NWS monthly press release

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The people working on the Mutants Rising mod sent us their monthly press release, which shows very little news:<blockquote>Once again we come to press release time, I can tell you that we mean business. Lots of work is going on, and the demo is taking shape. Our writers are working hard on dialogue at the moment, as it is a major step in the completion of the demo. You are welcome to apply, as we are always looking for new talent, scripters in particular are required. I would say to drop us a line at our public forums http://forum.nwsgames.net but we are currently having problems with our website. If you wish to join you can either wait around for them to come back online (on an uncertain timescale), or you can email/msn our applications manager, Brahmin on wayland@hairy-barbarian.com

A random screenshot for your viewing pleasure.
</blockquote>Link: Mutants Rising website
There's no reason to be snide, Antonidas. I just missed it. Besides, there's a subtle difference in efficacy between "sent" and "released"

Anyway, I've corrected the wrong.
You can call FMF the greatest all day long if you want to, but it's just so much hot air until we see a finished product, sir.
Silencer said:
Anyway, I've corrected the wrong.
Thank yee kindly sir. JUSTICE HAS PREVAILED.

SNorth said:
You can call FMF the greatest all day long if you want to, but it's just so much hot air until we see a finished product, sir.
Pfftt.. Where's your demo eh? EH? EH? EH? EH? Oh that's right, you SCRAPPED IT because IT SUCKED. And now you're DOING IT ALL AGAIN FROM SCRATCH. We at FMF don't much such silly mistakes. We achieve only perfection, ergo our Fallout mod will be the GREATEST EVAR. Scouts honour.

DarkUnderlord said:
SNorth said:
You can call FMF the greatest all day long if you want to, but it's just so much hot air until we see a finished product, sir.
Pfftt.. Where's your demo eh? EH? EH? EH? EH? Oh that's right, you SCRAPPED IT because IT SUCKED. And now you're DOING IT ALL AGAIN FROM SCRATCH. We at FMF don't much such silly mistakes. We achieve only perfection, ergo our Fallout mod will be the GREATEST EVAR. Scouts honour.

Ah, but what do you really know of our mod and our demo? Only what we have told you. What if, we have oh so cleverly told you what you wanted to hear (see misdirection in Webster's), and outmaneuvered you? Maybe it is the same demo, only polished by months of toilsome labor and ceaseless effort by our secret weapon dwave1165---It could happen. Now you can ponder on this and taste despair DarkUnderLord!
DarkUnderlord said:
Oddly enough, I can't seem to find it in the news forum here... I'm probably just temporarily blind. Yeah, that's it I'm sure.

Actually, I ignored it. You posted that post of yours on DaC and I asked you in that thread, "is there actually any news in this?" or the like and you said "no", so I just shrugged and went "Meh, he's just newsposting on DaC to give the mod some publicity, ok" and ignored it.

But to be fair, neither FMF nor MR had any kind of update to speak off, so posting one after ignoring the other is my bad. You have a request for more help plus some concept art, they have a request for more help plus a fake screenshot

Not too long ago the webmaster of Fallout.ru spoke to me about the fact that perhaps NMA (and DaC) is (are) partially responsible for the fact that few mods get finished by the fact that we support crappy hopeless projects broadly rather than picking the really good projects and propping them up

'course it's hard to see what's good and what's not from the outside, but perhaps we should start demanding actual news before giving coverage, because this will get tiring soon.
Kharn said:
Not too long ago the webmaster of Fallout.ru spoke to me about the fact that perhaps NMA (and DaC) is (are) partially responsible for the fact that few mods get finished by the fact that we support crappy hopeless projects broadly rather than picking the really good projects and propping them up

'course it's hard to see what's good and what's not from the outside, but perhaps we should start demanding actual news before giving coverage, because this will get tiring soon.

First, asserting that NMA or DaC are responsible in any way for mods not getting finished is silly. They don't get finished for any number of reasons, but I'd say poor leadership, lack of commitment, and lack of key personnel would be the leading causes. Maintaining morale is the key to keeping people productive, especially when they aren't being paid.

Second, I will agree with you that a Press Release is useless without news. The truth is that we are working. I personally see nothing wrong with revealing precisely what we are doing at the moment, but until other members of the team can voice their opinion about that, I should wait. I do think that the only way you'll ever sort out the crappy projects from the good is to get an insider's perspective or to simply wait for them to finish or die.

