Old(?)man's thought about 'Next-G Console Vs. PC Game'

doesnt say anything you probably already should've known though.

a lil' amusing though, i'll grant you that.
zioburosky13 said:

Damn that is a nice article.. thought the author sounds like Roshambo.. :lol:

nah, roshambo prefers the words "fucking" or "assholes" .
and sometimes a combination of those two words.
Yeah. Well I already knew what he said in the article and I agree 100% with him but I will still get a Xbox 360 tomorrow mainly because, as a student, I don't have enough money to replace my sucky pc ( Athlon 3000+, Radeon 9800 pro, 1Go DDR ) with a warmachine. Seriously now, I wish I had 800 euros but I will go for the Xbox 360 with Gears of War ( or maybe Dead Rising )...I guess I'll have to play Fallout 3 ( if I ever buy it... ) on my Xbox360 and I'll be the shame of NMA.
Great article and I agree with the writer, but it's nothing new for me. Everybody knows, except the babling childs, that a PC has more power that a console, but the main question is that I can't find games like Fallout, Arcanum or IL-2 Sturmovik (only for saying a few) in console.

If some day I find Fallout 3 in console, I'm sure it will have automatic compass, big arrows showing the path, and such of things.

I don't like consoles, but not for the console itself, only for the 99% stupid games released for that toys. And, of course, I can't type in this forum in a Xbox 360.


Edit: I have found this one

It's from gameshit, so, don't expect too much
MrBumble said:
Yeah. Well I already knew what he said in the article and I agree 100% with him but I will still get a Xbox 360 tomorrow mainly because, as a student, I don't have enough money to replace my sucky pc ( Athlon 3000+, Radeon 9800 pro, 1Go DDR ) with a warmachine. Seriously now, I wish I had 800 euros but I will go for the Xbox 360 with Gears of War ( or maybe Dead Rising )...I guess I'll have to play Fallout 3 ( if I ever buy it... ) on my Xbox360 and I'll be the shame of NMA.
Save up. €800 isn't that much money when you consider all the money you will save on games and downloadable content, and the fact that your €800 PC will be infinitely superior to the XBox 360 in every imaginable way.

It's simple economics. For the average gamer it's cheaper to buy a PC and keep upgrading it over the years than to purchase a deceptively cheap console and then keep getting ripped off on overpriced games and ridiculous "add-ons" that should come free. Why do you think nobody in Croatia owns a console except a handful of dumb upper-class kids?
MrBumble said:
Yeah. Well I already knew what he said in the article and I agree 100% with him but I will still get a Xbox 360 tomorrow mainly because, as a student, I don't have enough money to replace my sucky pc ( Athlon 3000+, Radeon 9800 pro, 1Go DDR ) with a warmachine.
how exactly is that rig a sucky pc?

my pc is quite similar, only i got a Leadtek "copperlump" 6800GT instead of a 9800pro and a P4b CPU, which is worse than your Athlon 3000+. i play all my games at 1280x1024 on high details (but lower shadows) or on medium with full options. this includes the latest FPS games like Prey, or supposedly heavy games like NWN2. i'll admit Gothic3 was kinda messy, but that was hardly my rig's fault.
over a year back i traded my own 9800pro for the 6800GT i have now (paid a lil' extra of course). it's not because your pc isn't a 64bit or a dual/quad core that it's not a decent rig anymore...

i must admit, i was really tempted to buy a new rig (or at least mobo/cpu/ram), but time & time again while playing games, i was forced to see my rig really didnt suck & surely wasnt bad enough to be replaced already.

anyhow, getting a second hand high end AGP vidcard will probably cost you a lot less & bring you up to speed again for some time to come...

(if you dont agree with me, at least agree with Ratty :) )
Well, I can run Prey and Hitman Blood Money in pretty decent conditions but however I'm a little afraid for the future. I hoped to run Splinter Cell Double Agent also...and...well since my graphic car doesn't handle Shaders 3.0 I was rather disappointed. But anyway I plan to save money this summer for a brand new computer. Until then I'll go with my Hipebox 360...
MrBumble said:
Well, I can run Prey and Hitman Blood Money in pretty decent conditions but however I'm a little afraid for the future. I hoped to run Splinter Cell Double Agent also...and...well since my graphic car doesn't handle Shaders 3.0 I was rather disappointed. But anyway I plan to save money this summer for a brand new computer.

see? it works!
boycott Splinter Cell!

i had the same expierience with SplinterCell1 to SplinterCell2. those games have almost the same graphic+engine and still you need to buy new shit. :x
About the article: He's right about nearly all of it, the few places he was mistaken were corrected in the replies (like the bit about the PS3 HDD). It all wasn't anything really new, though.

So... Honestly, the Wii is the only one I've even given the benefit of the doubt to.

Part of that's because Nintendo hasn't been hyping it up as "Next-Gen". They're just saying it's fun. And really, isn't that what gaming's supposed to be about?
Yet they're the only ones making any actual "Next-Gen" advancement, through the controller. Yet at the same time, they're trying to bring gaming back to the glory days of true mass appeal (ARCADES, ANYONE?). More power to them. I do enjoy true RPGs, strategy and the like, but sometimes...

Well, it's just a great move. The pointlessly increased complexity in so many games recently had turned off a lot of people. (More than a few Females, and nearly all older people of both genders who used to be gamers back in the non-plurality of buttons days)

Pick up and play, baby. True NEXT-GEN, Brought in with a BLAST FROM THE PAST. Ironic in so many ways.

Schuljunge said:
i had the same expierience with SplinterCell1 to SplinterCell2. those games have almost the same graphic+engine and still you need to buy new shit. :x
...What? Splinter Cell and SC2 (Pandora Tomorrow) didn't have any difference in requirements. I ran them on an old GeForce 3 Ti200/Athlon XP 1600+/512MB RAM machine with no problems whatsoever. Guess what? Same thing with Splinter Cell 3 (Chaos Theory). Sure, the CPU load got pretty heavy at times in Chaos Theory because of the MUCH bigger levels, but it was more than playable. And worth it.

And what do you mean, "buy new shit"? The GF3 needed to play Chaos Theory was nearly 4 year old tech at the time.

You must have had a GF2 Ultra, or something. I can't see any other pre-GF3 card pulling SC1 and 2. Even then, you must have had a pretty good CPU to help it along. But that wouldn't really make much sense, if you were using more than 5 year outdated graphics card tech.
On a similar note, PC Gamer bribed a person waiting in line for the PS3 by giving them a 7000 dollar computer if the person vowed never to own a PS3 and sign some contract. Seen here/

As for the article, I agree for the most part though his delivery needs work. I will be going out on Sunday to see if I can buy a Wii anywhere for my brother/sister for christmas :).
Doesn't really sound like Roshambo to me. This guy's vocabulary isn't quite as...colourful; nor is the article written with the same quality as those of Roshambo.
Hey guys, just wanted to say, as for PC vs Console, although already said further up, a comp just has way more power than any console out there or any that could be made, i own i 360 and must say (despite hating xbox) i love it, however i used to own a 3200+ running with an MSI Neo Platinum NForce 4 with a gb of 3200 and the AGP X1600 512mb radeon gfx card, and i can say, i had way way better graphics on the PC than the XBOX360 and that is playing with a 52" plasma, (looks better on a Standard CRT if you ask me)
So as for Comp V Console it has to be a PC just for useability and for the power, if your console doesnt play games right or doesnt look right your basically screwed, however with a PC as we all no you can just buy a better piece of hardware and... Voila!!

Thats my little rant over, seeya guys