RPGCodex is reporting that GamesFirst! conducted an interview with Gavin Carter of Bethesda, they talk about Oblivion but since Bethesda is going to use the same engine on Fallout 3 we can get some clues on how it might be. Here's an interesting bit:<blockquote>GF!: How have the NPCs been revamped for Oblivion as opposed to Morrowind?
GC: Reworking our NPCs is a major focus for us with Oblivion. Everything about NPCs has been redone from the ground up. For starters, all of their dialog is fully voiced. Being able to actually hear the characters speak out loud really adds to the atmosphere. We’re making revisions to how dialog functions in the game as well. Gone are the encyclopedic database characters of Morrowind who had lists of generic topics that scrolled off the screen. We’re trying hard to give all NPCs a sense of personality and keeping their topics down to things that are interesting and unique. The dialog system itself has been revamped to remove the hyperlink-style keywords sprinkled in among the dialog. You’re now presented with topics and dialog choices in between NPC dialogs. We find this helps you focus on the information (as well as our incredible facial animation system) much more, instead of just hunting through the dialogs for the colored words like in Morrowind.</blockquote>Hmm, interesting..Now we don't know that this means squat for Fallout 3, but it's safe to assume that the choices they make on Oblivion can affect Fallout 3.
Link: Oblivion interview@GamesFirst!
GC: Reworking our NPCs is a major focus for us with Oblivion. Everything about NPCs has been redone from the ground up. For starters, all of their dialog is fully voiced. Being able to actually hear the characters speak out loud really adds to the atmosphere. We’re making revisions to how dialog functions in the game as well. Gone are the encyclopedic database characters of Morrowind who had lists of generic topics that scrolled off the screen. We’re trying hard to give all NPCs a sense of personality and keeping their topics down to things that are interesting and unique. The dialog system itself has been revamped to remove the hyperlink-style keywords sprinkled in among the dialog. You’re now presented with topics and dialog choices in between NPC dialogs. We find this helps you focus on the information (as well as our incredible facial animation system) much more, instead of just hunting through the dialogs for the colored words like in Morrowind.</blockquote>Hmm, interesting..Now we don't know that this means squat for Fallout 3, but it's safe to assume that the choices they make on Oblivion can affect Fallout 3.
Link: Oblivion interview@GamesFirst!