OOC Chapter 3 Lone Wanderers

Hi Fang good to see that your still with us. As for joining in, I think its really up to you, i mean even the smallest post can still help. Fang isnt curently with the group so there would be no rush to keep up with the current posts. If you feel like you have the time then go for it.

As for "Uber" weapons. I agree with all of you have said. A few of the ones we currently were justified by the occasion. The fact that they had to fight deathclaws meant the eed for a slightly larger array of weaponry. Bears is a gunrunner so would naturally have some large weapons. Lucille may have been the gauss minigun he ever came across and decided to keep it.
A lot of the flamers came from Kaldren's. He collects weapons which he buys of the caravans coming into town.

But we should defenitly try to keep the main characters away from these. To keep it realistic.
Had I known that fancy weapons were so prominent, I may not have added one to Virgil's inventory. Reason he has the plasma pistol, is he's supposed to have walked down from Alaska, near the front lines, so he probably picked it up way back when and still carries it. Mostly uses it to scare people, since a big flashy gun like that isn't real common (neither is the ammo). I'll try to stick to him using his .45 automatic pistol and .30-06 rifle more.
hello Fang and discussing issues

Hey Fang-

Welcome back. We've done a bit of a summary of the last two chapters but generally have left your character as a big question. The feeling is that Fang and friends went with the ghouls and helped in their temporary withdrawal. One thing, the Slayers have developed a sinister side and it may be that there is a force of corruption working through the organization. Whether your character is caught up in this or is even aware of this, is as yet unknown.

It would be nice to have you back, but there have been some changes in your world that you might want to note. PM me if you want a fuller update.

As for the guns. Honestly, I am still leaning on Fallout 1 generics. But ok, it cramps style so we'll go more FO2.

Be careful with uber weapons. One can explain away just about any uber weapon under a plausible story line. I think the better way is great restraint. This is largely my fault, I admit. Nana's gauss pistol- she's an old badge and the gun was never utilized. Still, it opens up problems.

FEV, vaults, mutants, deathclaws. I have tried to keep this true to FO 1 and 2. So far no mutants and I doubt that the Master's Army will make an appearance. But the ghouls are creatures of FEV. As for the vaults and survivors- I agree. They aren't all vault descendents. But in FO 2 one of the arguments at the end was mutation. The Bible is inconsistent on this point. It seems the FEV did spread, but had different effects. THe ghouls were a product of the door at Bakersfield not closing plus FEV. I am not sure but I thought that the deathclaw were a mix of genetic engineering (lizards) plus FEV.

Over all, I think its important we remain consistent with FO 1 and 2 (we can skip tactics as an abomination). But this is a different place, different issues, threats etc. Similar in some aspects that might be generalizable across the country and world, unique to things that are specific to this location.

Some of this can be changed. We all have the power to edit. So we can roll it back if necessary.

I will try to post ICC today or tomorrow.

Hopefully by early next week we are on the road to GreyCliffs.
Skik or no Skik- who gets left behind?

We are soon to be traveling to Grey Cliffs-

I figure the next couple of days is enough for the character to rest, refit, and get ready.

The question is who comes and who goes.

I suggest that the following don't travel-
Yacob, Horus, Bear, Fury, Knox, Ferris. Most of the NPCs will be left behind.

I am not sure about Talon. He might be tempted to look for Jeeva as Talon was Jeeva's second and frankly has nothing to do. ALternatively, Talon has an invite to the borderguards if he wants it.

But what about Skik? Atriedes has not remeerged, so I am not sure if he's still with us or not. I am also unsure about plot developments for the regular ghoul.
Basically, we've been obliged to carry over Skik to this chapter in the hopes that Atriedes will return. However, he has already stated that he will not be posting. So I am opting that Skik be left behind. First, because he's not really much of a character so far, with only as much personality as Rogue Hex has imbued in him without working on his other character. Secondly, he'll have his own business to take care of. In the past, he'd just disappear and then reappear with the group for a while.

Besides, we've already got a ghoul, Virgil, in our ranks if that makes any difference to you guys.
Although I am beginning to get attached to Skik, his main strengths became contacts in Tabis and they will be useless later on. Gunslinger is right about Virgil. Having one ghoul in the party is enough to cause us trouble (I think that is good because we have to stick together despite adversity). Therefore I agree that leaving Skik behind is a good idea - we might return to Tabis later and it would be nice to have friendly faces waiting for us.

I understand how you guys feel. I posted Atriedes back on May 28th and he hasn't responded. That said, I am a bit reluctant to write him completely out. He might come back and long pauses have not been uncommon.

As you have noticed, I have constructed a subplot around the ghouls in which they are looking to get closer to the human population and Skik has played a significant role in this.

