OOC - Desert Conflict

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Name: Khalid Abdul-Jabbar (Derek Winters)
Age: 28
Hair: Brown and short, cropped military style.
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'0"
Distinguishing features: Slight scar on left eye from knife attack, Well-kept beard.

US Army Captain (ret.)

BA in International Relations, Georgetown University

Well known among the ALA operatives as one of the "true" converts to the glorious cause of erasing the hated Zionists, Khalid is a most peculiar fighter. A veteran of several combat operations, and ex-Ranger and Special Forces, he has a quiet and introspective demeanor...almost as if he is hiding his own past. After several tours, he went back to the United States disillusioned to see a society so decadent; remembering nothing of his and others' sacrifices. To this end he grew curious as to the re-emergance of Islam and to his suprise visited a nearby mosque. He found unusual commonality with the brethren with and obsessed with the idea of the jihad, the "holy struggle" taking place through the world, as well as what seems to be the re-emergence of the Crusades. Knowing the horrors of that particular episode in history, he has vowed not to repeat the same msitakes of fighting for the wrong side and has taken up inspiration with the honor of greater men such as the esteemed Saladin of ages past.

To his newfound brothers and sisters in the faith he is suprisingly zealous for a "pale skin" and has not held back in leading several minor offensives in the past. Now he has been given a measure of respect and command by his fellow jihadis, but he always keeps to his own code of honor, contrary to what those serving with him may wish.

Khalid is intelligent, rather shy to those he does not know, but well trained to carry out what tasks are assigned to him as well as keeping to his morality, the Shari'a, the 5 Pillars, and Allah in this time of change and uncertainty.
Perfect, Fireblade. Khalid works out great.

Okay, so I wrote out the necessary introductions for Miles and Lt. Col. Gonzalez.

Miles - You'll primarily be following Esteban and other commandos in his search for the plastique explosives. It is most likely that you guys won't find the explosives but you'll encounter skirmishes against the ALA.

Fireblade - You'll be the one who will be planting the explosives in Kodesh. Your character's Anglo background makes him less suspicious than an Arab and you'll have a chance for perfect cover. Basically, have him scout out the area of Kodesh, a semi metropolitan area. Naturally, the UN police station in Kodesh would make a perfect target.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez - As liasion of the UN forces, you'll have a lot of autonomy. If Kodesh is attacked, you'll be leading the limited UN troops to defend it. Naturally, you'll be looking for Fireblade but you it is most likely that you will not be able to catch him.

Pyro - You'll be leading a ALA guerilla party to secure the plastique explosives. It is your job to move your men to recover the explosives AND to get them close enough to Gaza for Fireblade's character to make the pickup. You will be facing staunch resistance against SpecForces.

Hope this works out for everyone. Post a reply if you need more guidance on what to do.
A short post setting up the scene for the city, as well as the bsic orders for Khalid would be appreciated. I am assuming he is recieving orders, and not jsut doing this on his own. An NPC or two to give broad directions etc would be most appreciated.
Got you an opening, Fireblade.

If you need a more idea of Kodesh:

Basically, its just like a settlement of Israeli today, with houses built on the hills and walls surrounding them, and two gates in the north and south. There's a district center in the town which includes the temples, hospitals, and schools. It's a fairly urbanized area and you can make use of alleys to hide if needed. The Nahal militia barracks is a warehouse in the district center, guarded at most times.

Once again, Khalid's American background will reduce most suspicions but he may look out of place and will get a second glance but no more.

Anything else needed by anyone, feel free to ask.
Gunslinger said:
Fireblade - *snip* Naturally, the UN police station in Kodesh would make a perfect target.

yet you stated before:

Gunslinger said:
ALA forces consider any UN Peacekeeper as sacrosanct and untouchable, for fear of bringing any more outside forces within the area, which is to the liking of the UN.
I have been busy with real life this last two days, but I am back into action and on time for what I can see. I'll take the role gladly.
Fireblade knows that I meant the Nahal barracks, SuAside, not the UN barracks.

