Norman Borlaug

I'm incredibly impressed not only at what he did, but why. Whether it was more to help people or just a love of science he deserves major recommendations. I agree with this:

Borlaug's story is ignored because his is a story of righteousness -- shunning wealth and comfort, this magnificent man lived nearly all his life in impoverished nations. If he'd blown something up, lied under oath or been caught offering money for fun, ABC, CBS and NBC would have crowded the Capitol Rotunda today with cameras, hoping to record an embarrassing gaffe. Because instead Borlaug devoted his life to serving the poor, he is considered Not News. All I can say after watching him today is that I hope Borlaug isn't serious about retiring, as there is much work to be done -- and I hope when I'm 93 years old I can speak without notes, as he did.l
DexterMorgan said:
Onozuka Komachi said:
shunning wealth and comfort

No wonder people don't know about him. This is a mortal sin in consumerist societies most of us live in.

Quit bitching communist!

Theres a difference between being forced to give your money away and choosing to do so.
As big a difference as between criticizing moral corruption of rampant consumerism and being an actual communist?

Google is rather depressing:
Results 1 - 10 of about 45,000,000 for "paris hilton". (0.23 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,550,000 for "norman borlaug". (0.20 seconds)
Oh, yes, I have heard of him. CBC radio did a report on him a while back. Apparently, he was quite embarrassed by the award. And when he had won it, he was at the farm working and didn't believe his wife when she said he's won it.

Quite a man. We need more like him that gets down and get working to achieve something, instead of environmental stunts and book deals. And, those guys that assaults chefs for using animal ingredients, why don't they go save some real endangered animals. :roll:
Oh jesus. As if i hadnt heard of this guy enough.
Linkola is a old, sick fuck. Who else would promote genocide, infanticide and facism as a solution to overpopulation and enviromental problems.
He has actually claimed that if he could kill himself, and take a million with him, he would do it.