Oh look my first PM on NMA! Oh what the f-

Fall Out Boy

-uck?! This guy for real or?



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Meh, just ignore him. Plenty of people like him have been going through this place for years, and many more will come. Just ignore him, and form your own opinion.
That right there is real effort, alas the poster is still as soft as A+ rated toilet tissue.
He is pretty weird on /r/fallout too(lots of anti-NMA rants), I would have said something about his /r/fallout stuff but he seemed kinda behaved here. Some people just can't handle it when people disagree with what they believe.
A ban I agree with. Yaaaaaaay! :grin:

But how exactly is NMA elitist? As far as I remember the guy, he was as zealous in tearing Bethesda a new one as we all were/are. (EDIT: after looking through his posts, it would seem that I have mistaken him for someone else)

He obviously never encountered the Thief community.

He is pretty weird on /r/fallout too(lots of anti-NMA rants), I would have said something about his /r/fallout stuff but he seemed kinda behaved here. Some people just can't handle it when people disagree with what they believe.

Could you provide a link to those? I'm curious as to what an anti-NMA rant looks like.
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Someone take a dump on reddit.

I've been up for a few days fasting so I can pretty much only go "Uggh youtube video, hey babe, send my pics of your boyfriends dick on your forehead! nah, that's the point. My sex cult requires jealousy not to exist. I love you baby. Make out with my future wife. Nah I don't have relationships right now. I just suck the souls out of young women on facebook and fund my sex cult. Oh look ^^^^^^^ is on steam, ill explain to him Sander just wants to keep order and he isn't completely an asshole. Gotta lead by example. Can't have these fuckin noob troll trash runnin around fuckin the place up. Nah, I don't think he's been laid in a while, but neither have I!, ehh, it's because I was focusing on other things for a while, naw man he's obviously into some feminist chick or something. Yeah Ill watch this fuckin trailer, im trying to MEDITATE HERE! you know dammit. Your fuckin cute n shit but when im whackin off I prefer romance. Men, my god. I'd be more bisexual if they knew what fuckin' subtly was. Is this elitist? hah like they get anything I say on this fuckin' website. At least over time I'm understood. No I don't think RGPCodex is better. Why do i have to wait a year for me to even be able to see the interesting secret forum? Will they kill me for posting this? Yeah America sucks, however remember Grozny! Nah man meditate. A human being can reroute any nerve in the body and control any thought. Yeah I'm gonna make sure the world doesn't end in nuclear war somehow. Yeah I think alec likes to be spanked. I wana call him daddies girl. Suaside? Eh who knows. tO is a different community yo, NMA is just like, the fuckin' lobby man. Where I lay on the digital floor and kick my feet at the weebos and cosplay-neckbeards that walk in. Nah I don't really play videogames anymore. Why? Cause they suck that's why! Well maybe if it was a game like the OOOOLLLDDD days, but we've seen all that shit before. It's the same a StarWars man! They make this shit for children and knuckleheads that work all day. NO I WONT PLAY EVE ONLINE. Fuck man, im gettin old. I think the best video-games are flight-simulators. Yeah oculous rift mutha fucka hahaha. Yeah I cast spells on people. No it's not like wizard fireballs. It's the same thing the KGB and CIA does. Naw I won't tell you. I'm lazy and that's for them to figure out. Yeah you can baby! alright, talk to you later. *Click*

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Man, someone should send this guy to the 'dex. I remember I got myself ripped a new one over there when I dared mention that maybe they're a bit too harsh on Bethpizda (I wasn't even cruel about it, maybe I sounded a bit of a self-righteous tard though). Now I regret it after watching the Shitout 4 RPG mechanics video. Fuck Bethany Pizda and her no-fun-allowed idiot-proof philsophy.
This place is pretty much the most accepting community on the net.

Fuckin' lulz.

Kinda ironic isn't it yo?

IDK, I feel that way.

It's mostly the fact that the masses don't want us.

I ain't bein all beta.

Maybe we should ask the newbies.

Man, someone should send this guy to the 'dex. I remember I got myself ripped a new one over there when I dared mention that maybe they're a bit too harsh on Bethpizda (I wasn't even cruel about it, maybe I sounded a bit of a self-righteous tard though). Now I regret it after watching the Shitout 4 RPG mechanics video. Fuck Bethany Pizda and her no-fun-allowed idiot-proof philsophy.

Bethpizda, that's a new one. I'll keep it for later.