one of the worst days

Johns Volition

Still Mildly Glowing
Today was a truly shitty day: First I had to work till four o'clock on my big expose, then, after sleeping too long and missing the first few hours of lection (including teachers screaming at me), I try to make a booklet out of that expose (we have a machine to do that). Well this machine was bored, so it eat all my papers, cut them in half, and broke down (yes I have to pay it). An hour later I have to hold an lecture about an book I read.. The fun part was that I didn't had any idea about that, so I stand in front of the class not knowing what to say. I started talking about something, can't rememeber exactly what it was.
Hell I went home to reprint my expose, but... because the world truly hates me, the black ink of my printer went out.
That's where I stand now, got 2 hours to deliver that expose or well I won't get my diploma :)

Shitty day, eh?

Any other shitty day story you can tell me? That might help me :twisted:
Jebus, I am assuming you can't print up your stuff at another location?

I get these kinds of printing problems all the time.
This actually reminds me of something that happened to me during the Christmas vacation.

I had been working hard, and during those two weeks I had translated 6 pages of Latin law, and analysed them, for an assignment my Classical History professor had given me. Plus, I had written a two-page article for the students magazine, and started work on a major assignment I had for my literature class.

So, after the vacation was over, I slammed all of it on a diskette to take it with me to Gent. I deleted the original files from my dad's computer, because I didn't think I'd need them anymore over there, and they would've only taken up space on my dad's computer.

But later that day, I arrived at Gent. The first thing I thought I'd do, was to print out the Latin-law-assignment, because it was due the next day...

But, when I tried to read the diskette, my computer refused. For no apparent reason. Then, went over to my neighbour, and asked if I could maybe print it out there... But her computer said my file was corrupted...

I'm still not quite sure why that happened, but it has something to do with different writing-heads or something on my computer... Strange shit.

Anyway, the end of it all was that I was stuck translating Latin law 'till about 3 am that night, and then I even had yet to start on my article, that had its deadline the next day too.

It was a bad day.
Ok, picture this: Thursday the 13th. I had to go to school, but I woke up late, barely had time to get dressed and go to school. When I did arrive at school the classes had just begun and the guardian of the student's entrance wouldn't let me through. I had to argue with him for like 10 minutes before he let me through.
Ok, I was in. Now all I had to do was to go to class and to put up with the teacher's critique about being late, or so I thought... I timidly entered the classroom, bracing myself for what I thought was to come, but nothing happened. Why you ask? Because the class was having a surprize quiz. Oh, it was latin class and I suck at that, so I got a glorious 3 on my paper, that is shitty, isn't it? that is just the beginning...
After the paper a couple of my classmates decided to skip school and go for a beer, but I said no and stayed... Humongous mistake, by the end of the day I had 3 more bad grades, 2 papers (chemistry and physics) and a the history teacher decide I really needed a grade so she asked some questions from the last lesson, I had no idea what the lesson was about. 4 bad grades in the same day, that should count as a record or something! And the I had to go home and show my grade card to my parents ... that was fun! Is that a shitty day or what?
One day I missed the bus but managed to get a lift off my momma. A few blocks before the school we hit a kid, so I got the day off.

You know what they say: Life really sucks, then you die! :lol:
And guess what happened to me today!
After a couple of sunny, almost spring-like days I decided I should wear some clothes that better fit the weather. I dropped the boots and wore some sneakers, I gave up my sweater and wore a t-shirt etc. To get to the point: I thought the weather would be warmer, instead I froze my ##### off walking in the blizzard that lasted all day. As I was walking I said to myself "This is not snow, this is the Universe relieving itself on me!" I can't wait to see what happens next! Maybe my house could burn to the ground, that would make the day complete! :roll:
This day, which eventually became extremely shitty could also be seen as an educational story of what extreme alcohol consumption mixed with good ol' stupidity could do to you. Listen and learn kids:

Once upon a time, I'm led to believe it was 8 or 9 years ago, Myrrdin was going to a party with some friends. The party were to be held at a female aquaintance's of him and his friends. Since she lived in a bordering city he and his compadres would be sleeping in her flat.

