Nuka break is canceled :(((


Artanis "Altáriel" Nerwen Nos Finwe
I haven't watch this, but the description were not exactly suggest something nice happen. its says "Wayside Creations got shafted by Geek and Sundry through Investor Fraud."

Wait, are you for real?

Damn it! I was looking forward to it, but it seems this is no longer the case...

Have you checked their facebook page, I want to be certain.
Thank you for sharing, that is so shitty. I have no words other than they are some damn fine people.
you could send them some email, maybe they could be convinced to do other project (such as Legend of grimrock). Or maybe settle the case with geek and sundry...dunno.

I dont know why i'm suddenly feeling De ja vu about this
Well, thing is, I've been fucked over a lot too. IRL, So my heart goes out to them, tbh, what they filmed was great, but to me it is about the people that were lied to and used. I wish them luck, if I ever become extremely wealthy or involved in film/video games I would cast them in a second. But, life has not presented that door for me. I make mods for free. I don't know how much help I would be.

There are two sides to every story, sometimes more. If they were fucked with I would feel bad, but I'm pretty sure there was a cast of like 100 - 200.
Just a slice.
The 4 'main actors' being the only ones messed with seems odd to me, and the whole crew is not accounted for, make up, props, zoning, equipment, too many things to consider. I like Nuka Break, but I also didn't give them any money, unless watching it on youtube was because, should fan-fiction make money? Modders have been asking that question for a long time. If their reason for not doing it is because they are not getting paid, but they are only 4 out of 200, it seems like it might be a smear campaign. I could be wrong, but, they are actors and from my experience of working with actors, they are usually good at acting.

Again, if they were fucked with I feel bad, but there really isn't any way to know, and that it is that star cast only makes it seem suspicious to me.
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Could this being plausible enough?
There are two sides to every story, sometimes more. If they were fucked with I would feel bad, but I'm pretty sure there was a cast of like 100 - 200.
Just a slice.
The 4 'main actors' being the only ones messed with seems odd to me, and the whole crew is not accounted for, make up, props, zoning, equipment, too many things to consider. I like Nuka Break, but I also didn't give them any money, unless watching it on youtube was because, should fan-fiction make money? Modders have been asking that question for a long time. If their reason for not doing it is because they are not getting paid, but they are only 4 out of 200, it seems like it might be a smear campaign. I could be wrong, but, they are actors and from my experience of working with actors, they are usually good at acting.

Again, if they were fucked with I feel bad, but there really isn't any way to know, and that it is that star cast only makes it seem suspicious to me.
hmm....yeah i mean the main page of wayside creation seem still active though. not an Hour ago, they just postedg in facebook the PAX premier

so tired, i Should get some sleep.
Why would these actors (who also founded the company) start a smear campaign just like that? From what I understand of the whole thing, the company has grown and now has new owners and partners, and these have essentially neutered the original creators, not paying them for their work while taking the Kickstarter money and not in any way showing where this money went. They're still creating content, but not with these four people. I'm sure there's a lot more to it than that, but it's quite obvious that these four feel cheated and feel like Wayside Creations are not being honest. Why else would they make a move like this? Also, that email from Wayside Creations does not even comment on the Kickstarter money. Of course they will try to cover their ass after the initial accusations. But they're not exactly explaining anything in that email, just throwing dirt back at these four.
Simply put, I don't know who is right or wrong, not sure if I care anymore, but regardless, as with most things in life, it has been tainted by money. Most things go down hill when money is factored in and we may never know who is true. I'm not a big fan of court tv, and this feels a like court tv, so I'm outies on this one.
Yeah well, I'm not exacly invested in this. I had even forgotten about Nuka Break, even if I enjoyed what I watched. And Tybee Diskin is hot. But I also like some of what Geek & Sundry does, and I like Wil Wheaton and Felicia Day. So I'm just curious about what happened. But from what I also understand, Geek & Sundry and their people aren't actually directly involved in this, it is more an internal matter. But whatever. I'm not about to point any fingers or defend anyone, I was just a bit baffled that peope (not only you) seem to think this was some kind of smear campaign. I just don't see any reason for that.