Evil Feline said:
Could this mean Fo3 won't be staring Ron Pearlman?
That's just the point. He
didn't star in Fallout. Neither did Richard Dean Anderson, David Warner, Cree Summers, or anyone else. They were voice acting.
Cartoon voice-acting doesn't use this, instead they will pay by the session or on a contract if the voice-over is being used regularly. Just about everyone in Hollywood knows that you can't make a living from doing session work in voice acting. It is supplemental, often just-for-fun work.
The voice actors just come into the studio, don't have to pay shit for a studio fee, and sit there and read from a script. They are often stuffed with amenities and usually a catered spread is laid out for the days voice-actors are in the studio. That, to me, hardly constitutes "work" deserving of royalty payments. They are paid ~$500 a day of V-O work, or a lump sum for their work on a specific part. There is hardly the same amount of work being done as in stage, film, or TV acting, and inherently without the likeness of the actor. They don't do ANYWHERE near the same effort as, say, the animators or the developers, who in fact don't even get paid at the same rate.
Next, the SAG will want the voice actors to be paid every time their work shows up on TV for cartoons, and that is going to really cause problems as the voice-acting industry is either going to implode, or might fix the problem as the game publishers/developers look at the bullshit from Hollywood and go "No thanks, we'll use freelancers." Too bad the SAG didn't know of the other use for voice-acting that could be used as precedent for the VG industry - radio. Actors didn't get "royalties" for spewing out lines into a mic for a radio show then.
And let me guess what the publishers do if they bow to the Film Actors Guildies. They pay the voice actors more willingly, and there goes more of what little comprises the developer's "cut", for the sake of some egomaniacal guilded twat.
Welcome to America, where we will take good ideas like patenting and unionizing, and use it in every unscrupulous manner conceivable.