Omikron: The Nomad Soul


Mildly Dipped
Has anyone played this game? I don't know why but I keep going back to play this game. It has one of the most interesting plots and modes of transportation. Combines FPS, Adventure, Street Fighting, and Puzzle Solving.

Basically Your soul gets transfered to a cop in a strange post apoc world where you gotta fingure out who's behind a conspiracy . You can transfer your soul from body to body to keep the enemies from knowing exactly who you are. Only certain bodies. You steet fight to gain skills and cash to buy weapons and stuff like that.... I really recomend that you try this game out... Its pretty damned old (10 years maybe a teeny bit less)
Omikron is awesome! They've been talking about a sequel forever, but it keeps getting pushed back for other projects.

I used to just love going to the David Bowie concerts.
10mmCurator said:
Has anyone played this game? I don't know why but I keep going back to play this game.
Yes, I have. Three playthroughs, which is unusual for me as the game is quite linear.

10mmCurator said:
It has one of the most interesting plots and modes of transportation.
Well, I don't really agree with you completely about the plot, it shows cracks as the game progresses. I do think it has good moments (the very beginning for example, and discovering how that situation came about) and good atmosphere.

10mmCurator said:
Combines FPS, Adventure, Street Fighting, and Puzzle Solving.
Unfortunately not very well, while the main adventure game is okay, the FPS and brawling sections are very poor.

10mmCurator said:
I really recomend that you try this game out... Its pretty damned old (10 years maybe a teeny bit less)
While I'm hard on the game, I do recommend it as well. However, it is actually a few months under eight years old.

By the way, Quantic Dream is the only development company I would really say has a handle the frequently over-hyped "cinematic gameplay."
I just bought me a copy of Omikron via eBay. I should receive it within 10 days.

I remember playing the demo and being absolutely stunned by it. David Bowie probably had a lot to do with that, 'cause I love him, but the game has this certain Bladerunner feel to it, it has haunted me until today. I've totally got to play this game. I'm so glad I got my hands on a mint copy. :D