Only in America

Heh... This style of gameplay has been around since the very first edition of Counter-Strike, seven or so years ago.

Those Pentagon Experts are nOObs, lol.
Seriously, you'd think they'd hire people with some clue about the internet... not idiots who've just found out they have a program called Internet Explorer installer on their pc.

or something.
Remember, kids, the internets is serious business...

What a bunch of morons. Good thing people like that don't have positions of power. No, wait...
From the same people that brought you the annual Flag Burning debate and the "American Values" agenda (and, not to leave the Democrats out, the Assault Weapons ban).
Heh, this actually makes me want to blow the dust off of Game Maker and make a game in which you *actually* learn to be a terrorist... probably not a good idea though...
Great! Now the insidious terrorists are twisting the all american game to suit their perverted agenda. Teh evil! Maybe the FBI should raid internet cafes and gaming cafes or something... death to the evil terrorists!
I'd be a bit shocked if things like this wouldn't happen in America...
I'm not surprised as I fully expect such a small understanding of computers and their games in anyone born before 1970 save for people who have had careers in it.

Whether it's Congress or the average joe, baby boomers seem to be incapable of learning anything past 30.
Die, please. Really, can someone give me info on the average IQ in the States, particularly the government, or is that classified (for a pretty obvious reason)?
The Overseer said:
Die, please. Really, can someone give me info on the average IQ in the States, particularly the government, or is that classified (for a pretty obvious reason)?

<100, IIRC.

There was an international study about that, but I forgot where.
I like how they don't even really intend to pass legislation about this stuff. It's all a bunch of investigative hearings being performed by people about as out of touch with popular culture and gaming as the South was out of touch with the darkies.

"I play Civilization 4."

lol ok
ngbbs43ab4f412fbc1.jpg's serious business