Mildly Dipped
Has anyone played this game? I don't know why but I keep going back to play this game. It has one of the most interesting plots and modes of transportation. Combines FPS, Adventure, Street Fighting, and Puzzle Solving.
Basically Your soul gets transfered to a cop in a strange post apoc world where you gotta fingure out who's behind a conspiracy . You can transfer your soul from body to body to keep the enemies from knowing exactly who you are. Only certain bodies. You steet fight to gain skills and cash to buy weapons and stuff like that.... I really recomend that you try this game out... Its pretty damned old (10 years maybe a teeny bit less)
Basically Your soul gets transfered to a cop in a strange post apoc world where you gotta fingure out who's behind a conspiracy . You can transfer your soul from body to body to keep the enemies from knowing exactly who you are. Only certain bodies. You steet fight to gain skills and cash to buy weapons and stuff like that.... I really recomend that you try this game out... Its pretty damned old (10 years maybe a teeny bit less)