Pyro, if you also need an opening, just ask. I had originally had planned for you to just have a go with it but I think it would be better if you followed the lead of a NPC character.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez and Fireblade, you guys will be ultimately be facing off against each other. This is an opportunity for a game of cat and mouse, with Khalid roaming about the city. Remember, Sunders is sanctioned by the UN Peacekeeper forces and you can't just gun down whoever looks suspicious. Khalid can surely go around in disguise and his beard can cover up some of his Anglo looks. Of course, an American will always get a second glance but he won't be that suspicious.

As this is writing, you guys can decide who "wins". What I see in the future (since I don't have a definite, unchaning plan set up) is that Khalid will receive the explosive shipment, manage to blow up a few crucial buildings, and then make a frantic escape while fighting a few UN officers in Kodesh, lead by Major Sunders. But all of this can change; it all depends on what you guys think your characters are capable of.

For now, I'll keep using the structure of NPC lead characters to accomplish most of the key necessities to keep the story moving. But feel free to make use of the setting and use your own creativity.

Miles, I'm still waiting for your character to introduce himself to Esteban. Pyro, if you also need an opening and NPC leader, just ask.
Sorry I am a lil late from the starting gate I will make a post now to beginmy search for the splosives.

Also will I be finding them in a crate or a person or will they be buried or in a facility or what?

The more detail the better.
Sorry about the vagueness, Pyro.

The explosives are located in the desert, most likely hidden under a tarp in a cool, dank area to prevent sunlight heating them up and exploding them. They will probably be in a cave. Gaza is a coastal area so they would probably be inland. They are not anywhere within Kodesh.

Remember, you should not be in the city as Ahkmed is an Arab and the predominately Israeli population of Kodesh will look down upon your character. Khalid, Fireblade's character, since he is white, will be the one who Ahkmed is giving the explosives to.

Ahkmed will need to venture in the desert to root out the explosives. His contact from the ALA, whoever he was, would have specified the location exactly (for all writing purposes, let's say they're in a cave somewhere in the heart of the desert). He can call upon the ALA troops in the area to escort him to your goal. Undoubtedly he will face opposition by SpecForces or the UN patrol led by Sunders.
Also, Fireblade, since Lt. Col. Gonzalez's character has also made his way out of patrol, Khalid is pretty much free to reconnoiter the land pretty much without opposition from the UN. Remember, the Nahal will still be a problem but, since they are not sanctioned by the UN, Khalid is able to deal with them as agressively as he wants should the need arises.

For an idea, it may be good to infiltrate the area around the barracks. Or find a building around the warehouse barracks that's close enough to cause collateral damage.

Pyro, remember that you need to have Ahkmed haul ass into the desert, accompanied by his ALA escorts (6-10 men sounds reasonable). You'll be facing the UN patrol and the SpecForces squads. For all writing purposes, the cave that the explosives are placed is near the Egyptian border with Israel. Kodesh is close to there (maybe four days travel on foot in adverse conditions).

Miles, just follow my lead with Esteban. I'll provide you with enough story input opportunity when some action happens.

Lt. Col. Gonzalez, remember that the SpecForces are an unofficial force and will not cooperate with the UN for fear of having American intervention detected. You will have a hard time following their tracks. The ALA will probably avoid any confrontations with you and will most likely hide out and let you move along. Make special use of the jeep.

Any questions thus far, gents?
Can there be a UN helicopter near that area? Most places where the UN are in have helipads. Even in the Greece-Turkey border Argentinian blue helmets only have at least two helicopters.

I promise I won't abuse it. It is just for a particular situation on the thread, I'll call it if I find ALA troops moving trough the dessert or something.

Actually I don't think I will be using it at all, for now. Just wanted to know if it could be used later if necessary.
If you're using it for scouting purposes to relay information to your squad on foot, go for it. But remember that the ALA is equipped with RPG's. Of course shooting down a helicopter with an RPG is a pretty difficult feat despite what some say. But it can be done. So it'll have to have to fly in high orbit for safety.

