No More Moore!

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying. I'm not saying its good people don't care. I'm saying the decisions are being left to those who take advantage of the fact that most people either don't care, or seem to not care.

Obviously not everyone can be a politician, but in todays modern age it takes remarkably little effort to keep up with current events and stay informed. A remarkably little effort that so few people I know choose to expend.
I agree with what you are saying.

But my point has to do with the idea of living generally. Most people are fairly passive in the way they go through life, they don't question circumstances or choices but live with what they have given. Rarely do they challenge authority to do better.

From there it's easy to become apathetic, the sense that there is no purpose or drive in life and that one needs to just accept things unfeelingly.

It's in the feeling and the action we take on those feelings that we start to actually live fully.

People should care, and they should act on the things they care about. They should be willing to challenge authority when that authority is fucked up or when you are seeing things are not getting better, but are actually getting worse.

But that takes work.