The End
Sorry for the lack of posts, but I really couldn't think of how to deal with the last Fang post. Fang, you obviously weren't paying attention to what we were saying after we complained about the last crappy jailbreak scene. I believe Mister T had the right idea of just leaving rather than figuring out how to deal with it, so I will do the same.
I too, did not catch the part about the guards still being alive, Fang. Perhaps you should have written that more clearly. However, that point is essentially moot, as you still used the same basic concept to get out of jail.
I don't understand how reorganizing the board would help your roleplaying skills. Part of your roleplaying skill is based on how many DIFFERENT ways you can solve a problem, a skill you seem to lack, Fang. I believe Mister T attempted to stop your constant use of senseless violence through showing you the reprocussion of your actions(jail), but apparently you did not get the tip and played it off as another minor obstacle. It wouldn't matter if you or the BOS (even though they wouldn't, seeing how their biggest base is in NCR), or someone else injured/killed/knocked out the guards, it's still the same concept! Don't you understand that?
Apologies to Wayne for not being able to keep the RPing going when he showed up.
Too bad this thread had to end this way. I think T had a really cool idea on his hand.