NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase: 14th January 2009



NMA's Fallout 3 Mod Showcase</center>


27th December 2008

SIG-Sauer 14mm Automatic Pistol


Yes, from the creator of the Wattz 2000 laser rifle comes the infamous elephant pistol, the SIG-Sauer! And this time around,

Grab it from NMA and the Fallout 3 Nexus.

Thanks for the recommendation, Grimhound.

<center>Winchester P-94 Plasma Rifle


Devoted fans will instantly recognize this familiar piece of equipment by it's iconic claws. Yes, the P94 Plasma Rifle has returned, in all of it's industrial grade glory.

Grab it from NMA and the Fallout 3 Nexus.

Other noteworthy mods:

* Disguises Mod - armours now double as disguises for their respective factions
* Hidden Skill Checks - now skill checks include actual checks, not skillpoint thresholds
* Power Armour Improved - puts the Power back in Power Armour
* Fellout Weather Overhaul - Brown stopped being realistic years ago. This updates Fo3 with the current fashion in world design
The plasma rifle nexus link takes me to the SIG pistol page. Plzfix.
Oh wow, that Wattz laser pistol is full of awesome, I lurv Joefoxx's stuff. Been using the 14mm pistol since he released it.
It's amazing how he manages to capture the look of the original Fallout weapons.

If only the mutli-million dollar studio had such respect for the series and attention to detail.
Hidden Skill Checks Mod said:
- Message boxes will no longer display the amount of skill required to succeed in a given task. This will make the game somewhat harder, but will also make successful skill checks more rewarding.
The mod also adds a little more random into setting and disarming traps as well as a few other situations. And makes the Megaton bomb twice as difficult to disarm. Also the Disguises mod makes changing your "costumes" actually make sense - one thing that the original Fallouts used to some extent.

I haven't played FO3 yet, but I'm glad to see that slowly but surely they are removing some of the more annoying elements, so that when I finally buy the FO3 Supreme Edition used for $20, it will feel more like Fallout. Unfortunately they will probably never be able to mod away the repetitive dungeon crawls - too many of those.

Also I wonder if the Weather Overhaul Mod changes the textures and skyboxes or simply takes out a yellow-brownifying step in the rendering path. The untinted world still looks brown enough for me.
I personally don't like the plasma rifle. I also don't think, that it gets the "old style" very good.

The weather mod looks interesting. I think, I will check it out.
Seconded. The SIG pistol looks awesome, but the plasma rifle feels a bit too blocky.
The 14mm Automatic Pistol is a bit too strong, imo. I changed it for myself and made it a bit more weak because even in the originals it wasn't a that good gun.

/Edit: Take a look at this. Me likes it.

I love, love, love mods that add classic Fallout weapons into Fallout 3. Now that I've finally figured out how to use the GECK to replace weapon models and textures, I'm certainly going to be turning all those AEP7s into Wattz 1000s!
Couldn't Bethesda just add the classic energy guns? I mean it's easy in terms of balance. Hey, this Wattz plasma rifle is strong, but fires and reloads slow. This laser rifle is an energy sniper. Woohoo! Nope, they gotta have only their stuff.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Does Fellout weather overhall works with a sucky PC and low details? Looks gorgerous!

I just launched the game with this mod and I don't see any FPS drop, and it does look better with it.. Changes seem to be purely cosmetical, reminds me a lot of Natural Environments mod for Oblivion.