Introduce to idea:
Am trying to build big mod which will contain hundreads of NPC. To make it in traditional way it require write hundread scripts and spend on them hundread years of time
So i found that much better is build just one script which will generate lot NPCs. Ofcourse such scrpt is very dificulty, but i made some progress.
NPC will have not usual conversation and style:
NAME: Is generated from three parts and contain nick, name, town for example "Dirty Harry from Saltrocks Desert" Its selected randomly and save in local variables.
DIALOG: Everything its possible to tell is connected to some skill. And peoples often want to hear things which they understand. So person tell you some story from randomly selected skill and randomly selected dificulty. When you have small amount of that skill, it mean you dont understand it and are not interested to hear it= dialog end. But when you got require skill then he tell you selected story.
QUEST: It could be barter, sell or buy randomly item with randomly value "buy knife for 12$" or "sell beer for 5$" It could be also about learn or teach skill. But i still think about this part.
SCRIPT: (EDIT deleted after upgrade)
Am trying to build big mod which will contain hundreads of NPC. To make it in traditional way it require write hundread scripts and spend on them hundread years of time

NPC will have not usual conversation and style:
NAME: Is generated from three parts and contain nick, name, town for example "Dirty Harry from Saltrocks Desert" Its selected randomly and save in local variables.
DIALOG: Everything its possible to tell is connected to some skill. And peoples often want to hear things which they understand. So person tell you some story from randomly selected skill and randomly selected dificulty. When you have small amount of that skill, it mean you dont understand it and are not interested to hear it= dialog end. But when you got require skill then he tell you selected story.
QUEST: It could be barter, sell or buy randomly item with randomly value "buy knife for 12$" or "sell beer for 5$" It could be also about learn or teach skill. But i still think about this part.
SCRIPT: (EDIT deleted after upgrade)