NMA presents: Fallout's 10th anniversary!

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This ghoul has seen it all
Well, we've been dropping hints left and right, and starting some surprisingly silly speculation on our previous thread, but let's get all that out of the way with the official announcement:<blockquote>In early October, 1997, thousands of discs were being churned out by a nondescript factory. The discs were not quite as nondescript, as they contained a game that is still being hailed today as one of the greatest cRPGs of all time. This...is Fallout.

Now, 10 years later, No Mutants Allowed (also around 9 years of age) and others are bringing you some stuff to reminisce over. Pictures, talks, docs. Everything short of Harold's head.</blockquote>Although today is just "announcement day", we'll start off good and proper anyway.

Chris Taylor brings you the Mr Handy design doc, a small little scribble from the days of Fallout GURPS. And yes, indeed, mr Taylor is not an artist. You can download the original .doc here.

No Mutants Allowed presents: Fallout's 10th anniversary
This will be interesing, man 10 years! Time flies! And pretty soon there proabebly will come a crappy follower of fallout 1 and 2.
Hmmm... happy anniversary !

I just wonder what will be :
# 23 September
# 25 September
# 27 September
# 29 September
# 1 October
# 4 October
# 7 October

Frubi said:
Hmmm... happy anniversary !

I just wonder what will be :
# 23 September
# 25 September
# 27 September
# 29 September
# 1 October
# 4 October
# 7 October


# 7 October = obviously Van Buren source code release. Simple like a hell! :wink:
# 23 September - New Fallout 1 mod
# 25 September - New Fallout 2 mod
# 27 September - Lost Fallout chapters uncovered
# 29 September - Simultaneous release of Afterfall & AOD
# 1 October - Arcanum 2 resumption (Troika re-union tour)
# 4 October - Van Buren release
# 7 October - FO: BOS release for PC! With new content + NEW unlockable character! *sarcasm*

Edit - Added a clarification :)
Nevermore said:
# 7 October - FO: BOS release for PC! With new content + NEW unlockable character!

Delete this, before you get kicked in the nuts.
xu said:
Nevermore said:
# 7 October - FO: BOS release for PC! With new content + NEW unlockable character!

Delete this, before you get kicked in the nuts.

*OUCH*... too late...

But seriously, It's nice how we have something to look forward to every few days. :)
I'm suprised by the amount of detail on the creature, that pays insignifiacant role in game :) .

Too bad Fallout wasn't released as GURPS game...
TheWesDude said:
is it just me of is from the 17th of sept to 7th of oct not 30 days?

It's not.

I wasn't going to post that postcard on the 7th and then have you guys wait two weeks for this stuff to start, hence the note in my posts on "a couple of days"
Great banner and article!

Thanks BN, we can always depend on you getting the goods :clap:

P.S>: Please keep the BOS shit away from PC.