Non-violent Roleplay...

Its kind of impossible to do. While you don't have to kill that many things at all, it would still be incredibly hard not to. I believe that there are only two people you must kill in Fallout 2, and have no idea about Fallout.
Well, *you* won't kill anyone in FO1 if the Master blows up the Cathedral himself.

You can make the master blow up the cathedral himself?
:oops: Didn't know that.
Also I had to kill a whole bunch of muties to get to the vatts computer..

F2 is a different story though, but isn't it obligatory to let the magicsmoke out of the president though?
Ausir said:
Well, *you* won't kill anyone in FO1 if the Master blows up the Cathedral himself.

Well, technically he's killing them rather than you, but still, those beings are still very dead.
So what you are saying here is go through the whole game and not shoot, stab, blow up or disintegrate anything? Not even random encounters?
That would mean leaving Metzger, the Rat God, the raiders in Vault 15 and many more *bad* guys alive... that would be just as bad as shooting a kid in the groin with a plasma riffle... and totaly dull.
You don´t have to fight by YOURSELF, but your comrades may do that! ;)

I once made a char in FO2 that could be a supernerd. He had Tags on "First Aid", "Doctor", "Speech" and "Science".

It worked all way perfect, but you had to support your Comrades in nearly every way. I gave more stimpaks during a combat than I ever needed before.

But it really works!!!
leave Metzger alone, he's an honest hard working businessman. its not like the average FO2 character is any less evil.

I think the best way to do it would be to make a Dr. kevorkian who killed everyone with stimpaks. everyone knows stimpak overdose is a painless death.
Yes, you can finish Fallout 1 without attacking anything or anyone. I've done it.
It's impossible in Fallout 2 because you have to kill Frank Horrigan, one way or another.
You'd have to have 112 Stimpaks handly an a shitload of time, which you DON'T have, with the countdown on your ass.
Ever thought about the "Presidential Security Card" for the change of the defense System against Horrigan? ;)

You just need a certain armour to survive, that´s all. And with the Soldiers of Sargent Granite on your side you wont get any problems! :P
So but so the consensus is that people have to DIE, but you don't necessarily have to do the killing...

Death by proxy is still death. Grrrr.

I wish more games provided options for no killing. Even just non-lethal takedowns. Now that would be cool.