One theme I liked. The difference between predator and prey.

Wish I had a cool name9

First time out of the vault
One theme I got from fallout 3 was those who think that their predators actually being the prey. The Family think their tough but as the guard at paradise falls points out they wouldn't get near paradise. These same guys act like they rule of wasteland when Ashur is just using them as hired guns to keep his factory running, their just a bunch of puppets. But despite his hate for the brotherhood he seems to have no desire to send his army to fight them, really he's just another wasteland warlord. Then have the brotherhood and the enclave, two groups with the ability to destroy the world again yet both of them yet both are suffering from the toll of life in the wasteland. Even the Mutants whom everyone fears are facing eventual extinction do to sterility. The message is best said by the Pitt Raider who said every is just meat. That's life in the wasteland.

point taken.
With all respect, I've got to start out by saying that the question may have jumped off on the wrong foot, before someone else says it far less politely. There is no "section of the site meant for complaining." It's a place of discussion throughout, and the fact of the matter is, if someone finds their opinion at odds with your statement because of some perceived weakness in Fallout 3, that's a valid response as long as it hews to the discussion instead of slagging off on the game in general.

And, with that out of the way, perceiving a weakness here (in the game's execution, of course, not in your opinion) is sort of how I happen to feel. I do see what you're saying, and with some mods to ratchet up the difficulty and increase resource scarcity, one can get the feel of the wasteland as a wholly carnivorous food chain, but in the basic implementation it's just not there for me. You're not wrong about the theme, and I think the stripped-bare power dynamics between people and how people choose to deal with that are key to any post-apoc setting that turns on its social element, I just don't pick it up all that strongly in F3.

It's there, though, as a diamond in the rough, even if one has to do some serious Lit Majoring to be able talk it up into a cohesive theme. One of the constants you run into in the series has always been that no matter how tough you are, you're always existing in a fragile balance, and often thanks only to the mercy, apathy, or self-interest of someone else. If there were to be a definitive fan-edit of the game, I think the predation aspect you're talking about could be played to the nines to really give the F3 wasteland the brutal feel that Bethesda seemingly intended for it to have.