Anyway, after the hour long car trip, it all kicked off in a very merry way. Beer were consumed in copious amounts. Interesting "deep" conversations, of the typical, drunk variety, were engaged in. Flirting and kissing and making-out were everywhere to be seen. All in all, all was good.

Then the hour of the traditional "going out", to the clubs and pubs and pissing in shrubs, arrived. It was a nice and cozy late summer/early autumn night. Thus t-shirt and jeans became the clothes of choice. The walking downtown was just as good as the party previously had been, laughter was heard, both here and there and beer, was still in ample supply. All in all, all was good.

Downtown, much club hopping and pub shopping were done. All was good... so far. Then the defining moment arrived. Our brave hero defiantly proclaimed: "Glasses!? I don't need no stinkin' glasses!!!" Off they went, off and away. Glad to have lost this burden, Myrrdin continued to skip and hop and jump in joy among his dear friends on the dance floor. As time passed however, he started to realize that the friends around him indeed were not the friends he originally arrived with. Needing to ponder this change of circumstances he, normally seeing as much as a mole at the brightest of day without his glasses - in his drunken stupor seeing about as much as a blind, shade-clad rat in the darkest of night, started squinting and feeling his way to the bar.

A beer was ordered, of the finest and darkest of sorts. When the time came for the inevitable exchange of crowns Myrrdin reached for his wallet, but found only an empty pocket. Alas, it had been lost in the dance. The tender of the bar did not look kindly upon this, and consequently a big meaty hunk of a bouncer came and escorted poor Myrrdin to the exit.

"Ah ye gods and stupid bouncers, I curse ye!", our hero exclaimed. (only *considerably* more meaty and in Swedish) As if the powers that be had heard him, Myrrdin suddenly became aware that the climate had changed considerably since he first entered the summer night. The weather now held a temperature only a slight number of degrees above the point where water freezes and a chilly wind was blowing.

Ooops... didn't realize this was becoming so friggin long. I'll just give the short version of the rest.
I really had no clue where the heck that apartment was, and I couldn't really make out what the roadsigns said. I walked and walked and walked in a direction that seemed right. Then I managed to sprain my ankle. Tried to continue for a bit, then I just thought: "**** this ****" and lied down on a bench at a bus stop.

Of course (maybe fortunately) a cop car spotted me and pulled up at the bus stop. In some extremely miracelous way I managed to act sober enough to dodge spending the night in a jail cell. Instead they actually drove me to the street (I at least remembered the name) where the girl's apartment was. I didn't remember which house or number it was though. In the only true strike of luck during the evening I found our car unlocked. So I spent the remainder of the night freezing my behind off at around 0 degrees celsius due to my thin clothing. When I came home the next day I managed to rip a finger-nail off with a potato peeler when preparing dinner.
ok, that I admit was damn s****y, but get a load of this:
When I was in the tenth grade our religion teacher decided we should have a high school trip in order to visit the monasteries from Moldavia. From my class only one more colleague went along with me on the trip. It was a 3 day trip, so we had to spend 2 nights somewhere, and we figured that we could spend them at some monasteries. Until now all was ok. We were supposed to spend the first night at the Tismana monastery since it was the last stop for the day. So we left on the trip, we visited some monasteries that day, and sometime around 6 PM we headed towards Tismana. It was a pretty long trip, about 3-4 hours with the school buss. This is where the fun begins. Around 8 I felt this urge to relieve my bowels, but we were in the middle of the road. At this point I have to mention that I was sitting at the back of the bus with my friend. When I heard the call of nature I told my friend that I would go sit up front so that I could nag the driver until he would pull over. And I went to the front of the bus, and bitched to the driver until he agreed to pul over; so we stopped in the middle of nowhere, near an empty field. I thought to myself, should I get my jacket because it is kind of freezing out there or should I leave it seeing as I'll be gone for 10 minutes at most? Thank God I took my jacket, my cap, and my wallet with me! Now I got out, and looked for a bush to use for cover, but tragedy! no bush in sight, instead i figured that if I would go like 20 m into the field or so nobody would be able to see me. It was now around half past eight and everybody was in a hurry to get to Tismana. So, as I was saying I went to a more secluded spot and proceeded to taking care of business, but as I was pulling my pants up I heard the engine of the bus start. I thought to myself "They started the engine to make people hurry, and they couldn't leave me out here!". WRONG! They did!
Imagine the horror that I experienced when I realised that they were leaving without ME! I ran behind the bus for about 100 m, but as it began to distance itself from me I realised that they weren't aware of absence. I stopped there, by the side of the road, and almost broke into tears. So there I was, some 50 km away from my destination, alone, scared, and beginning to freeze.

