Op-ed: Fallout 3 PAX Impressions

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This is a user-generated impressions piece on Fallout 3, based on a bit of hands-on time at the Penny Arcade Expo. Opinions expressed in this piece do not necessarily reflect the opinion of NMA or its staff.


Fallout 3 PAX Impressions

Cow and Plissken</center>


Built like a 1950s nuclear weapon test site, complete with dressed up mannequins and an old fashioned aluminum camper, it’s clear Bethesda spent good money advertising their new franchise. It’s important to note that the Xbox 360 version the public played was a hacked demo; Pete Hines and Todd Howard pointed out a few of the differences during a public showing (namely item placement, difficulty, and missing characters). Stepping from the vault you’re treated to a panoramic view of the wasteland; and it looks great (I heard a rep mumble about native resolution 720p but I was too enthralled to pay attention). Stepping around a bend you complete your first quest of escaping the vault and leveling up which leads to a major component of the game…

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</tr></td></table>Character creation isn’t pedantic as in previous Elder Scrolls games. You assign skill points to skills which all affect a particular aspect of the game. Seldom used skills like doctor have been removed while others are incorporated directly into gameplay like science which is used to invent; a feature comparable to Morrowind’s item enchantment. There’s a surprising list of perks (the demo purposefully didn’t show them all but the full version does list the entire tree) and I can safely admit that the ones I saw are equally important to character customization. Bethesda games have suffered from a convoluted system where useless but easily trained skills level you up faster than skills that actually help you in combat. Fallout 3 has none of this; you assign points, you choose a perk, your character is instantly and noticeably improved.

With my newly raised speech skill and the Lady Killer perk, I decided to visit Silver, a Jethead hiding out in a derelict building. She accused me for breaking in and some options popped up ranging from calming her to pressing the question to pissing her off. I decided to talk her down. When the option to blackmail her appeared, I instantly noticed that my chance to do so was LOWER than characters with a lower speech skill. I thought to myself that by acting nice, I lowered the likelihood of intimidating her. Noticing my confusion, the booth rep smiled and said something which was drowned out by a crowd yelling “BOOM HEADSHOT” and he quickly scurried over to congratulate the practically foaming hipster at the booth next to me. Later, during a public demo, a narrating Howard briefly mentioned that dialog options (I assume the differences between options like “Thank you [end conversation]” and “Yeah, whatever [end conversation]”) directly influence success of the speech skills based on that character’s personality. If this is true, fantastic.

Attention to detail is greater than any Bethesda game and the sheer size and scope is underplayed in the videos which often time lapse. However, animation is still standard Bethesda fare; stiff movement, cartoony blood, and a general lack of weight. Particle effects like smoke and lighting are great but why is it that a character walking down a ramp looks like he’s gliding an inch above the ground?

The sound is also a mixed bag with voice acting ranged from decent to downright laughable (the entire crowd chuckled when Burke went “Excellent… EXCELLENT!”). Some guns sound nice and powerful while others are barely noticeable. The laundry list of licensed music is fantastic and fits the setting but hearing a mole rat or radscorpion charge at you is underwhelming.

This game isn’t Fallout (and that goes without saying). However, it’s NOT Oblivion with guns. Fallout 3 is best described as “An Action RPG Set in a Re-imagined Fallout Universe.” The game is entertaining and I say that proudly. Don’t let the ignorance of executives and press officials who’ve probably never touched Fallout negatively influence your enjoyment of an honestly decent game.


There was a long, 1.5-hour wait to play Fallout 3, and at the end everyone would get to play 5-10 minutes. The released preview videos are pretty much the demo that was shown at PAX and what I played through, except for Tenpenny Towers.

At the start I'm in the vault, the doors open up. I walk out of the small cavern entrance into the wasteland. A flash of white and then the wastes. I figured I've seen combat many times before, so I wanted to check out the town and catch some more of the dialogue instead. I headed straight for Megaton. A protectron robot greets me and I walk into town. Lucas Simms walks straight up to me and says, "so much as breath wrong and I'll fucking end ya". I, being a guardian of the wastes, behave politely and tell him I'll follow the rules. I go through the other dialogue choices. From my impressions of talking with Simms and other people in Megaton, I think (from what I saw of the demo) the dialogue is well done, if not decent. I thought dialogue choices and responses were similar to those you'd find in quality RPG games from the Infinity Engine games (BG, IceDale,) or even, dare I say, Troika's. It definitely wasn't the yes, no, bye and other terse responses like in Oblivion.

In Megaton I picked a lock. From what I understood (Pete guided me through lockpicking/how it worked), lockpicking doesn't seem to be purely a mini-game. As I heard and understood from what Pete was telling me, the difficulty of being able to pick a lock does actually depend on your lockpick skill. I also talked to some crazy guy who worshipped a nuclear bomb. After browsing Megaton for a while I headed out to check out some combat.

First thing I fought was a bee. I picked VATS because I loathe and am not very good at shooting in real-time games with a console controller (all stations of Fallout were running on the XBOX). Shot at the torso, racking up several pistol shots. Boom, Boom, Boom dead. Long story short, next I walked down to a small destroyed city and went inside the Super Duper Mart, shot at raiders, they shot back and I was killed by a raider w/machine gun. That was the end of my play trial.

As a fan of F1,F2:
Well, did it feel like Fallout? No...yes...no....yes...well, see when you play the game you see things that are familiar. Vaultboy, the cave, the light, the vault door, mole rat, dean's electronics and a few other things that remind you of the first two games. Those kinds of things remind you that you're playing Fallout. However, the countryside, cities, people and even metagame aspects like the 3D graphics are just so foreign to the first two games that without those specific identifying factors from the first two games the game does not feel like Fallout in my opinion.

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I really, really loved turn-based combat in Fallout 1/2. It was one my favorite aspects of the game.
Of course, in Fallout 3, combat is nothing like it was in the first two games. The FPS is pretty much that. You aim and shoot. But I'm pretty sure that statistics were involved despite it being real-time. I would shoot in real-time but it didn't seem like all bullets did damage despite shots being placed perfectly on the body.
VATS is real-time with pause. There was one thing that I wasn't clear about that worried me. It seemed like in FPS mode, you could shoot and shoot without stopping. In VATS, my AP would run out, I would have to go back to FPS mode to recharge AP and go back to VATS and do that over and over. Action Points have become an irrelevant stat for the real time portion of combat.

Looked great. The wasteland looks devastatingly beautiful from what I saw in the demo. Even though it's the same engine, graphics seem more polished than in Oblivion. I think it's more correct to say that the colours are richer. The wasteland had a palette of brown, yellow, and grayish tones. Bloom is horrible. Turn if off when you play the game. The models WILL remind you of Oblivion.

I talk about dialogue a bit above. My only real gripe with dialogue is that it seems like there is a lot of cursing. I personally don't prefer a whole lot of it and it just seems like it has been inserted just for the sake of making it seem cool and gritty. No purpose to it, doesn't define characters. It's feels like it is used just because it exists.

Dungeons. From what I overheard Pete and Istvan talking w/others it seems like "dungeons" will be much better than they were in Oblivion. Unlike Oblivion's same looking random dungeons, it seems so called "dungeons" in Fallout 3 are specifically unique places such as Super Duper Mart and Springvale elementary. It seems each location has its unique design apart from the common waste/apocalyptic setting.

Bottom Line:
If you can't live without turn-based combat, isometric graphics, Mark Morgan and the soothing, barren flatness of the west coast wasteland you best steer clear of this game. You're not going to like it.

Is it the Fallout we know? Nope. Is it Oblivion w/guns? No, I don't think so. They changed things in this game in a way that it doesn't totally feel like a post-apoc Oblivion mod. If you don't mind and embrace changes, check it out. My personal feeling that I got from what I played is that it is going to be a fun game in its own right.
Interesting write up.
Good to hear some details from people who aren't hype-mongering journalists.
So, I've wrote a blog at

http://piddlyd.blogspot.com/ discussing some of my thoughts about this game.

And after reading the "5 day perspective" posted on the main page, I became curious, and busted out Fallout 2.

I'm not sure how anyone can make the straight-faced claim that Fallout 3 is *not* Fallout and then go on to claim to be a fan of Fallout 2.

I played Wasteland. I played Fallout. And then I just stalled out on Fallout 2. And as soon as I reloaded it and saw that intro with the Muppet/Yoda looking Shaman witch calling me "The Chosen One" and sending me on a quest into "The Temple", it came back to me how Fallout 2 disappointed me.

The author of the 5-day perspective keeps talking about laughable dialog and noticing things like how rampant pre-holocaust technology is in a world FAR after the actual conflict. I remember reading someone's complaint that a mini-mart was well stocked even though it was very near the Town of Megaton. I'm thinking "plot convention". Realism in a game like Fallout 3 is contrary to enjoyable gameplay. I don't want to walk FOREVER to scavenge a minimart. I can willingly suspend belief if the mini-mart is a quick stroll from Megaton yet hasn't been looted in the 180 years (or whatever) since the bombs dropped. I can overlook if the OLDEST elder in the Vault wouldn't have been born when the war happened - but seems to know too much about the post-apocalyptic world. Oh, here is another one, an old coot wandering around Megaton talking about the Enclave and being a patriot, who surely had to be born long after the United States of America and patriotism had disappeared in a brilliant white flash. These kind of plot conventions are part and parcel of Nuclear role playing. It is necessary to balance enjoyable game mechanics with a "plausible" story line. Like Zombie movies, there is always an element of "just go with us on this", if you want to be able to enjoy the story being told.

