NMA's Second Night Out Podcast - December 12th, 2015


Vault Dweller
This is an announcement thread for the upcoming second NMA podcast.

The original is up for public viewing here:

Fallout 4 is nearing a month of age, and that means more thoughts on the game, more public opinions to peruse, and likely much more disappointment about what is being found out even now.

Like last time, this is an open-call podcast. All from this forum who wish to participate are welcome, though before going in, a few things to keep in mind:

- This podcast will begin at 2:00 p.m. Central Standard Time on Saturday December 12th, and may be upwards of 4 hours long like the last one.

- This will be hosted through Google Hangouts. You must have a Google+ account linked to a YouTube account to be able to take part. If not, the system will have verification roadblocks thrown at you.

- This podcast is open-call on questions that the participants can answer. We have some already to get the conversation going, and...

- Lastly, this podcast, unlike the first one, may be broadcasting live. The original was done with the video set to private, so a switch to public may cause issues I'm not familiar with. If done with the video set to public though, questions from the public can be taken and add to the discussion.

-- Questions for the cast --

These are the questions to be covered during the event thus far. It will be updated as new ones come in.

- Lore Retcons
- The Parts Of Game Design Were Taken From Mods
- Wasted Potential
- Critic Contempt Against The Dissenting Voices
- Our Take On The Response From The Modding Community
- The Good About Fallout 4

When the podcast goes live, the link to it will be posted on this OP.

The countdown begins. In 10 days, it's on. Until then...

- AgentBJ09
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NIce! I got something to watch while I play FO4 and FFXIV =D. Also, I can swing by if you guys have space. I have QUITE a bit to say.
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Assuming you don't mind a fifteen year old with a poor internet connection, I'll try to be there.
Good stuff with the first one, guys. Listened to the entire thing, found that it was a bit rocky at first but gradually got a lot better. Excited for the next one!
NIce! I got something to watch while I play FO4 and FFXIV =D. Also, I can swing by if you guys have space. I have QUITE a bit to say.

Google Hangouts should be stable enough for over six people.

Assuming you don't mind a fifteen year old with a poor internet connection, I'll try to be there.

Not at all. If you can make it, do so.

Good stuff with the first one, guys. Listened to the entire thing, found that it was a bit rocky at first but gradually got a lot better. Excited for the next one!

Same here.
NIce! I got something to watch while I play FO4 and FFXIV =D. Also, I can swing by if you guys have space. I have QUITE a bit to say.

Google Hangouts should be stable enough for over six people.

Assuming you don't mind a fifteen year old with a poor internet connection, I'll try to be there.

Not at all. If you can make it, do so.

Good stuff with the first one, guys. Listened to the entire thing, found that it was a bit rocky at first but gradually got a lot better. Excited for the next one!

Same here.
I wouldn't mind stopping by, but I fear it would be a bit too overcrowded, so I won't intrude. On the google hangouts thing, have you considered skype another option? You probably wouldn't be able to stream it live, but I think it would be more stable.
NIce! I got something to watch while I play FO4 and FFXIV =D. Also, I can swing by if you guys have space. I have QUITE a bit to say.

Google Hangouts should be stable enough for over six people.

Assuming you don't mind a fifteen year old with a poor internet connection, I'll try to be there.

Not at all. If you can make it, do so.

Good stuff with the first one, guys. Listened to the entire thing, found that it was a bit rocky at first but gradually got a lot better. Excited for the next one!

Same here.
I wouldn't mind stopping by, but I fear it would be a bit too overcrowded, so I won't intrude. On the google hangouts thing, have you considered skype another option? You probably wouldn't be able to stream it live, but I think it would be more stable.

Dr Fallout made the Skype suggestion for the original one. But at present, I don't know if Skype allows for recording, or how stable it is when doing so.
I was watching the original podcast, and when someone compared the Lieutenant to Piper, I decided to google photos comparing the two. I kept finding pictures of David Tennant for some reason.
I got one more thing to say about the old podcast; Kirkbride is an idiot. Have any of you ever read his glorified fanfic, "C0DA"? It's awful and if it ever becomes canon, will absolutely ruin TES.
I got one more thing to say about the old podcast; Kirkbride is an idiot. Have any of you ever read his glorified fanfic, "C0DA"? It's awful and if it ever becomes canon, will absolutely ruin TES.

Never heard of it, but if it was thought up during his peyote period, that would explain why it comes off so much like a Stephen King high-as-a-kite story. Langoliers, anyone?
Just finished listening to the whole thing, pretty good guys! I'd like to skype or do a google hangout with any of you, not sure about doing a podcast but just hanging out and chatting would be cool. If I did appear on a podcast I don't think I'd stay for 4 hours and I think the same can be said for a lot of the members, so maybe having guests come in and out in between the hour or 30 minute marks would be good, or just shortening the podcast altogether.

EDIT: Oh and I heard snake complain about the face fucking your gun thing, you can fix that by turning environment FOV up in the INI file, it'll keep your FOV at wherever you want, so 70/80/90 whatever but it'll make your gun more center screen and not in your face, more like in fallout 3 and new vegas. Hope that helps!
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Just finished listening to the whole thing, pretty good guys! I'd like to skype or do a google hangout with any of you, not sure about doing a podcast but just hanging out and chatting would be cool. If I did appear on a podcast I don't think I'd stay for 4 hours and I think the same can be said for a lot of the members, so maybe having guests come in and out in between the hour or 30 minute marks would be good, or just shortening the podcast altogether.

EDIT: Oh and I heard snake complain about the face fucking your gun thing, you can fix that by turning environment FOV up in the INI file, it'll keep your FOV at wherever you want, so 70/80/90 whatever but it'll make your gun more center screen and not in your face, more like in fallout 3 and new vegas. Hope that helps!

It actually went on for a while after the recording stopped, but given how much contempt we all had for the game and what Bethesda did to the IP between their first attempt and this one...

Otherwise, if you or others want to come and then jet midway, that's fine. (I can think of a few guests from outside this site whom I'd like to bring onboard, even if that's shooting rather high for a second cast.)
Aw, I'd love to join you guys as well, or at least drop in for a limited time and discuss some things on the matter. Is there like a limit for the amount of people that can be there at once?
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I hope the next podcast deals with Underrail. I am kind of exhausted of Fallout 4 conversations.
This is not the most interesting Fallout-like that got released these days.
Aw, I'd love to join you guys as well, or at least drop in for a limited time and discuss some things on the matter. Is there like a limit for the amount of people that can be there at once?

Don't think so. Google Hangouts did skip recording here and there, and you can hear it during the cast, but I'd say it can handle 12 people easy.

I hope the next podcast deals with Underrail. I am kind of exhausted of Fallout 4 conversations.
This is not the most interesting Fallout-like that got released these days.

It'll have to come from the others if we do. I tried the Desura version for a while and it was fun, but updates stopped around June, so until GOG gets it for retail sale, I won't be buying it.
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Well 6 more days, wish it would get here sooner so we can get to discussing. Has anyone else who is joining the podcast been able to play anymore of the game? I keep attempting to but then I get bored and run back to Fallout 1 & 2 or something not Fallout 3 or 4.
Nah. If I don't get it Christmas I'll probably have to wait 'till February. I, for one, can't wait. It seems like it's gonna be a great addition to the Borderlands franchise.

In all seriousness, though, I'll be looking at it as an individual game, not a sequel. It's looking pretty good.