Nuclear Wolf returns...


Antediluvian as Feck
Nuclear Wolf from the Interplay boards said:
Yo dark underlord Mr night rider glade to see ya droppin in around midnight and talking about the moon. But quite frankly NMA don't like me so they banned me for my thoughts even put up there own shrine the VAT's so they can showcase members after there secret little cult of trolls that scurry in the sewers over there are finished with em. Ya i think you got a point its your views or the highway right and the rest of us arn't smart enough and have no knowledge of fallout as far as your concerned.

Oh and if you so concerned about keeping Chucky in your pocket you should talk to NMA after all they posted it and you are a member over there i only brought the info to the public so we could hear everyone's thought on this.

Besides i thought you where a modder don't you have work to do with that FMF project and the real time combat.

Ya i no your all powerful umm? powerful all hmm? oh the all mighty and poewerfull all mighty umm? hmm ? what was that again oh ya the grand all mighty all powerful super mutated wizard of OZz something on those lines and you no more then the rest of us on the topic of fallout so our thought's should just enter the trash can now right?

Well mr all powerful since i opened up the curtain to see the real you how about producing some mods....

Ya NMA offocially your on probation with me and its not cloning its clanning there is a diffrence.

Ya Devil sorry to see you get banned from NMA it was only a matter of time .... Its a privite troll club

You guys can play the great and all powerful but rember

im the master who is the coolest Devil
Wow, this guy seems a little wack! I've also seen write a post on the Interplay boards with a quote from me here! Does anybody have a background on him? And what is his connection to Devil, if any? I'd like to see a little conspiracy theory...

P.S. Feel free to move this thread if its in the wrong forum.
Wow, this one is even scarier! I finally found the thread where he mentions me. What the hell does this mean? I especially likes how he not only double posts and triple posts, but he actually quadruple posts at the beginning of the thread. Paranoid little bastard ain't he? Thankfully everybody who replied to that thread had no clue what he was talking about. Hmm, I like how he tries to prove a "point" by quoting something I wrote without even using it in the right context. One sided story, eh?
He is just but a little sick puppy that needs to be held onder water for just a little while long enought to stop him from kicking..
He's funny, in a sad, retarded kind of way. Even after being told what was going on with his posts when he was using MoronSPEEK, and explained over a few times by more than a couple of people, he still thought that someone was editing his posts.
Well, I guess this Nuclear Wolf finally got banned from the Interplay boards! Boo hoo, what a waste... Since I'm not registered there and I don't keep up with the stuff there, I was wondering if somebody knew what finally did him in? Feel free to write your memories of this fine character here.
He got banned for spamming and beeing a bit too hostile. He went there when he was on hostility mode against NMA and pro FOBOS.
With time he found out how crappy FOBOS was looking, so he decided to attack everyone that supported the game. Funny, really funny. :)
Maybe there`s still hope for the guy...
So at first he's against us being so anti-FoPoS and attacks us... Then he gets the briliant insight that he's been wrong this whole time and attacks the developers as well? Simply brilliant! Shouldn't somebody of his caliber be working for Team Chucky? I say we repeal Nuclear Wolf's ban here and invite him back for old time's sake! Hey, it'll at least be good for a small laugh.
Ozrat said:
So at first he's against us being so anti-FoPoS and attacks us... Then he gets the briliant insight that he's been wrong this whole time and attacks the developers as well? Simply brilliant! Shouldn't somebody of his caliber be working for Team Chucky? I say we repeal Nuclear Wolf's ban here and invite him back for old time's sake! Hey, it'll at least be good for a small laugh.

Then we can get his polar twin sister, Elara, who is just bass-ackwards from him.
Huh, I've found a "NuclearCheetos" at the GameFAQs FoBos Playstation 2 message board. Those poor people are pretty much in the dark about the whole situation. Why can't they enlighten themselves and seek the pure forums like this place?

Oh yea, back to the main point... Are Nuclear Wolf and NuclearCheetos the same persona? I analyzed a couple of this person's posts and it looks sorta similar, but I'm wondering if this is the real deal here. Is this his secret lair?

The conspiracy grows...

P.S. Is that you there Ratty?
Hark! The scent of Nuclear Wolf is still fresh!

Spotted here:
Tanya said:
... After Tech Wiz deleted the last post by 388, Nuclear Wolf posted his reviews at the biggest games outlet stores on the planet you only brought the hammer down upon your selves.
Check it out here!
Nuclear Wolf said:
About myself i am a member of the companies boards forum and ive been protesting this game for months now and it seems that everything this game stands for is a low class sex thrill and is targeted to little kids in order to market it, hence the bouncy bouncy... let the **** fly !!!
Months now you say, eh? Heh...

Wow, this guy never slows down. I fear that if we don't stay on his trail for very long, we'll lose his lovable presence forever. I summon the hounds of NMA to hunt down this mysterious person! Quick, sound the horn and let the chase begin!
Sorry for digging up this old thread, but I've found a fresh foot-step! Hark!

Click here for the full thread.
Nuclear Wolf said:
Don't get the booster from NMA no mutants because it don't work along with most of there stuff plus there having money issues and need to store all there files at file planet and most of the stuff there is gone now, bummer 2 they used to have some good sprite weapons and ammo files and thats no longer availible.
Apparently he's doing technical and gameplay support for Fallout Tactics. Suprisingly his writing skills have vastly improved!

Also seen here.
And again.
Geez, he's being helpful!

Let's all pray that his ability to produce humor for us never fully disapears!
You really find this guy fascinating, don't you? :wink:

Well, it's a shame that two most fun people at NMA, Nuclear Wolf and Roshambo, are missing. Hey, maybe they'll come back at the same time.
Hey, who doesn't find him fascinating?

Hmm, they're both gone... Perhaps they're having an affair? You never know, opposites do attract... :twisted:

Now keep your eyes open! He's bound to pop back up anywhere on the internet at any moment!
This thread is cutting it close to getting dipped, Devil/Nuclear Wolf is a spammer and was treated like one. Idolizing him for that is the same as condoning it..

or you just have a twisted sence of humor.
Please, for the love of god, don't talk about nuclear wolf or the real devil or whoever the hell that guy was.