I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, now I have some home assignment to finish. Stay tuned!
About shitty school days: Yesterday I started a competition with a friend of mine - on lessons we behave as free as possible (yelling, laughing, telling spicy jokes are welcome). Everytime a teacher gets one on this and kill him, he earns a point. Who reaches the higher score at the end of day, wins.
Of course, no one wants to win, but there are bets for this case - the loser has to do something stupid in public.

Yesterday I won 3:2, today it was a tie.
Well, there is a slight difference between all these stories, in your case we are talking about a voluntary effort to attract the teacher's wrath and fury, while we were talking about days when the universe seems to be relieving itself on you just for the fuck of it. That day is like one huge bad joke, and at the end of it you wish you could just go to sleep and when you woke up that day disappeared from your life for good.
About that contest, interesting idea, bad to put it to practice, it may get you a lasting bad rep, it could really harm you in the long run.
when you guys want to hear the rest of the story just whistle, you know how to whistle, don't you? :lol:
Oh... Poor coldsteel, all alone in the middle of nowhere... I actually had kinda that feeling when I was stumbling through the streets with no idea where to go...

Get on with it man!

Ok, now that I have an audience I can get on with it. :roll:
So, there I was on the side on the road, in the middle of nowhere, wondering how am I going to get back to my group. I did the only thing I could do: Try to hitch a ride... Damn, it was hard, aside from the fact that the road was pretty much empty nobody would stop. As the time passed I was beginning to feel more and more forsaken. I think I tried to hitch a ride for about an hour before a truck stopped to pick me up. I explained to the driver what had happened to me and he was kind enough to give me a ride, but he could only take to a small village where the road to the monastery parted from the main road. From there I would have to walk for about 3 or 4 more kilometers in order to reach Tismana. The ride was slow because of the fog that had rolled in, it was as thick as pea soup. Minor incidents did take place, we nearly ran over a cow and at a slippery curve the driver almost lost control of the weel, but aside from that nothing went wrong. He dropped me of in the village and pointed to a dirt road that he said led to the monastery. I thanked him and headed on down that road. At first it was ok, the moon was full and high in the sky so I could see where I was going, then the damn moon Hid behind some thick clouds so I couldn't see my hands in front of my face. After a while I got used to that and I could now distinguish, just barely, some landscape details, enough not to wander off the road and into the ravine that ran alongside it. Then, all of a sudden I saw a light ahead, it was definitely a light bulb. I was so happy I wanted to yell out "I love civilization and electricity!" I quickly headed towards the light and found it to be the light from the gate of some sort of lumber processing factory. I yelled out, hoping that I would find someone that could assure me that I was on the right track and tell me how much further I would have to go to find the monastery. My yelling did produce an effect, the guardian of the factory probably took me for a lumber thief and sicked his dog on me, a huge black shepherd dog. When I saw the dog and heard the guardian say "Get him Bear!" I froze. THen I started walking away from the gate shouting "I mean you no harm, just call the dog back!". Fortunately for me the dog just followed me for about 50 meters barking all the way. After I got rid of the dog I kept walking in the dark for another half an hour when I came to a fork in the road. There was no sign in sight or any thing so I just picked the road on the left. Further on down the road I found some sort of abandoned cabins, halfway built. There was nobody around except for a pack of feral dogs that gave me quite a run (damn one can sure run fast when he is scared!). Having got rid of the dogs I decided that the road on the right was definitely the right one. After walking for another half an hour down the right road I got to the monastery. I tried to knock on the massive wooden gate, but it had rained that day and the gate was soaked and all my knocking was pointless. Then I saw another light coming from a motel, just a bit further up the road. That was where my group had crashed for the night. I couldn't belive it, I had reached my destination, and in one piece to boot! I expected the teachers that accompanied us to be worried about me, I was missing for some time. When I entered the lobby of the motel I was surprised to see my religion teacher speaking to another teacher. I walked up to him and said hello. He looked at me with a puzzled look and also said hello. I expected him to be overjoyed at the return of the lost sheep, but get this, the kind sheppard DIDN'T ENE KNOW that he had lost a sheep!
I was so disappointed by his lack of responsibility that I looked for my friend bent on doing something equally responsible and mature: get dead drunk. When I found my friend he was relieved to have found me, he had been looking for me for about an hour. When the bus had left me in the middle of nowhere he was convinced that I was still up front, and besides at the moment he was wooing a girl. Then when the bus reached it's destination and I wasn't there he thought I was in the room of one of the girls. Later on he got really worried and started looking for me and tried to explain to the religion teacher that I was nowhere to be found but the teacher just told him not to worry, I was probably somewhere around...
That was the last time I went on a trip with that teacher. So much for adult responsibility and foresight....
Hope you liked it. Now it is time to bed, but tomorrow night I'll tell you another story... :lol:
Damn... that was a great story! I could really feel the despair you must have felt! Old central european countryside, a dark road, fog, rain... Great stuff.

