(ooc) There seem to be a few different people trying to do there own thing, we've got ghosts, and junkies, and rangers (?) and than people pointing .44's at people... very interesting.
*the "Tribal" doesn't seem very scarred, considering he's got a VERY large amount of explosive weapons on him, and his improved (and customized) flamer sitting right next to him, he simply procedes to take his drink* Well, they aren't after me, why would I sell slaves, since slaves are typically tribal? Unless they've been sent from new San Fransico by the Chi Emperor *ponders* but the fire REALLY wasn't that big. *he moves over to the door making sure not to move TOO fast, he notices a spring that absorbs the shock of the door, he unravles a little of the spring and wraps it around a cord on a few sticks of TNT sets the timer for 00:01 and hurries over to the crowd* Well no one should get inside without taking a nice little owie.
Louis- Pretty smart, for a tribal.
*as the rest of the group ready themselves taking whatever action they choose, Scorch's seems to be grabbing his flamer and ducking behind the bar, he notices that Dutch is no where to be found, as the others look around they notice he's missing too*
(ooc) My brother told me he's goin' to bed, but to post that he "slipped out". Though he's not the one the rangers are looking for.
(ooc) There seem to be a few different people trying to do there own thing, we've got ghosts, and junkies, and rangers (?) and than people pointing .44's at people... very interesting.
*the "Tribal" doesn't seem very scarred, considering he's got a VERY large amount of explosive weapons on him, and his improved (and customized) flamer sitting right next to him, he simply procedes to take his drink* Well, they aren't after me, why would I sell slaves, since slaves are typically tribal? Unless they've been sent from new San Fransico by the Chi Emperor *ponders* but the fire REALLY wasn't that big. *he moves over to the door making sure not to move TOO fast, he notices a spring that absorbs the shock of the door, he unravles a little of the spring and wraps it around a cord on a few sticks of TNT sets the timer for 00:01 and hurries over to the crowd* Well no one should get inside without taking a nice little owie.
Louis- Pretty smart, for a tribal.
*as the rest of the group ready themselves taking whatever action they choose, Scorch's seems to be grabbing his flamer and ducking behind the bar, he notices that Dutch is no where to be found, as the others look around they notice he's missing too*
(ooc) My brother told me he's goin' to bed, but to post that he "slipped out". Though he's not the one the rangers are looking for.