No (or very little) random encounters in F2


dude_obj said:
Kahgan said:
err, the travel time in Fallout1 isn't affected by the cpu(only if you have a rrrreeaaly slow one). The travel time in Fallout1 will stay excactly the same, and thus, I suppose giving you just as much encounters, unless the encounters in fallout1 isn't based on the travel time...

Say what? We're talking about encounter boosting here, to get more random encounters, but not too many, like the random encounter booster patch which sets everything to 100%.

yep, encounter boosting, I've allways been under the impression that the amount of random encounters depended on travel time...what I'm thinking is:

PC enter world map, soundtrack and count-down until next random encounter starts...
Now if the player hasn't moved, or is staying still when the count-down stops, he/she won't get any random encounters...
If he/she is moving, there is x % chance of getting a random encounter
And since the soundtrack and count-down starts at the same time, you would get randoms on the same places of the soundtracks every time if you know what I mean...'tis wrong?
Kahgan said:
I've allways been under the impression that the amount of random encounters depended on travel time...

Well my experience in number of encounter have been:

On an old machine say < 400Mhz the encounters are "normal".
On fast machines (1-1.5Ghz) I hardly get any encounters.
If I use the random encounter booster patch (sets 100/100/100/100/100) I get too many encounters.
If I reduce those numbers 100/70/50/40/30 I'm back to "normal" (about the same as it used to be on a slow machine).

I have no idea if "travel time" affects the number of encounters, but the percentages are set in worldmap.txt. So even if its true, we can't change travel time, but we can change the chance of them occuring by changing the numbers in worldmap.txt
dude_obj said:
menyus said:
I wish I could edit that encounterbooster file to provide encounters 'on the golden middle way', but unfortunately I'm not too skilled in such issues. Any idea which row to edit (and how)?

Right near the top of the replacement worldmap.txt you see this:

; Encounter frequency percentages:
Forced=100% ; This shouldn't change
Frequent=100% ; Was 9/3d6
Common=100% ; Was 8/3d6
Uncommon=100% ; Was 6/3d6
Rare=100% ; Was 5/3d6
None=0% ; This shouldn't change

Note how they are all 100% !

So just change some of those, I'm using these numbers:

Forced=100% ; This shouldn't change
Frequent=70% ; Was 9/3d6
Common=50% ; Was 8/3d6
Uncommon=40% ; Was 6/3d6
Rare=30% ; Was 5/3d6
None=0% ; This shouldn't change

Or you can just grab my worldmap.txt

The original % was much much lower on all of these, but they don't work as they used to on old slow machines. The random encounter booster went a bit too extreme making them all 100%.

Cheers mate, that's what I set as well for the first time, but I wasn't sure if it's correct that way so I just haven't used it. Now I'm encouraged to do so! :ok:
So thanks again for your help. :notworthy:
Good luck on your adventures (and encounters)! 8)
Akin said:
Does anyone know if this problem exists for the orginal Fallout? I've been meaning to play it again, and I was curious...


Fallout, contrary to what someone said previously, does NOT use the same engine as Fallout 2. I've been replaying them both extensively as of late, and after probably 5 or so total games worth of Fallout 1, I'm pretty convinced that random encounters are somehow tied to travel times, as they seem completely normal in Fallout 1 without any mods or slow-down utilities.

I've solved my encounter problem with Fallout 2 in almost exactly the same way as a couple others have mentioned here (modified the values in the encounter patch) - my numbers were so close to those I'll have to go get my nullifier to prevent you people from reading my thoughts anymore. ;)

While the concept of the game engines has been mentioned, is it just me, or does anyone else find it odd that Fallout 2 runs *very* fast on the world map/travel scrren and alt-tabs (fairly well), whereas Fallout 1's world map seems to work just like it did on the machine I first played the game on years ago, and can't be alt tabbed whatsoever (at least it doesn't do anything on my system).

I'm wondering if the difference isn't due to code changes that had to be made in order for the car to actually move faster than walking in FO2 -since this wouldn't have been required in FO1. If that's the case, I also wonder if the travel screen couldn't be slowed down in FO2 to get it to work more as originally intended... maybe with one of those in-memory patchers or the like, since I tend to suspect it's hardcoded in the exe and not in a script or the like.

Meh.. just musing now, so I'll hush.

I have a _very_ interesting observation:
I didn’t just clicked on one of the “city buttons”, but clicked on locations on the world map on the way to that particular city instead (ie divided the way into smaller stages), I almost ALWAYS had a random encounter just after I STARTED from where I stopped by in the wasteland…
Try it out, you don’t even have to go to the game screen (so don’t enter the empty place), just stop by on the world map, then click on a new location, and (based on my experiences) you’ll have that highly wanted encounter-sign WITHIN JUST A SECOND… 8)

By the way, I use the edited (!) encounter-booster (so no 100%s featured) but anyway, this method generates an encounter 90% of the time.
I don’t know if it’s a bug of the original game or something the encounter-booster introduced, anyway it works (in case you’d miss those random encounters)! :ok:
Yeah, I'm not certain what causes that (admittedly, I haven't dug *that* deep into all the files involved yet), but I have to agree that the encounter rate is quite noticably higher if you were to make a trip in say 2 or 3 stages (stopping as you indicate in an empty location and starting again from there) than if you go straight point-to-point.

I suspect that there's some manner of "if no encounter yet, check again with higher chance" statement in there *someplace*, which sees every stop as another check -but that's merely speculation right now since as I said, I haven't really dug that deeply just yet.

Here's some similar stuff from an old tips collection that might be of interest:

I noticed this: when I finished a random encounter (not a special one) I saved the game. Then I loaded the game i just saved and exited the location. My initial heading was not preserved. That could only mean that by reseting my heading other route-relative information was probably also reseted. I reselected a destination ( not necessarily a city, any square worked) and hit go. And there it was, 7 out of 10 times a random encounter appeared also immediately after I left (about 30 minutes game time), most of the times it was of the same kind as the one I just finished or something related (if my original was "a family of radscorpions", then the next one would most of the times be the same or for example "a swarm of mantis"). Note: Sometimes when reselecting (after reloading) the same direction it doesn't seem to work good, so you should try to move to opposite direction until the random encounter engine actually resets.

Could be just random BS though.
Exactly what does those percentage ratings mean?

Is it percentage of hitting an encounter when moving from one spot to another, the percentage for hitting one within a give time period or what? Has anyone got a clue? :?:
Brutulf said:
Exactly what does those percentage ratings mean?

Is it percentage of hitting an encounter when moving from one spot to another, the percentage for hitting one within a give time period or what? Has anyone got a clue? :?:

I don't know yet personally, but I expect to know before long since the project I'm beginning work on currently will eventually require me to understand how all that works.

I'll keep you posted either I'll explain how it works or I'll post saying I've disected it and still can't figure it out (which may happen if too much of it is hard-coded. Tearing apart the exe isn't my area of expertise.)
