Orhan Pamuk on Trial

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Orhan Pamuk is probably in my top five living writers, and this makes Uskglass a very sad panda. :(

However, Jose Saramago, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Günter Grass, Umberto Eco, Carlos Fuentes, Juan Goytisolo, John Updike and Mario Vargas Llosa issued a statement supporting him, which means he is now backed by (roughly) my other four favorites! :ok:
Umberto Eco supports him?

I hope he burns.

That said, the case is a stupid one and another showcase of why Turkey's not ready to join the EU.

However, if we're going to prosecute people for saying the Armenian genocide didn't happen, they have equal rights to prosecute people that say it *did*. I mean, shit, man, if you're going to limit freedom of speech to prevent feelings from getting hurt, let it go all the way.


PS: good thing the EU is concerned, though. 'cause the EU being concerned helped a lot in the past. Say...Iran restarting their nuclear program. Oooh, how much the EU was concerned. You could just see the concern dripping off the walls.