Noted fascist dislikes Obama

thank YOU, good sir!

ive been busy infiltrating my dad with conspiracy theories for about 5 years now, and it took the determination of you to open yet another pandoras box. well this is gonna be fun. i have seen him go from mild disappointment with politicians to absolute belief in illuminati-esque societies in this time line, and there is still a lot of room for more corniness.

we meet more or less occasional, when there are family parties, or just the yearly pre-christmas roundup... and everytime i manage to sneak in some new angles and a new push into the cornucopia of secret societies. what amazes me most is that he today uses the argumentations i used on him a few years ago.

dont get me wrong, this guy is perfectly sane, very educated and extremely interested and learned in history (he is a physician, so this is not his main occupation... but that does not matter that much any more, since he is retired). we will meet in august for some family party, and that maxwell thing will help me a lot.

is that the maxwells demon guy? because that idea has a lot of substance imho.

regards, horst
Meh, I call bullshit. Pinning human failures on an abstract concept is the oldest trick in the book.

Also, Occam's Razor. And the rule "Don't blame on malice what you can on stupidity".
Let's not have any dim-witted, narrow minded responses here. I have spent many years reading, and investigating all matters pertaining to this new world order, that we are being led to be slaves under.

So did the people that buy into religon or New Age crap... they studied those things for years, and still believe the earth is 6000 years old and a carpenter saved us all...
well, since I cannot post my opinion on this thread, for some reason it just does not show up...

But so you know, I spent an hour writing a response and it simply never made it up, I posted it twice, and still nothing..

I do not need to be censored on a website, and I am irate that it is happening.

Figure it out, if you have doubts about what YOU believe, don't hold back other peoples' advancement for it. I think you know I'm talking to YOU.
Your posts didn't disappear, they got vatted, and you got a strike for warez talk. Again, please read the rules for this forum. We don't censor opinions, we only punish stupidity.
BunkerBud: don't listen to DirtyDreamDesigner! He's...he's not human. Just look at his fucking avatar, man. He's covering everything up, because he knows you know the truth. Keep fighting!
Zaptoman said:
Wow. Thanks for the laughs guys. If only every thread on Obama turned out like this. LOL.

They usually turn out with a notation that he is a terrorist bent on destroying America... And of a different ethnicity than most Americans. Oh, and he knows a pastor that is insane therefor also, making him insane. :wink: