NMA interview on PCZone

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
In August 2006, Odin of NMA was interview for the British gaming mag PCZone. Here is the interview as published:<blockquote>Name: Atle Wilson (Odin)
Job Title: IT consultant / web master of the Fallout fan site No Mutants Allowed.
Working on: nma-fallout.com
Age: 31
Experience: NMA is Odin's first fan site.

PCZ: How did you get started?

Odin: "I was browsing on the net looking for news regarding Fallout 2 and found No Mutants Allowed. I would check the Interplay forums regularly and ended up scooping the Fallout fansites, so I decided to offer my services to NMA."

PCZ: What's the pay like?

Odin: "I don't make a penny from the fansite, it's all done by choice, and the hosting is paid for by our ads. The DNS, however is paid out of my own pocket, so you could say I pay for the project."

PCZ: What does your job involve?

Odin: "We spend most of our time browsing forums for news about Fallout 3, which is currently in progress at Bethesda. As we've been around for some time, we've got to know most of the developers, and as such we get tips which we then post about."

PCZ: How rewarding is your job?

Odin: "The work in itself cqn be very rewarding as you bring a service to people who're looking for that product. But what's really rewarding is the fact that you get to meet alot of interesting people - developers or fans from Fallout."

PCZ: What's the most annoying part of your job?

Odin: "People expect you to know everything about the Fallout world. Plus, we get alot of people on our forum asking the same questions over and over again."</blockquote>Here are the original answers as sent by Odin:<blockquote>
Name: Atle Wilson, best known as Odin from No Mutants Allowed

Job title: Well I am an IT consultant in real life, but I'm also webmaster of the Fallout fansite called No Mutants Allowed.

Working on: Currently working on the Fallout fansite called No Mutants Allowed http://www.nma-fallout.com, which was started around 1998 I belive it was. The site was originally owned and run by Miroslav Panic from Yugoslavia, I joined up around 1999/2000. The site is currently run by my friends Kharn, Silencer, Montez, Per, Welsh and lots of others which I probably forgot to mention.

Age: 31

Experience: Before joining Miro on NMA, I had hardly done any web coding just some small html coding. I started as a news gatherer for No Mutants Allowed and ended up running the place, doing both MySql and PHP coding. Thankfully I had help along the way, from the infamous Roshambo, Kharn the dutch and the portugiese god Briosafreak.

How did you get started: Well its a long story really, but I've always loved to play computer games. I still remember sitting up all night playing Civilization on my C64, those where the days. Somehow I ended up liking the RPG and strategy sections of computer games, from the early text adventure games from Infocom and the likes to the full out multiplayer online game such as World Of Warcraft. When I read about Fallout in some computer magazine around 96/97, I found that this game would be to my liking but I ended up loving the atmosphere and story of the game.

As most Fallout fans I browsed the net looking for news regarding the followup (Fallout 2) and found the No Mutants Allowed website, after I found myself to keep coming back to that site as I found all the info I needed (about Fallout) on that site. So around 1999/2000 I had internet access at work and home, so I was browsing the Interplay forums more regularly and ended up scooping the Fallout fansites so I decided to offer my services to Miro on NMA.

What is the pay like: Someone actually get payed for this? Hehe, well I actually dont make a penny of the fansite, it is all done by own choice and the hosting is payed for by our ads. The DNS however is payed out of my own pocket, so you can say I pay for this "project".

What does your job involve? Basicly what we do at No Mutants Allowed is post newsbits about Fallout, Falloutish projects and such. I also do PHP/MySQL coding, upgrading softwares and such. We spend most of our time on the new browsing forums for news about Fallout 3, which is currently in progress at Bethesda. As we have been around the community for quite some time now, we have gotten to know most of the developers around this genere and as such we get tips and such which we then post about (if possible).

How rewarding is your job? Well there isnt much rewarding in running a fansite except a certain "famous" status amongs the "cult" following Fallout, of course the work in itself can be rewarding as you bring a service to people who are looking for that product but there is no pay in it. But whats really rewarding is the fact that you get to meet alot of interesting people sorrounding this "phenomenon", be it developers or fans. I for one have gotten alot of good friends in the Fallout community and will treasure those for the rest of my life, sadly lately I havent had a chance to do that as I've been swamped in real life issues (work, family etc) and I've also one of the people who's come under the Wow spell (world of warcraft).

Most annoying part of your job? Most annoying part must be that people expect you to know absolutely everything about the Fallout world, and one cannot forget all those people who come to our forum asking the same questions over and over again (without reading the stickies Razz ).

And what would you suggest to people wanting to do the same? Well I'm sure if you feel you have the interest and drive to run a fansite, you would do it. There is actually nothing stopping you and as you see there are fansites poping up all over the net, some successful some not so much. Keep it simple with nice design, simple layout and lots of content about the game. Be active in the community sorrounding the game you like, which will bring you a long way to more insight and perhaps some good sources </blockquote>