Btw: Dark, is that you in the scout picture?
SNorth said:
First, asserting that NMA or DaC are responsible in any way for mods not getting finished is silly. They don't get finished for any number of reasons, but I'd say poor leadership, lack of commitment, and lack of key personnel would be the leading causes. Maintaining morale is the key to keeping people productive, especially when they aren't being paid.

That's not the only problem. There are umpteen mods started by people who have "ideas" but no skills or time whatsoever, if we post a "this mod needs help!" for all of them none will get much farther. In the meantime grunts who work on the things like Lich and Haris tend to diverge from the actual Fallout world pretty far, not leaving much of any mod.

Most mods die out as people working on it loose interest, sure, but community support is important and DaC and NMA direct such support, can back up in making forums active and keeping new members and suggestions flowing. We can hardly do that for all mods, though.

SNorth said:
Second, I will agree with you that a Press Release is useless without news. The truth is that we are working. I personally see nothing wrong with revealing precisely what we are doing at the moment

there's nothing wrong with it, but it's not news, is it? We know you're working, we weren't thinking FMF and MR were dead and done, so there's really no need to tell us that you're working.
Kharn said:
That's not the only problem. There are umpteen mods started by people who have "ideas" but no skills or time whatsoever, if we post a "this mod needs help!" for all of them none will get much farther. In the meantime grunts who work on the things like Lich and Haris tend to diverge from the actual Fallout world pretty far, not leaving much of any mod.

Most mods die out as people working on it loose interest, sure, but community support is important and DaC and NMA direct such support, can back up in making forums active and keeping new members and suggestions flowing. We can hardly do that for all mods, though.

True, and we need to do more with the people we have. At the moment, we have a team capable of finishing the mod. Some people are even learning new jobs(Example: Eimink. His primary job was music, but now he is getting involved with scripting and writing. If there were a team member of the month award he would deserve it.

Kharn said:
there's nothing wrong with it, but it's not news, is it? We know you're working, we weren't thinking FMF and MR were dead and done, so there's really no need to tell us that you're working.

I'll let the team know that unless it's news about the mod don't submit it here(the news forum). If we want to release something for fun (screen shot jokes, holodisc transcripts, etc) we'll simply post it in the modding forum perhaps? Or even better, I guess we could confine these to our own forum if you wish.
Now, now, gentlemen, don't get agitated. It can always be worse... What if you had, like, one programmer, who disappeared mysteriously with nary a trace... :(
Kharn said:
Actually, I ignored it.
I know you did. :D

Kharn said:
I just shrugged and went "Meh, he's just newsposting on DaC to give the mod some publicity, ok" and ignored it.
Of course, getting some publicity for it over at NMA is never a bad thing either...

Kharn said:
Not too long ago the webmaster of Fallout.ru spoke to me about the fact that perhaps NMA (and DaC) is (are) partially responsible for the fact that few mods get finished by the fact that we support crappy hopeless projects broadly rather than picking the really good projects and propping them up
I agree with SNorth on this one. There's not much DAC or NMA can do to "help" beyond posting what news there is about the projects. Even then, the comments about how crappy a particular screenshot looks or how much a planned idea is going to suck don't really encourage the team so much. We'll of course perservere anyway because as a Fallout fan, I'm smart enough to know that some people are just going to hate FMF and see it as too much of a Fallout 1 / 2 clone.

Kharn said:
'course it's hard to see what's good and what's not from the outside, but perhaps we should start demanding actual news before giving coverage, because this will get tiring soon.
Must. Resist. Urge. To make. Van Buren. Reference.

Unfortunately we'll never have any "real" news until the mod's done. Hell, even I have trouble finding stuff to put in an update at FMF other than "Yup, we're still here". Some of the good stuff I deliberately hold back because you don't want to blow your load all in the beginning - especially when you're still as far away from completion as we are. There's some dialogue snippets and similar things we have that we could release but then we give away too much of the plot (though some smart ones have cottened on that I've already given away most of the plot in various places - thankfully my reputation for sarcasm and people's general inability to pick the truth from the lies means I'm probably safe on that one).

The news updates are more about saying "we're alive" (for a mod project, it's amazing how many people think you're dead just because you don't post daily updates) as well as atracting interest in the mod for people who may have missed it before.

SNorth said:
Btw: Dark, is that you in the scout picture?
God I hope not.

At the end of the day, if an update isn't posted as news then I don't really care all that much. I just like provoking you.