Pyro's ALA team is the one that is primarily hunting for the explosives. But there will be other ALA terrorists that you have to watch out for. So you can encounter enemies to fight in the mean time.

The climax will probably occur with Ahkmed and his team having recovered the explosives and rushing to their way to Kodesh. UN forces and SpecForces will be after them but Ahkmed's team have superior forces. It is doubtful that they can be stopped by just four SpecForces men or even the UN patrol. This is for the sake of realism and balance, since the explosives must reach Khalid so that Fireblade's character can be involved.

I have the rest of the scenario planned out but I don't want to give too much structure since I'd like your guys' input and creativity.

Currently, I'm waiting for Pyro to get his character into the desert with his ALA men. We'll progress after that.
Faction: UN
Division: Part of the Belgian UN detachment (30 soldier strong, including 1 capt. & 2 lt.'s)

Name: Michiel De Vos (often called Mike by foreigners)
Rank: Onderluitenant (roughly simular to second lieutenant for you Yanks)
Callsign: Desert Fox (due to his last name which means fox in dutch)

Primary Skills:
Small Arms

Secondary Skills:

Biggest Weaknesses:
Unarmed & Melee combat


At 23, he graduates from the University in Ghent with a Master in bio-engineering, option soil & water management. Soon after that, the Pal-Isr conflict reaches its boilingpoint and the world has to watch in disbelief when the nukes get launched. That same day, he signs up for the belgian officers academy. When the UN finally gets the authorisation to send in troops (after previous vetos of the US), Belgium decides to send a small detachment of troops as a sign of good will. A detachment of 30 soldiers was formed to complement the other UN forces. He volunteered for this duty immediately after finishing his officers training (which included a specialization course in bombdefusal).


A polite & quiet man. Never seems to raise his voice without good raison. Remains cool in most situations. Likes old metal music & used to like fiddling with computers. A caring man, trying to do his part.

However, by now the stupidity of this whole conflict is getting to him. The poor and indecisive leadership of the UN troops and their pointless mandate which keeps their hands tied, did not help either. Step by step, his youthful determination changed into a more disappointed realistic demeanor. His objective has gone from saving the world, to simply helping whomever he can...

Carried Equipment:

FN F2000 5.56mm Assault Rifle (scoped) with 40mm grenade launcher
FN P-9 9mm Pistol
Standard desert gear & loadout
3 40mm Teargas grenades
2 40mm Smoke grenades
2 40mm HE grenades
Bomb defusal kit
Night & thermal vision gear
All I want the helicopter for is to get a lock in the ALA troops carrying the explosives once I find them. So, the helicopter will be too much high or far away for an RPG to hit it.

I also wandered If I can have around an APC, you know, one of those white BRDM's with UN painted in black letters in the front and sides, pretty much common amongst the UN. Of course an RPG would blow him right away really easy, reason for what I am going to keep it in the garage until I really need it.

Is not that I want to use all this right now, but I want to know what I have at my disposal to use in the fight. I rather ask here before appearing with an Abrahams or something like that in the middle of the RP.

So, IF allowed, this is what I'll have in command:
-20 men, Infantry. (most of them are guarding Kodesh.)
-3 jeep, one of them mounted with a 50. cal MG
-1 BRDM APC w/ 1 DHSK MG mounted on the turret.
-1 helicopter, to be called from main base for recon missions only.

If I know what I have I can do my job better.

Suaside: Do you want to be one of the guys in the jeep with me? I could really use a char with outdoors and sneak as secondary skills for this recon mission. Just an Idea.
Well, Col. Lt. Gonzalez, don't get too cosy with Kodesh. It will only involve the first mission in the RPG (always a chance to revist it, too). Sunders is not a permanent commander in Kodesh, he was only sent as a liasion in order to prepare defenses in a threatened area. It is most likely that he will be displaced to areas where he is most needed after the threat is over.

Having said that, I'm going to *currently* (just for now) say no on the vehicle requests only for the sake of current balance. The UN forces, being a largely forgotten and underfunded deployment, would be hard stretched to provide fuel and maintenance for the vehicles. And Colonel Gates would have to sign over anything larger and his doctrine is to stay put.

But this is for the current mission. If you have plans for vehicles latter, Gonzalez, just bring up the request again and we'll see how you're planning to implement them. Armored APC's with mounted machine gun turrets isn't too much of a demand but give me a heads up when you're planning to use 'em.

SuAside, welcome aboard. You're arrival is most fortuitious because it takes care of some plan changes. I had originally intended for Lt. Col. Gonzalez's character to stay in Kodesh and keep guard and prepare defenses but he's got Sunders wandering the deserts. A UN character addition would be great to fulfill this role.

So, I'm thinking of having Michiel (or Mike or Desert Fox, however you want to have him called) being one of the UN police forces already present in Kodesh. Under the command of Captain Muhelhoff, you'll perform patrols and peacekeeping activities around the city. Naturally, you'll be looking for any shady characters, who happen to include American converts to Islam looking for buildings to bomb.

I'm hoping that this will provide a dynamic for both you and Fireblade. Like I've stated before, this scenario is "cat and mouse". If you guys don't really know what to do with it, or need more direction, ask away. Hopefully this scenario will provide you with enough interaction in the mean time. When the plastique explosives are delivered, then the RPG will center more upon your characters.

SuAside, I will write in an introduction with Captain Muhelhoff for your character if you find this agreeable.

Pyro, I hate to say this, but I don't think you're taking enough initiative on your part of the story, which has all the other player's parts hanging upon it. This is partly my fault since you can't know what's going on in my mind or what I have planned for the story. In any case, instead of having your character directing the ALA squad, Ahkmed will instead just be a member of the squad commander by a NPC.
Gunslinger said:
Michiel (or Mike or Desert Fox, however you want to have him called)

Mike will do amongst officers
(desert fox is just a callsign for radiotraffic & such)

Gunslinger said:
SuAside, I will write in an introduction with Captain Muhelhoff for your character if you find this agreeable.

go ahead :)
SOrry slinger i guess i forgot to tell ya that i can never post on weekends. I go to visit my other side of the family on weekends..........so yea. Ill post immediately.
Sorry about the slight delay, gents. I just had to try out one of those new Serial ATA harddrives this weekend, which meant buying a compatible motherboard and faster RAM to match the board. With all those compounded new thangs, something was bound to go wrong. Anyways, I got it worked out (pretty stupid solution, too).

Okay, so SuAside, I wrote you in, mate. Great to have you on board.

Pyro, relax a tad bit. Taysir is leading the group, not Ahkmed. I just had them rendezvous together, and all of a sudden there magically transported right next to the explosives? There's still alot of traveling to be done. If you're itching for action, just wait for my lead. Things will start heating up, promise.

Okay, so we've got 3 groups in the desert. One of them are the four groups of four SpecForces, including Esteban Santiago and Miles. Another group is Sunders and his two UN men. The final group are the numerous bands of ALA guerrillas, including the band consisting of Taysir, Ahkmed, and a total of nine men.

We will not necessarily fight against each other. There are twelve other "obsolete" SpecForces (meaning that they can be killed when encountered) and all the numerous ALA guerrillas that can also be killed. Not that I want to draw out the searching for the bombs in the desert, but I'd like the opportunity for combat scenes to occur.

Fireblade and SuAside, don't think you guys are getting shafted because you're stuck in the city. As I've already said, you're two parts will be essential in the latter part, once the explosives have been delivered.

Any concerns?
I don't know how much action you thought Sunders would be involved in out there, but he cleared he was going out for only two hours to check out the terrain.

After that he would go back with a report of what the activities in the dessert where. That was to not let the forces in Kodesh unadvised of what the situation around the desserts where.

Now that he learned new stuff about what is going on in the dessert, like other terrorists looking for the explosives and making the search more difficult, he is going back to Kodesh. Remember that he had an helicopter keeping tracks of the movements in the dessert after he looked himself.
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