Fallout 3 recaptures the flavor and atmosphere of Fallout 1 - which I did enjoy. Fallout 2, at least the start, departs RADICALLY from the consistent plotlines of Wasteland, Fallout 1 and Fallout 3.

And it isn't just the tribal aspect. I'm curious where the "Temple" came from? It is far too advanced for the simple tribes that occupy the post-apocalyptic wasteland of California to have construted - but not modern as the pre-apocalyptic 50s art-deco culture would have created. Is it a Mayan temple that somehow got transported from South America to the middle of California? Why am I running through a dungeon that looks like something out of Diablo, wearing a loin-cloth and killing ants with a pole-arm right out of AD&D in a Fallout game? This is CONSISTENT with the Fallout theme in look and feel? Unless I am in Anaheim or San Jose and this temple is actually part of a theme park built by the pre-war society, this thing is a HUGE anachronism out of sync with time. So, Fallout 2 begins to lose me RIGHT from the intro and through the initial dungeon. Maybe once you get through this STUPID start, things get better - but I don't know that I've ever had the stomach to slog through this spiritual tribal hogwash to get to whatever games lies behind it. At any rate my argument is, if you want to look for a game that takes a DRASTIC departure from the theme and atmosphere of the Fallout series, Fallout 2 is a far worse offender than Fallout 3. Really - the beginning of Fallout 2 looks so much like Diablo I really FORGOT that I was in a post-nuclear holocaust setting and not running through ancient temples in some middle-eastern desert in an effort to free the world from an oppressive evil demon. I felt that way the first time, and I remembered it so well I described it in my blog, and then I confirmed it by loading the game back up again. Fallout 2 was disappointing, and I remember reviews feeling the same way. Maybe the game itself is good, but the theme is not consistent with what I am looking for in a Post-Nuclear game. Fallout 3, on the other hand, is.

The other thing that I've been noticing is this argument that the play mechanics are different. But it uses VATS - it uses SPECIAL, it seems to me that the underlying rules-base is at the WORST an evolution of the same system used in Fallout and Fallout 2. So, if Fallout *had* been based on the GRUPS rule base, and Fallout 3 used GRUPs as a rule base too, what does a change in perspective mean? The underlying game physics are the same. Again, at the worst, this may be the difference between changing from one revision of AD&D rules to a later revision of AD&D rules. Granted, significant changes in rules can make a game feel totally different - but I don't see a significant change with Fallout 3.

I think the problem is CONFUSION and expectations. I don't think Fallout 3 really *is* a FPS at all. It is a turn based FRP with some "real-time" combat features, but even then, the real-time combat uses the underlying rules engine, not arcade hand-eye coordination, to resolve combat. In that sense, I think Fallout is a great step forward from isometric CFRPs that combines remaining true to the underlying rule engine with a more "true to life" perspective of the environment experience. That is, it allows you to create a character and truly see the world through his eyes. I am almost inclined to believe they should have just left the real time element completely OUT of the game - but the REAL time really is about defensive strategy between VATS combat, in my opinion. You're not meant to play this game like it was Quake IV, though.

Anyhow, plot and experience, I haven't gotten far enough into the game. I'm just wandering around Megaton and being annoyed by Morita, or whoever the Wasteland Dork chick is who runs the gadget shop. It is like some Midwestern Suburban mall rat was suspended in time and somehow revived in D.C. a century after the bombs struck. The complaints about a super crowded wasteland may be valid, and I may find it too disruptive to suspension of disbelief to really enjoy the game. But in general, I think the arguments that Fallout 3 is not Fallout are weak, at best. Fallout 3 seems much truer to Fallout (and to Wasteland, which we owe all of these titles to), than Fallout 2 was to the franchise.
Note on vats mentioned above.
yes in fps mode you can shoot forever and it builds up your vat ,vats is or should mainly be used for critical shots or sneak attacks and does use your skill points , in fps your shooting random and in my experience with the game , creatures to take the same damage and the points seemed to skill based also.I believe its the switching from one to the other that makes you feel like you missing out on something here.traditional FPS ,have no time to think unless your a camper which is how i felt using vats.I still popped the head off many in the game in fps mode though and knew sometimes this was based soley on my skill points.