

So is anyone watching? I am trying to catch woman's biathlon because chicks in tight outfits, sweating and shooting turns me on.

And the Flying Tomato wins!

Congrats to France's performance on the downhill. Some serious wipe-outs thus far. Wonderful stuff.
Who else is watching?
Yeah I'm watching.
Flying tomato is one ugly motherfucker.
Shame about Michelle Kwan. Now she's cute. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers. And she seems so nice, too.
"Biathlon" - are you kidding me? Sounds like it could be awesome. *pictures bisexual nude mud wrestling*

I don't watch sports, save for the occasional world finals of soccer and/or ice hockey every other year or so - but only for the beer and masculine image associated with it.
Ideology On Parade

Ideology On Parade

So is anyone watching? ...


Olympics has always been a grand stand for governments and corporations.

After the Soviets refinanced their 'Union', the big story, the big dollar, is all about product placement, and the preening and grooming of athletes for a lucrative career in Infomercials ... more celebrities to hero worship ...

While ....

In the center ring ...

Berlin 1936, Munich 1972, different 'daze' ... political 'waze' to an extremist end.

Still, and forever, theatre of the absurd.

Wake me when it's over, .... ,

wait 'til I'm at the end of this trail of ... beer commercials and 'wake me' with honest distilled spirits,


Fuck, I am becoming addicted to curling.

Hey it's more interesting that dissertating.

4too--- Dude chill! I mean, break open a beer and enjoy! It's the olympics! This is so cool! Downhill! Hockey, chicks with guns in body suits. Hot!
Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment

Altered my snot to grey matter ratio.

As long as the sky is clear may maintain a ""happy"" equilibrium.

Have been sitting, protected from the wind, blessed by a sun beam. Saw the first dandelion of spring ....

Will down a shot, or three, and bite a lime, or four, for all you snow sport supporters. Mush on!

welsh said:
Fuck, I am becoming addicted to curling.
Ehehe. I will admit, I once spent a whole day watching curling, having nothing else to do. It actually did get sort of interesting after a while...
Indeed, there is a bizarre strategy there. And the fact that you can be an olympic athlete, 50 years old, have a belly and normally play the game drinking scotch, makes it an almost perfect sport.

I think curling is the "Professional bowling of the olympics".
curling is the shit :)

A few years back me and some dudes went on a ski trip and this was during the Olympics i think ( they never show it otherwise? )
So every day after we came back from a hard day of skiing we would sit down and watch curling :D After a few days the curling was almost as fun as the skiing ;)
Yes! Norway after suffering a crushing deafeat at the hands of some insignificant nation in the first mathc has come back to crush both switzerland and a few minnutes ago sweden.
Will we be able to repeat the victory from salt lake where we lost the first round and yet were able to win a gold, i hope so.
Curling rules!

In other news the norwegian combined team is knocked out of the tournament after getting sick. Argggh.
As long as the people who happen to be wearing my national symbols for some reason are winning something, I'm kind of interested.

Right now, I don't give Ratty's ass.
Apparently there is a nude calender- the women of bowling. Or so says March playboy.

ANyone got the pics?
Today Janica Kostelic won her fourth gold and became the best Olympic skier in the history! BITE ME, AUSTRIA!
Marianne Timmer won the gold on the 1.000 meters speed-skating.

Meh, dissappointing these games for the Netherlands, really. We'd expected more and shinier medals on most skating events. Although 2 gold, 2 silver and 2 bronze medals is still quite good for a country such as ours.
Meh, the Americans have gotten a lot better than the Dutchies on the short distances for the men, so it seems.

PS: These ice-dancing ladies can be quite hot.