The ghouls have not manipulated us a bit, but they are playing the ends justify the means game, and, as will be revealed later, it kind of makes sense for them.

This could also figure into a subplot involving Fang (hello Fang???) and the ghoul reactor. While Virgil is new and satisfies for the "ghoul quota" to lose Skik might be important for later on. It's possible that Virgil could take up that role though.

If Fang is still on his hiatus, I'd like to write the subplot between the Slayers and The Reactor. I may even finish it off in this chapter alone.

PM if you'd like specific details included, Welsh.
Fang?? Fang???


I am tempted to say go for it. But I'd like to see if Fang makes more of his appearance.

Lets hold this for a little while. I will PM you my thoughts on this.

Cheers! Welsh
Yeah, sorry. I've had family over all weekend and now I have to revise heavily for my exam tomorrow.

I'll try to post when I can but it is tricky at the moment.

Sorry guys
I'm back at college once again for the start of my A2 courses. My first day abck today which is pretty daft because its mid week...
Also kinda been busy the last couple of days due to working. I got a job for part of the summer, started a couple of days ago and been working in all my spare time, the more money the better!
I hate to leave you guys in the lurch. Don't worry I'm not pulling out, I'm just letting you know for definite that I will have trouble posting over the next few days and weeks.

I know that sounds bad, but I hope in reality 'trouble' just means not as many posts as before, not 'I can't post at all.'

I'm really sorry guys, but my first real A2 level exam was yesterday and I think I would have done better if I hadn't been writing posts for this when I should have been revising. Still I only need about 48% or so on this exam to get an A overall - I kicked Classics' ass last year with a mark of 293 out of 300. I'm not a genius, nor a model student, but damn I was good at Classics last year.

Forgive my lack of modesty there, but most of the time I do reasonably well in school - Bs and low As since I started in the Sixth form; pretty much going downhill since year 9.

I hate to admit it but I think the pressure of needing 3 As to do my Law course is beginning to get to me. I have never worried about exams before - most of the time I find them quite easy, breezing through with minimal work and getting an A at the end - I just used to come alive in exams. It was my forte. But I fear that may be deserting me this year.

We'll have to see.

Sorry for boring you with my successful school career which may be about to come to an end.

I will try to post soon, but Gabe has been taken out of the picture for now, which is good. I don't mind people using him as an NPC while I'm too busy revising. Hopefully in the next few days, I will pst, maybe even today - I will try to fit something in, though I'm not too sure what to write at the moment. Gabriel is ashamed of his unecessarily violent behaviour and he must also deal with Control.

Interesting things to pursue. I will try o come up with something and post it as soon as possible.

I appreciate your patience and apologise for making all youi dedicated people carry me, while I'm off revising.

Well, I guess I have to apologize for my absence these last few days, but my time has been taken up by graduation essay :( . I"ll post something tomorrow.

- Jacen
Guys, lets not forget this is just fun. It's only fucking around.

Keep your priorities focused, and do what you have to. No reason why we have to maintain the intensity here that we have in the past.
I'll see if I can pick up some of the slack when not busy. No promises, though. I seem to be short on ideas lately.
dry spell

I wouldn't worry about it too much. We are in a bit of a dry spell, a period where our characters are pretty much just waiting around.

Its an opportunity for character development, but too much character D kind of kills the action. I will probably post a quick message in a day or two that will bring us to the caravan departure and we can see how things fare from that point on.

In the meantime, if there is anything you want to do with the character, this is a good time for it. When action starts you will probably be responding more than developing.

Ok, I was wondering if anyone wanted to bring some feedback to the ICC post.

I have a couple of things-

(1) Keep or drop Talon? Maybe we should just kill him?

(2) We need to bring the original enemy back into line. Mostly this is my fault- too much about the enemy of late.

(3) what are you folks thinking? I am thinking the story is getting a bit dry (read boring) and you might be falling asleep. Time to spruce it up?

Your thoughts?
Well, the lack of action can be partly due to my own part. You see, I'm holding back from letting Caleb and Jeeva from moving onwards. My last few posts have been about Caleb's insanity, the Blades at Grey Cliffs stealing a recoilless rifle from the Others, and just recently Caleb's dream of his initiation. The reason is because we are in a major distance gap. My characters have about five days worth of travel under their belts, and I'd rather not have them progress that far.

1) Talon, since he's got the motivation, would probably go after Jeeva and that fits well into his character.

2) As for the original enemy: I'm not sure where you guys are going with the Spaniards but I get the impression that they have been fighting the Others, right? And Sanchez, the man who visited Lucas, has been recruited by the Others, right?

3) I don't think its getting dry. I really enjoy Stranger's writing style, especially the autopsy recording, and I'm impressed with his professionalism.