OCC- Kilrick Chapter 3?

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Ok, I gave up on waiting for Eric to return. SO he's dead. Sorry Darkcorp.

We needed to thin this out and open up space for new writers anyway.

OUr group-
Kilrick, Jake, Caribe, Stokes, Stowe, Edwards, Deeds, Jasmin, and Terra. Am I missing anyone else?

Ok, Alba- the story is in your hands. leads us someplace interesting- perhaps a scav camp hidden in the subways of Manhattan?

We might need to find out something about Terra's story and what would be her motivation to join our band of adventurers.
Some plot issues-

We need some reason why Terra would want to work with the group.

I just can't see Kilrick coercing Terra, and I don't he needs to. She would be helpful finding their way around NYC. Of course if she were not to help Kilrick, Deeds and Jasmin might be more willing to coerce her into helping them, and they would split from the group.

Another plot point- Logan and the group. For most of the last chapter Logan has been free-riding on the group and putting them at risk. The only obvious reason Kilrick had kept him so far was that Logan's tech skills might come in handy. That Logan is self-interested in consistent with everyone. It would seem he would need a reason to stick or leave. I am not sure what they might be.

Also, Eric, and the lingering issue of the spy.

The three amigos should factor sometime soon. It's doubtful they have stopped hunting.

And there is the story of Daemonicus and The Authority.
Okay a little more about Terra has been posted. Both of her parents have disapeared, her mother when she was around 5 and her dad around two years ago.

My thoughts are that she thinks that her parents, or at the least her dad, found a way out the city and she has been working someone, possibly this Father character, to get out the of city. At this point her trust in her current employer's ability to get her out is null. She is looking for someone who she thinks she can trust and who she knows can get her out. Kilrick could very well be this person.
Not only that, but if she contracted with Kilrick, the payoff would be a nice way to get started.

I am wondering if we should tie the father issue somehow into a Caribe story- not specifically to Rama but someone Rama knows.

Or would that be too much soap opera.

I am also a bit worried that we are down to few posters. Four is comfortable, but we could use one or two more.
I am cool with whatever you do, Welsh. You know me, I play ball.

Oh, if you notice I am taking a stand against Deeds bullying of the team, so his little shoves, grunts and threats won't go unwarned and unchallenged, something that would disturb him a bit, and keep his ass in line.

About time somone stood up to him anyway.
Remember, that Deeds basically is the representative of our employer, and his job simply to protect the mission. He may be rude and aggressive and nasty, he may distrust and dislike everyone, but he's also a cold professional and very dedicated to his cause.

For him this is a matter of honor, he will do the mission if it kills him. If he sees you as showing him disrepect or disloyalty to that mission, he will see you as a threat. He is no position to share power or make concessions, or even change his behavior.

He's a brute, and he plays on that reputation in a signal to others that he's a lethal person to challenge.

I am saying this not to defend the character, but this is something Rama would understand, even if Logan doesn't. Certainly Kilrick sees this, and as much as he doesn't like Deeds, understands the role he plays- it is an unpleasant accommodation that is essential for now. Simply, we don't know what Deeds knows.

Also, Eric might have been the spy. Or not.
Agreed, Welsh. Rama is aware Deeds is a pro, but he also wants Deeds to know he can't always step on everyones toes. Rama would not kill him out right, but he will stand his ground to Deeds if he has to...

Both men are war veterans, both can kill without compunction. And Rama is just as ruthless as any wasteland predator. But unlike Deeds who is a brute, Rama has guile and brutality on his side. But I guess we'll see how the ball rolls.

We got two characters still floating with us. Reik and Wolf.

Reaper was playing Reik and I just received a pm that he wants back in. That's fine with me.

Who was playing Wolf?

If no takers, he will be next on the chopping block.

Will try to post this weekend.
Reaper? Are you in?

Ok, as for what New York is like-
I have posted some pics already in the thread on the sewers.

As for New York- I see it more like-

I can keep wolf alive - he won't do that much but he can stick with Reik if you want to save killing him off till later.

Has anyone PMed the guy who wrote for Wolf?
Don't think so. I did pm Dark Corp and I think I pm'd Edden (though I am not sure about that).

edit- ok, pm'd Karkow about Wolf.
Ok, first of, I would like to apologize for my absence. Sorry guys,
Second, I’m here to continue with Wolf if you want me to.

What do you say?

Gator denied.

Sure come on in. We could always enjoy more participants.
OK Then! :D
Here is a reminder of my character:

Name: Wolf, Richard
Sex: Male
Age: 40
Height: 1.80 m
Weight: 90 kg
Skin: Caucasian, rough skin
Hair: Black, short
Eyes: Green
Clothing: Combat boots, black pants, black cotton shirt, long brown jacket, black gloves.
Other features: Has a goatee.
Weapons and equipment: Sawed-off shotgun, 44º Magnum on right boot, hidden in jacket has with him grenades, various explosives and a crowbar.
Other distinguished features: Accentuated English (cockney) accent.

Who is Wolf? This strange shady character that goes around from bar to bar, playing poker, drinking (a lot) and smoking like a goddamn chimney.
From his wears not much we can discover: his clothes are dirty, but we can see a fabric of very high, and very expensive, quality.

His weapons? Messy to say the least: A shotgun that we waves around, and the explosives and grenades hidden in his jacket, same for the 44º in his boot, not the best to kill people, but damn good to make a lot of “bang” while doing it…

He drinks a lot and gambles a lot, but he doesn’t seem to be short on money for it, so whatever he does or used to do, it would pay him big bucks for it.
It’s rumoured that he has some good medical skills, perhaps it was those that bring him the money he uses to live by, but how he got them remains a mystery.

In any case, he lives this bohemian life for far too long, and with that kind of life, even the greatest of fortunes ran out eventually.

This was why he joined with Kilrick: He needed the chips. Or at least that’s what he tells himself… The fact is, Wolf’s been alone for far too long.

Wolf's alot like Tombstones Doc Hollyday, both in appearance and personality:
I know, I already read it.
And it made and impact on Wolf:He will be more cold and bitter, and perhaps even more violent. Sounds like the beginning of a depression and the returning to hard drinking for a while.

Let's see...
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