That's a pretty long rant defending your German-ness towards another German, you know.
They talk about that Germans should get a home-benefit against people who are not born German when someone has to get a job, or i therms of social services. And (i do not know whether this was in the program of the NPD of the country, or the program of the Schleswig-Holstein NPD) that all people from other countrys eventually should be thrown out.
Its from the NPD page of Schleswig-holstein, the term used is ausländische Bevölkerungsanteil, which can be translated as "foreign part of population", I do not know if this includes the children of foreigners or not.Der ausländische Bevölkerungsanteil muß aus dem {no I've not, the NPD has} deutschen Sozialsystem ausgegliedert werden. In weiteren Schritten ist eine Abkehr von der Globalisierung herbeizuführen. Dies erfolgt durch Stärkung der heimischen Wirtschaft, Unabhängigmachung von ausländischen Finanzmärkten und Rückführung der hier lebenden Ausländer in ihre Heimat.
In zahlreichen Städten bilden sich Ausländerghettos, in denen die deutsche Restbevölkerung zur Minderheit im eigenen Land wird.
Stop that "OMG the NPD is unconstitutional" bullshit.
Who called it a democracy? I wasn't doing so, but I have to admit that I haven't known the difference until now.So stop calling it a democracy and call it a republic because that's what it is
Er, there never was fascism in Germany.... German national-socialism was analogue to Italian fascism, but it wasn't the same.but banning fascist ideology is a fascist thing to do...fascist movements
Seconded.The moment we discriminate any political ideology by changing the constitution we destroy the fundamental ideas the constitution is based on and that is freedom and society.
Yes, anti-semitism is bad, but it's hardly worse than any other discrimination, otherwise you're discriminating non-semites too (besides, most anti-semites don't have anything against semites in particular, they just hate Jews for some reason or another).
If you're homosexual and get beaten up by a gang of neo-nazis it's as worse as if you're getting beaten up for being an Israeli or believing in Judaism.
Myself in another thread said:That isn't correct... it had to be: You can be beaten up by me, just for being a stupid, ignorant moron of damn racist - doesn't matter if you're a nazi at all, or just a stupid dumbass who thinks he's better than other people cos of any hereditary characteristic, may it be your race, your 20 points of IQ or your significant too small weiner.You cannot go to jail for being a Nazi. But you may get beaten up by me, just for being a Nazi
Anyway... call me if you're doing so and need some help.
Do we have any legal basis to descriminate political parties supporting unconstitutional ideas?
Yes, we actually have.Grundgesetz said:Artikel 21
(1) Die Parteien wirken bei der politischen Willensbildung des Volkes mit. Ihre Gründung ist frei. Ihre innere
Ordnung muß demokratischen Grundsätzen entsprechen. Sie müssen über die Herkunft und Verwendung ihrer
Mittel sowie über ihr Vermögen öffentlich Rechenschaft geben.
(2) Parteien, die nach ihren Zielen oder nach dem Verhalten ihrer Anhänger darauf ausgehen, die freiheitliche
demokratische Grundordnung zu beeinträchtigen oder zu beseitigen oder den Bestand der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland zu gefährden, sind verfassungswidrig. Über die Frage der Verfassungswidrigkeit entscheidet das
That's just typically German behavior. We always end up defending ourselves. Must have something to do with the overall fucked-upness of our society resulting from certain past events.
Sure, people may associate the Turks as a foreign group, but they still have Citizenship, and are German.
In zahlreichen Städten bilden sich Ausländerghettos, in denen die deutsche Restbevölkerung zur Minderheit im eigenen Land wird.
In many cities, foreignerghettos appear, in whose the german population still present, becomes a minority in its own country.
Er, there never was fascism in Germany.... German national-socialism was analogue to Italian fascism, but it wasn't the same.
No, that's a dictatorship or oligarchy.Bradylama said:Fascism is when all aspects of government are controlled and regulated by an individual, or small group of elite. While they don't necessarily have to operate all parts of government, they still retain a final say in all matters.
That is, practically, what Germany was in the early 1940's. People were afraid of Hitler because he HAD that power. The party rhetoric may have been socialist nationalism, but in all practicality, it was fascist.
Sander said:No, that's a dictatorship or oligarchy.Bradylama said:Fascism is when all aspects of government are controlled and regulated by an individual, or small group of elite. While they don't necessarily have to operate all parts of government, they still retain a final say in all matters.
That is, practically, what Germany was in the early 1940's. People were afraid of Hitler because he HAD that power. The party rhetoric may have been socialist nationalism, but in all practicality, it was fascist.
The concept of Totalitarianism is a typology or ideal-type used by some political scientists to encapsulate the characteristics of a number of twentieth century regimes that mobilized entire populations in support of the state or an ideology. According to these historical approximations, totalitarian regimes are more repressive of pluralism and political rights than authoritarian ones. Under a totalitarian regime, the state controls nearly every aspect of the individual's life. Totalitarian governments do not tolerate activities by individuals or groups such as labor unions that are not directed by the state's goals. Totalitarian regimes maintain themselves in power through secret police, propaganda disseminated through the media, the elimination of open criticism of the regime, and use of terror tactics. Internal and external threats are created to foster unity through fear.
Still, one can reasonably argue that all totalitarian systems do seem to necessarily require the presence of a living human absolute leader at all times and do expect a certain type of guidance for nearly every aspect of life from that leader. Regardless of whether or not a newly installed leader of a totalitarian regime may happen to possess a certain natural charisma or not, the totalitarian system seems to tend to attempt to systematically impose this charisma onto the leader.
It was a rant. I wasn't really replying to anyone in particular but rather to the general topic.
Turnip said:It was a rant. I wasn't really replying to anyone in particular but rather to the general topic.
Reading the post one more time, it is realy obvius,
please forgive me for being that stupid.![]()