The ending was too happy though. Would have been much cooler if the guard had been a crazy bastard with a 2-barrel shotgun, hunting you through the night, then you desperately knocking at the monastery gates, the doors finally open revealing a mad butt-ugly monk, etc... :twisted:

But as I said, the true story was great too. Thanks for sharing mate. :clap:
Yep, great story. You were lucky it wasn't winter (I suppose).

About my system - In fact it's only a way to measure shitness of a day ause I always lose and I've never lost a bet ;)

Today it was 1:0 (of course for me). And there will be no matches till Monday! Let's sing!

*drinks another bottle of... mineral water and starts singing*
alright, I'll post my worst day/days. This is going to hurt dredging up these memories, so bear with me.

I was in High school, and I was kind of a loser, even though I was in a "punk" band. I was working a full time job, going to school, I didn't have much time for fun stuff, except playing crappy music at parties. One day I met a girl...

She was everything I ever hoped for, and very quickly fell in love with her. We were inseparable for a while. It was the best time of my life, but there were problems. She was a heroine addict, and I of course being in that experimental time of my life, also became one. She also was diagnosed schizophrenic, so things got weird sometimes, even when she was taking her meds. Even with all these problems, I loved her with every part of my being.

One day, her father thinks she is getting a little out of control. Even though she was going to rehab, and getting herself clean of the drugs, he still thought it would be in her best interest if she were to move to California to live with him (this is what I was told at the time, the reality was he thought I was a bad influence on her. And that I was the one who caused her to start in the first place). It was really hard to be apart from her, I felt empty inside. But I could handle it, I cared so much for her, that if she was getting clean, I could handle being away from her.

Okay, the set up is over.

I was just going through another day, I graduated from high school. I was still working full time at the restaurant I started at. I was also going to community college (thanks for all the help pops :roll: ). I felt it was going to be a shitty day from the very beginning. I woke up late, so I got chewed out when I showed up to work 45 minutes late, I cut my finger slicing tomatoes for salads, and I burnt my arm taking baked potatoes out of the oven. My boss let me go early, because I was just having an awful day. Little did I know it was going to get much worse.

I got home, checked my answering machine. I got a message from her. I was so happy, I listened to it about five times. She said she missed me so much, loved me more than anything in the world. And that we would be together forever. I was a little worried that she sounded high, but quitting junk is harder than anyone can imagine, and I hoped it was just a minor relapse.

The next message was from her mother, saying that she was admitted to a hospital. She was found by her father, laying in the bathtub. And she wasn't breathing. I was too stunned to stop the machine, and the next message was from my best friend in the whole world. She said she passed away, and there wasn't anything the doctors could do. She had too much in her system, and there was no way to stop the damage it was causing.

After this, I dropped out of school. Started doing cocaine a lot, I also sold it for a little while to try to pay for my habit. I got fired from my job, and fell into a self destructive spiral. All I could think of was dying myself. I did a lot of terrible things. I then enlisted in the army, I volunteered for Ranger training. Hoping that I would be sent into combat (I was too much of a coward to take my own life).

Okay, this hurts too much. I can't write any more, I hope I stated everything I needed to.