mozilla does, but MS does it slower than Mozilla. generally when a problem is found in a mozilla browser, it gets fixxed within days to a few weeks. but not all of them get fixxed. for MS while more problems do get fixxed than is even found, its usually few weeks to a few months for a fix.

solution: do not use any MS or Mozilla based browser. find an alternative.

2) java exploit

most people do not realize this, but java is actually a programming language. while it was designed to function inside a web browser, it also operates independantly of the browser. any browser that advertises complete java compatability/implementation is simply telling you that they will allow a web page to access java outside the scope of the browser. easiest browsers to do this with is any Mozilla browser. it is also easy to do this with IE, but much easier in mozilla based browsers. if you use a mozilla based browser, you are more vulnerable than anyone else.

solution: get third-party plugins to restrict/prohibit java functionality in your browser, or use a browser that does not offer complete java compliance.

3) program you downloaded

most prominent in torrent files and such. you use/download these, thats a risk you take.
i'm guessing you mean javascript... while java does have quite a bit of problems, javascript is a much much much more dangerous thing.

javascript however doesn't have much to do with java though.

and there are a shitload of other possibilities, such as downloading Office documents, opening PDFs, flash...

basically anything you do online can get you a virus. :)