Nonlethal Gameplay?

You'd think if you kill NPC to set an example, the rest of the town would think twice about attacking you.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]The one advantage to KO's that i see is that your character could be a badass without suffering consequences you would in the first 2 games. Say you meet some asshole with a big mouth, instead of walking away, you can just beat the shit out of him and take his stuff without the whole town entering into combat with you.

hmmmz.... how is that a bad thing exactly?

I remember plenty of post-apoc movies and books where one guy knocks another guy to the ground and takes all his stuff and the townsfolk either pretend not to notice or cheer the guy on.
I would suggest again for people to play Gothic. Check out the "pecking order" in Old Camp, between the miners, guards, etc. It has a very good implementation of non-lethal combat for that game style, but the caste system is the relevant aspect.

This can translate very well into a post-apocalyptic setting, especially when the law might not care to get involved with petty scuffles over trinkets. Whip out the guns, now you're in trouble.

This concept would also work well with a leather biker gang, like the Skullz or similar.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of non-lethal combat.

Among other things it would allow for bar brawls and such that don't end with Tandi's son... erhm I mean the opponent lying on the ground in several pieces, just because I forgot I'm wearing power armour.
especially when the law might not care to get involved with petty scuffles over trinkets. Whip out the guns, now you're in trouble.

That's what i was trying to get at. In places like the Den or New Reno, sure, no laws mean you can be as bad as you want to be. But places like NCR or Vault City - the rules change.
I would love to see non-lethal combat. I tend to play a h2h kinda guy, that is until the guns came out, then I'd play mean (think John Woo film). But earlier on in the game, before you are really capable of protecting yourself, it would be great to knock someone out to get out of a jam. Especially if your outnumbered, which I tend to be...
What was especially retarded about the whole town/group hating you part was that in some cases, like the small three-person gang in the Den lead by ... Joel or what his name was (the ganger at the East of the first map), you HAVE to kill the guy in order to end the combat and in order to prevent having to enter combat as soon as either of his two comrades sees you, you have to cap them both along.
Damn, it was a personal thing and them running away is fine, but why do they have to initiate combat for that? That's so annoying you'll end up killing them just for doing that.


A lot of the provoking would be better to lead to a short melee fight ending in KO rather than a life-or-death gun-/bladefight.

What I actually missed in the Den was an option to make those children give you back what they stole without stealing it back or killing them. Like, talking to them or threatening them and then beating them if they don't hand it back and thus stopping them from doing it again.
At least it would prevent you from becoming a childkiller just because you're annoyed of getting robbed constantly.

In most cases a damage limit which makes the opponent cease fire and surrender (turn neutral) would solve the whole issue.
Yeah, if you beat the crap out of those children or just threaten them, they might still steal, but not from you, perhaps even run away.
The idea of a Blackjack is interesting, and brings me to the point of Backstab. Many RPGs have a backstab system, so why not fallout? It would make stealth a lot more interesing, and you could even implement a Slit throat move with your knive, or maybie take em hostage and use em as a bullet shield.
When you become a badass mofo in previous Fallout games, there are wanted posters in town with your face on it. Nevermind who post them, I'd like to see some bad NPCs got wanted, allowing players to have some bounty hunter games, and earn a fortune? :twisted:

Getting clues from townfolks and random encounters, and eventually find the guy (or the gang) and knock him out or just take his head away :shock: . A head won't run away(don't care about the decay matter), but rewards of taking wanted people back alive are usually more, though you have to make sure that asshole won't be able to escape or backstab you.

Wanna see more suggestions of uses of KOs...
There have been hints at nonlethal combat in both Fallout games (the Temple fight, fighting the Kahns leader for Tandi, Tandi's son, etc) but since the Fallout combat system is basically geared entirely towards lethal combat there's little benefit from trying to knock someone out instead of killing them; once you've attacked the town is probably still hostile; there's no advantage. If you could engage in brawls and such without getting the whole town or the local heat on your back, that would give you more options.

I like the idea of having influence over people, knocking out their leader or some such. I like the idea of taking captives for whatever purpose (Temporary prisoners to interrogate and release if you're good; or victims to sell, rape, torture, and experiment on if you're evil,) all with impacts on your karma, rep, and so on. As I mentioned in the thread on silencers, if the AI gets smarter to react realistically, and in this case if nonlethal combat is successfully implemented, then the game could be excellent and even more replayable.
Forgotten said:
Many RPGs have a backstab system, so why not fallout? It would make stealth a lot more interesing

I thought the Silent Death perk was that? Double damage if you hit them in the back while sneaking? :scratch:

Lord 342 said:
If you could engage in brawls and such without getting the whole town or the local heat on your back, that would give you more options.

it would open up a lot of options for new quests as well. e.g. New Reno Boss tells you to go and get some owed money off someone:"i want you to make an example of him, but i dont want him dead because people will get suspicious". Or something like that, you get the point, and this also adds a new perspective on things, where entering combat mode would mean failing that particular quest, not resulting in the mass murder of an entire town. its a great concept and it could be incorporated into F3 to make it even better!!

Montez said:
It's probably be possible, but it would probably require way too much scripting to be worth the effort.
On the contrary, i think it would be worth it, if someone was willing to spend the time 8)
