Obsidian has a certain talent...

Irwin John Finster

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Obsidian seems to have a particular talent at making other people's games better than THEY made them.

Just noticed South Park: The Stick of Truth on sale. Normally video game adaptations of television shows are terrible, but this one is "Overwhelmingly Positive" with a Metacritic User Score of 8.6. It was pretty much a hit.

KOTOR II was basically everything I loved about KOTOR I taken even further. The only thing holding it back was that it was rushed in the end, leading to tons of missing content.

Fallout: New Vegas is truer to the original Fallouts than anything Bethesda has made.

And Pillars of Eternity, while not part of anyone else's franchise, takes all of the good qualities of those earlier Infinity Engine games and distills them into something that works for the modern era while still maintaining the unique charm of those old RPGs.

Essentially, this studio is really good at making games in franchises that are better than the original developers. They seem to have a talent for understanding what defines a franchise, and making games that are true to those characteristics - identifying all those things that made those games great and focusing on those aspects to make the game even better for fans of the originals.

And I'd love to see what they can do with other franchises - but for the sake of all Fallout fans I hope they either make a new Fallout game or a totally new post-apocalyptic universe. Or at least hurry up with Wasteland 3 with InXile.

TL;DR: hurry up with New Vegas 2 already!
You seem to be forgetting that Obsidian (well Black Isle really but half of Black Isle went to Obsidian and, the other half went to Inxile) created the Fallout franchise and had a huge hand in molding those early infinity engine games that PoE modernises. They're not good at making other people's games, they're good at having their franchises and ideas stolen by companies that can't hope to make something as good as they can.
South Park: The Stick of Truth makig had the creators of the show helping with the plot, so that was a different case, but yes, the company is good at making games with interesting stories.
I definitely think Obsidian has shown a good degree of talent with taking on other's franchises. But I think they have proven themselves tremendously through Alpha Protocol and Pillars of Eternity. Both are among the best rpg's released in recent years in my opinion, and did not build on someone else's franchise. Alpha Protocol unfortunately suffered from the usual publisher crap, but is an outstanding game still.

No matter how much I loved New Vegas and would enjoy a sequel, I'm much more interested in seeing them build their own ip's. I want to support Obsidian best I can, but I'm done supporting Bethesda. I'm not loving the idea of my favorite studio making money for one of my least favorite studios.
Just noticed South Park: The Stick of Truth on sale. Normally video game adaptations of television shows are terrible, but this one is "Overwhelmingly Positive" with a Metacritic User Score of 8.6. It was pretty much a hit.
TL;DR: hurry up with New Vegas 2 already!
The stick of Truth is a pretty good RPG, and as advertised it's just like being another character in the show. If you haven't played it and are a fan of South Park it's worth buying. As for FNV 2 I don't see it happening and wouldn't wish working with BGS on my worst enemy, seeing as how they're a bunch of egotistical douche nozzles.