home for sex? Was Dove or your at-the-time boyfriend waiting for you at home instead of backing you up while you were recieving the results? Kick him in da bawls!
Actually, it wasn't Dove. This was about four or five years ago. I did one of those HomeAccess versions that's completely anonymous, and it usually takes like, 2-3 days. I did it over the Thanksgiving holiday, so I wasn't sure when the results would be ready. I called on a whim (you got a special code, then called a 1-800 number) just to see if the results were back. I cried when I got my negative results, I was so happy. Colin (the guy I was dating at the time, and subsequently lost my big V to) was at either wrestling practice or football practice... don't remember which it was at the time, or he would have been there waiting with me.