NMA Steam Card Exchange


Ok I need some cards to complete my steam badge.

I currently need the below cards

Tomb Raider summer sale Card

Dead Island Riptide summer sale card

Bioshock Infinite summer sale card

I currently have the below cards I am willing to swap for the above

2x Football Manager Cards

1x Kerbal space program card

1x Chivalry card

1x Prison Architect card

1x Skyrim card

1x torchlight II card

1x Reus card

If you wish to trade with me please add me on steam.

Steam ID:Serifan
I have no idea what you're talking about, so I did some investigation, and...

What are Steam Trading Cards?

Steam Trading Cards are collectible cards you get by playing games on Steam. Collect a set of cards to earn items that help you customize your profile and show off your gameplay.

Is this for real? :confused:
I only need Torchlight II.

The only cards I have extra of are Football Manager 2013 and Tomb Raider.

So if you could get an extra Torchlight II, I'd be happy to trade my extra Tomb Raider with you. :)

SteamID: DarthBrian
.Pixote. said:
Collect a set of cards to earn items that help you customize your profile and show off your gameplay.
I don't get it either. In order to play games, you need a STEAM client. In order to customize your STEAM client, you need to play moar games and collect cards. Sounds like a pretty malicious service, if you ask me.
Just when you thought they couldn't come up with more dumb shit. :D Are these steam cards the new team fortress hats?
Surf Solar said:
Just when you thought they couldn't come up with more dumb shit. :D Are these steam cards the new team fortress hats?

Need more hats!

Noticed i had some games that could give me cards! But i can't find where you check cards and 2 minutes later i decided that i don't really care :P

Edit: Noticed i had 1 card from a game i never play but 0 from the games that are on the list and i do play. Ohh well!
This is true, but supposedly collecting sets can net you some half-decent discount coupons, which could be a plus during non Steam-sale periods. Also, some of the better/rarer ones are said to have sold for a fairly decent amount on the Steam marketplace once upon a time, but I don't know how well that's going to hold up the further out they get from the days of the Beta.
valcik said:
I don't get it either. In order to play games, you need a STEAM client. In order to customize your STEAM client, you need to play moar games and collect cards. Sounds like a pretty malicious service, if you ask me.

Actually, that's only for customizing your profile. If you don't care about Steam trading cards, not participating will not hurt your experience in any way, shape, or form.
Yamu said:
This is true, but supposedly collecting sets can net you some half-decent discount coupons, which could be a plus during non Steam-sale periods. Also, some of the better/rarer ones are said to have sold for a fairly decent amount on the Steam marketplace once upon a time, but I don't know how well that's going to hold up the further out they get from the days of the Beta.

I sold a random card for 0.20 euro \o/... Yay i guess? :roll:
I heard that people buy / sell this stuff for a truck ton of money. People are so dumb.
Some are dumb. Others are making truck tons of money. Ahhh, capitalism.

Edit: Of course, it's easy to judge. Every hobby can be seen as stupid by those who don't pursue it and there's always something better to spend your money on if you ask someone else. When it comes to judging the tastes of others, there aren't many soapboxes to do it from that are actually fit to hold the weight.
Yeah, but you gain nothing from "collecting" these cards. You spend time / money on stupid stuff. If it would be real cards, okay... But they are not. They are not old, they don't really have any value and you can't do anything with them.

Even collecting postal stamps has more value than this.
I got a full set a few days ago! Yay for an emoticon a shitty background and a coupoun for portals 2... Sigh :) Thankfully i got the cards by selling off random cards and buying cards i missed.