Amazing that they still live in their own reality.
Now, as someone who helped run V13, NMA, and DAC, and who was on the Interplay forums for quite a long time, spoken with more people of all of the development teams than these folks could care to Mobygames, I can certainly debunk this load of shit. Well, Gamebanshee hasn't been doing too well when it comes to being informed. This latest bit has been a little bit of a yawn from people who post a history as if it means they know what they are talking about.
When the game was released, fan reactions weren't all that favorable.
Because it was being billed as like JA2 but set in the Fallout universe, when it wasn't even close to either point. "Were't all that favorable" is putting it mildly, kind of like saying "Gamebanshee only kisses a little ass".
The track record set by the two previous installments garnered very high expectations, and most gamers were expecting a third game in the series rather than a standalone hybrid.
Lies. This wasn't the reason why the game failed. Most got over the fact "IT WSUS KNOTT MEANT OT B R RPG!!!!", as some moron would attempt to illuminate us with for months after realease, long before the game hit gold. It wasn't much of a problem shortly after the announcement, as many of us happen to LIKE Jagged Alliance 2, and it was made by a different developer. Spin-offs do happen, but only do well when they are treated right. Heroes of Might and Magic, as tabletop RPGs and old Might and Magic gameplay are both like board games, therefore Heroes of Might and Magic was a logical style conversion that gave almost the same gameplay but in a computer board game. One of the best, ever. Fallout and Jagged Alliance 2 shared many aspects, complimented each other where the other was a bit lacking, and I still maintain that the two could be combined for one of the best hybrid games ever, with the superior strengths of both, and excel brilliantly in design. If only it was treated right, which it wasn't, not from the start.
Then it was said by Interplay lackeys that if we bought the spin-off, that it would help Fallout 3 be made (and repeated the lie for F
OS, so I'm surprised that Gamebanshee didn't reprint them into the preview), as supposedly Fallout 3 was in closed doors development then, so it wasn't that bad of a gripe. Instead, FOT2 was greenlighted for a bit because of the interest in FOT, having the highest number of pre-orders in Interplay online store history...until people actually played FOT. Then both FOT2 and Fo3 were canned.
However, FOT was neither in the Fallout universe nor was it anywhere close to Jagged Alliance 2 - a fact made obvious when I asked about the world map and they had to go back and put it in to give the game a bit more non-linearity and random encounters, since it was originally just going to be a series of maps with a bunker interlude. A couple of phone calls by yours truly, and all the FOT apologists and fanboys can kiss my ass for getting the game to the state where it is now. Yes, you CAN nudge developers, if you have a spine to give them a nudge, and the knowledge to point out the facts in ways they can't argue out of. It still isn't a wholly good game, but at least it isn't total crap.
Yes, you can get more flies with honey than vinegar, but again I'm not trying to attract flies, nor could I really compete with just honey when the developers get the honey-laced rimjob from media whores like Gamebanshee. Vinegar might also stop the whores from licking.
Amazing that Gamebanshee would still try this bullshit
after having been caught slobbering over Interplay's PR knob for FOS. I then send Jon a rather thorough re-education. The funniest thing after that was when they started whining to Telefragged and I had to further point out where their editors were all collectively a bit..."special". Not as special as
Special Ed Lewis.
They're still media whores.
Nevertheless, the game received fairly high review scores,
All written before the
rest of the flaws with the game (aside from the ones myself and others pointed out), and the numerous technical issues, were brought to light; thus making a big stir that the game was nowhere near the quality the reviews mention, and the technical issues also killed off much interest.
and it did offer another chance for fans of the series to return to the wasteland while they awaited Fallout 3.
I love how they note "the wasteland" instead of "Fallout universe", as it should have been.
Great way to deny your earlier verbal fellatio of Chuck, folks, and your woeful ignorance of the Fallout universe and lies to defend them.
As it turns out, the wait was much longer than expected.
And Gamebanshee has been in denial ever since...oh, wait!
Look, here's Bethesda...time for ass-licking!