Noonan/Grandstaff: Seriously, we won't talk

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Gary “VXSS” Noonan and Matt “GStaff” Grandstaff decided the remark from Ashley Cheng that nobody's talking on anything needed a bit more clarification. A step-by-step:<blockquote>When will you all be allowed, if at all, to comment on this months feature in GI.
Noonan: Most likely never. We give magazines the information to give to you all so that we don’t have to. Allows us to keep working.

Grandstaff: As mentioned by VXSS, we’re not commenting on the information reported in the magazine…sorry guys

If you, the developers, want the fans’ input on how to improve the game, why is no information released until things are already set in stone? I can assume the answer is, “My boss tells me not to,” but can you prove my assumption to be wrong?
Noonan: Because as you put it, we, the developers, arent PR. As much as many of us may want to, it is not our task to relay snippet of info after info to the general public. So, in a sense, yes, it is a case of “My boss tells me not to”, but we also understand why, being on the inside. As for things being released before the stone chiseling, we all know just how much more gas would be thrown on the flames if info was released then pulled back because of changes. Happens with all games…. simple knowledge there.</blockquote>Spotted on Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog.
As for things being released before the stone chiseling, we all know just how much more gas would be thrown on the flames if info was released then pulled back because of changes. Happens with all games…. simple knowledge there.
In other words, don't hold out hope that anything in the GI article will be changed. Not that anyone realistically believed that, anyway. :roll:

It's like the reverse of Oblivion. Radiant AI? Sign me the fuck up. Unfortunately, all it ended up being was "fuck up". Oh, and various other promised features were also lobotomized or otherwise removed due to incompetence.

This? It's more like there's horrible shit in there, which fits "fuck up" from the start. However, don't expect them to fix any of it due to the fact that they're too incompetent to think of anything better.

If it took them three years to come up with things like V.A.T.S., and if the Fatman wasn't something somebody threw together over a weekend because "wouldn't it be cool", I'll drink water out of an unflushed toilet.

Oh, wait.
"simple knowledge"

just like drinking radiated water out of toilets when you are thirsty in a post-apocalyptic world.
Toilets are more likely to contain water than any other object in a ruined cityscape, because plumbing is always the last thing to go.
Kukident said:
"simple knowledge"

just like drinking radiated water out of toilets when you are thirsty in a post-apocalyptic world.
Well, surely you'll have an almost infinite supply of Rad X and Radaway?

After all, both are easily made from common mushrooms and plant extracts.

Per said:
Toilets are more likely to contain water than any other object in a ruined cityscape, because plumbing is always the last thing to go.
Safe water?
If the toilet was in a sealed building, perhaps. If not, call me Puking Charlie.
Big T said:
Safe water?
If the toilet was in a sealed building, perhaps. If not, call me Puking Charlie.

It is, it's in a metro. And per's right. In the 50s, and even now, people are instructed to drink from any water source available. Toilet are popular, because of porcelain (anti-radiation or something).

The problem is we're talking about 200 year old plumbing here.
Smart, really smart. The mental image of Liberace making out with a nude Jean-Claude van Damme every time Bethesda makes some sort of PR move is getting stronger.
Regardless of anything, it sounds just like they almost directly took what Deus Ex did with Water Coolers and Fountains. Click click click click restore a small portion of health each time.

However, they added in the concern of radiation so you have to be a discerning citizen about which toilet bowl you drinking from. Glowing too brightly, too much chocolate, just right.

Oh, fuck it. I'm harping on this and it isn't even that important.

What IS important is whether you can drink from any water source, or if there are simply going to be ones that are tagged *Drinkable*.

It would reek a bit too much of Half-Life's HEV recharging stations if that were the case. Or of Metroid Prime, where the health recharging spots are also save points.

"You see a toilet. Would you like to save your progress?"

If it's any water source, then I applaud them for that. If it's just a replacement for health packs, then... No.
It is any water source. Water does restore health, and you can check radiation-levels of water with your Pipboy. I seriously doubt any of the watersources are "infinite HP" points. Though I wouldn't put it beyond Bethesda.
If they were infinite-HP, it would still be counterbalanced by the radiation problem. So it wouldn't really matter that much if that were the case. You couldn't "camp the water", for example.

A concern I have is that the only water sources will predominantly be placed in arbitrary, nonsensical places. Like the recurring problem in games where you think "A save point/recharging station/etc. Shit, that means there must be something big coming up."

That would be horrible to see in a game like this.

It really comes down to intelligent level design, though- unfortunately, that's one of the things (in my opinion) Beth have yet to prove they can do.
Herman said:
The problem is we're talking about 200 year old plumbing here.

Never mind the plumbing, we're talking about water that would be stagnant for 200 years. Assuming that it wouldn't have evaporated by then.
Toilets/water sources will probably work like the Ayelid-Wells & Way-shrines in Oblivion. You get to re-energize fully off them once a day, and then they need to recharge. These were placed along travel routes, or out in the wilderness - not in combat areas/dungeons, idea being that you refuel between quests/crawls.

They also charged up magical items... it could be possible your issued with a flask, so you go to the toilets to heal up fully and refil the flask (which works as a reusable medpack for combat). Ideally i'd like to see you risk disease/contamination from chancing a drink without testing or using some filtration device, but it's going to be an Action RPG - so can't see that happening somehow.
Fallout 3: Toilets In the wilderness. A post nuclear janitor game.
Regardless of anything, it sounds just like they almost directly took what Deus Ex did with Water Coolers and Fountains.

I personally believe Deus Ex in general is much more important to understand the Fallout 3 they are making than even the previous Fallout games. Just a hunch, of course.
To me, this sounds like one big F*** off, we do things our way. This is just another excuse for not interacting with the fans. Shame really, as with our help this game would be so much better. It would actually be Fallout.
Wooz said:
Fallout 3: Toilets In the wilderness. A post nuclear janitor game.
Heh, Colin the cleaner with nukes? Dogmeat will probably end up being replaced by the Andrex puppy at this rate.

Honestly the fact they aren't wanting to gloat about VATS and the err Toilets and stuff is rather strange. There's over a year to go, but we knew a hell of a lot more about Obliv at this stage.. maybe Todd's nose grew a bit too long for him to want to repeat those lies again? :roll:
I've always associated that behavior more with Duke Nukem (3D) - but then again, I smash-kick the toilet first.

On a related note, has anybody mentioned the "exclusive new" screenshot from Duke Nukem Forever in the "Fallout 3" issue of Game Informer?
Kan-Kerai said:
"You see a toilet. Would you like to save your progress?"

Sounds like "thank you for playing our shitty game, you have found the magic toilet, would you like to save now, or just flush this game off your system?"