One Bridge Too Few - HELP Needed of a Graphic Artist

I will *try* and make the new FRMs for the second bridge today, I keep forgetting sorry
Firstly, thanks go to everyone who helped us with the task.

I've used your first FRM ColJack, I've had it tailored a bit to span the canyon more accurately, but now it fits.

Here's the FRM:

I'm having some problems, though. How to put it in a map?

I'va added it to the SCENERY.LST as the last item, I've put it in the scenery pallete on the mapper (clicking EDIT on the last, blank item, choosing the FRM , setting material to wood and naming it) ant I put it on the map ( a modified version of the

When I put the scenery there (covering the original bridge tiles, bridge wall removed) the bridge sits there exactly.

When I exit the mapper and try to reload, I get an "error loading objects" message. It persists until I add the scenery back to the palette manually.

If I exit the mapper and try to load the map into the game, I get a blank map, nothing whatsoever (as if the game moved me to a different elevation. I'm positive the starting hex is set though. Could this be the issue?)

I can't explore the map until I load the mapper again, and remove the new bridge scenery. After that, the map is loadable and back to it's original state.

What to do?

I'm running the mapper with an 1.00 unpatched version of Fallout2.
ah.. have you set the proto directories up right?
i don't understand the problem everyone keeps having with the editor and the game deleting the proto's... i have made several proto's and put them into maps, and they work fine in both the editor and the mapper without me setting the read only bits or anything....
maybe it's just me..

go to my site and set up for proto editing EXACTLY as i say in the tutorial ( which are the exact steps and setting i have.. ) and it sould work fine..

try it unpatched and without the patch000.dat anywhere...
OK thanks for your help, ColJack, though it figures we're probably going to do it otherwise - assemble the bridge out of tiles and walls and edit the canyon scenery for transparency over the bridge tiles themselves. It'll be easier... hopefully

The problem with the bridge as scenery would be , that it'd either go transparent when the player ran over it, or it'f be flat, but covered by opaque canyon scenery. I've no idea how to set the flags so that it's "under" the player, but "over" the canyon scenery. Plus, we can't allow to have the barriers "flat". So it's back to the drawing board...
the "flat" barriers can be sorted by blockers, the bridge over the canyon can be sorted by some editing of the canyon frm's to be transparent where the bridge covers it..
I believe we've completed the task, by makint the canyon scenery transparent in those few "strategic" points and also preparing some custom tiles.

Thanks for your help and contact me everone who may need a bridged canyon for their mod :D

PS. I still couldn't get protos to work with my game, ColJack, though I'm fairly sure I'd adhered to the points set forth in your tutorial. Maybe it's just me, though. :(