Nukes? In MY Yemen? It's more likely than you think.

It's funny how they think a camera could function well within the visibility range of a nuclear bomb of any kind.

Why are Russia and China silent? Why is Alex Jones silent? This is a great conspiracy, does someone tell him which things to report? Why is InfoWars bashing Putin this week? Is this what “mom” in Tel Aviv wants?Who is silent on this story? What do you have to do? Where is Julian Assange? Why the lack of condemnations after VT first broke this story other than in the Arab media, where every outlet carried the story to an audience of nearly 1 billion.

Hahaha. You're pulling a fast one on me, right? This is a parody site. Right?

. . . right?
My god!

It's gone!!1!!

I sure hope that it's parody, but sadly, some people are just mad.
Well, cameras can film nuclear bombs, of course. Happened very often. But of course they usually need heavy filtering for the initial flash, which the cameras used in the video don't have.
But then again, the explosion doesn't seem to have much of a flash to begin with. Also, the video shows pixel flashes that the conspiracy folks associate with neutrons hitting the CCDs of the cameras happening when the fireball is already quite large and cool. I couldn't find a good description of the exact timeframes of what happens in a nuclear explosion, but I think when the fireball's that big the nuclear chainreaction is long over.
Also, the very first segment shows a smaller explosion/fire right before the big explosion occurs. That's just weird.
I think it was a big ammo depot that got blown up. The pixel flashes are not actually pixel flashes but exploding smaller ammunitions. There are videos of other ammo depots exploding that look suspiciously similar to this.
Yeah, it might be a magnesium reaction.

Did I mention I love magnesium?
This thread just gets more fucked up as we go along, i like the atmosphere however. That VT video does look promising but the explosion looks a little weak to be a satisfactory nuclear warhead, also looks a bit like a petrol explosion to me. Edit: WHAT THE F**K! Are you serious that Yemen's just disappeared from the map, woah this is deep. People prepare yourself mentally, and hope for the best haha! wait... that's a photo edit hahaha
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Noooo, it's a photo-op, seriously? Wouldn't have noticed it otherwise!!11
Yeah, the explosion is pretty weak, although it would be big enough for a ~1kT or less explosion. It's certainly big enough to form a mushroom cloud, but it just doesn't have the blinding flash that happens in a true nuclear explosion.
@Hassknecht: What baffles me the most is that this is clearly a ground-based explosion. I thought that even small tactical nuclear weapons are designed to detonate tens or hundreds meters above ground to maximize the blast/EMP effect.
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No it was pure sarcasm, i'm wondering why there isn't extensive news coverage. It could've been a old video of an explosion, even if it were old it still looks nuclear to me. Crni Vuk don't call us pussies, eejit.
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@Hassknecht: What baffles me the most is that this is clearly a ground-based explosion. I thought that even small tactical nuclear weapons are designed to detonate tens or hundreds meters above ground to maximize the blast/EMP effect.

Yeah, usually nuclear weapons are detonated above ground to maximize the blast. EMP effects usually only matter if the explosion is very high up in the atmosphere.
But there are ground-detonated nuclear weapons, like bunker-busters. Those do use smaller warheads, too.
The reports also say that the weapon was delivered via an israeli F16 with arabian markings. I'm not sure if the F16 is actually capable of deploying any nuclear weapons, at least not any of the air-to-ground missiles commonly used for nuclear warheads.
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Wait so the Israeli government could be responsible for this detonation, looks like the government is threatening yemen.
(Nukes in my [strike]vagina[/strike] Yemen isn't really that likely at all, for the record. Just figured I'd keep things tidy.)

One thing that does have to be acknowledged is that Yemen is to the current (spate of amorphous, ill-defined) conflict what Laos was to Vietnam. I've been caught up in my own business for a spell, admittedly, but I still stopped to check the news every couple of days and this is the first I've heard anything about it.
Apropros of Fallout, anyone hear the rumour currently circulating among a few conspiracy pages (ok, most seem to copy Veterans Today) that there was a nuclear attack on Yemen?

I'll be surprised if it isn't a combination of a camera "trick" and uneducated responses by people who see a nuclear detonation in a champignon close up. If it was a nuclear detonation you'd had every green agency --backed by hard data-- frothing at the mouth... Also you can find numerous and far more spectacular conventional "mushroom" detonations on youtube.

Veterans Today ( Advertises itself as a "military & foreign affairs journal" with a few useful bits of information on veterans' benefits and loans ripped from legit sites to boost its credibility, it's mostly another source of conspiracy theories regarding 9/11, Benghazi, Obama, the New World Order, etc., with a very generous heaping of antisemitism and Holocaust denial.